类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:16


    ter moving on [ 675 ]

    itrides, rembled as rode.

    ted Fiend  be admird,

    Admird, not feard; God and ,

    Created t valud he nor shund

    And  began. [ 680 ]

    art thou, execrable shape,

    t darst, terrible, advance

    ted Front at my way

    to yonder Gates? to pass,

    t be assured,  leave askt of thee: [ 685 ]

    Retire, or taste thy folly, and learn by proof,

    to contend s of heavn.

    to wh replyd,

    Art t traitor Angel, art thou hee,

    broke peace in ill then [ 690 ]

    Unbrokn, and in proud rebellious Arms

    Dreer  of heavns Sons

    Conjurd against t, for whou

    And tcast from God, are here condemnd

    to e Eternal dayes in woe and pain? [ 695 ]

    And recknst ts of heavn,

    defiance here and scorn

    o enrage thee more,

    to t,

    False fugitive, and to thy speed add wings, [ 700 ]

    Least h a whip of Scorpions I pursue

    troke of t

    Strange  before.

    So spake terror, and in shape,

    So speaking and so tning, greenfold [ 705 ]

    More dreadful and deform: on ther side

    Incenst ion Satan stood

    Unterrifid, and like a Comet burnd,

    t fires th of Ophiucus huge

    In tick Sky, and from his horrid hair [ 710 ]

    Silence and arr. Eac the head

    Leveld all hands

    No second stroke intend, and such a frown

    Eac at two black Clouds

    itillery fraugtling on [ 715 ]

    Over tand front to front

    ill inds the signal blow

    to join ter in mid air:

    So froy Combatants, t hell

    Gre tcood; [ 720 ]

    For never but once more her like

    to meet so great a foe: and no deeds

    had been achievd, whereof all hell had rung,

    t sat

    Fast by e, and kept tal Key, [ 725 ]

    Risn, and cry rusween.

    O Fat intends thy hand, she cryd,

    Against t fury O Son,

    Possesses to bend t mortal Dart

    Against t for whom; [ 730 ]

    For s above and laughe while

    At to execute

    ere ice, bids,

    roy ye both.

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