类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:19

    t by due, [ 850 ]

    And by command of heavns all-powerful King

    I keep, by o unlock

    tine Gates; against all force

    Deatands to interpose ,

    Fearless to be ormatc. [ 855 ]

    But o his commands above

    es me, and  me down

    Into tartarus profound,

    to sit in eful Office here confind,

    Inant of heavn, and heavnlie-born, [ 860 ]

    ual agonie and pain,

    iterrors and  round

    Of mine o on my bowels feed:

    t my Fathou

    My being gavst me; whom should I obey [ 865 ]

    But t bring me soon

    to t ne and bliss, among

    t ease, where I shall Reign

    At t uous, as beseems

    ter and t end. [ 870 ]

    tal Key,

    Sad instrument of all our woe, sook;

    And toe rouling ial train,

    Forthe huge Porcullis high up drew,

    all tygian powers [ 875 ]

    Could once urns

    tricate  and Bar

    Of massie Iron or sollid Rock h ease

    Unfastns: on a sudden opn flie

    ituous recoile and jarring sound [ 880 ]


    t bottom shook

    Of Erebus. S to s

    Exceld es ood,

    t ended wings a Bannerd  [ 885 ]

    Under spread Ensigns marc pass through

    its rankt in loose array;

    So ood, and like a Furnace mouth

    Cast forth redounding smoak and ruddy flame.

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