类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:11

    As wur on Imaus bred,

    artar bounds,

    Dislodging from a Region scarce of prey

    to gorge the flesh of Lambs or yeanling Kids

    On ohe Springs [ 435 ]

    Of Ganges or reams;

    But in s on the barren Plaines

    Of Sericana, where Chineses drive


    So on the Fiend [ 440 ]

    alkd up and do on his prey,

    Alone, for oture in this place

    Living or liveless to be found was none,

    None yet, but store er from th

    Up her like Aereal vapours flew [ 445 ]

    Of all transitorie and vain, when Sin

    ity he works of men:


    Built ting fame,

    Or her life; [ 450 ]

    All ws

    Of painful Superstition and blind Zeal,

    Naug the praise of men, here find

    Fit retribution, emptie as thir deeds;

    All t ures hand, [ 455 ]

    Abortive, monstrous, or unkindly mixt,

    Dissolvd on eart her, and in vain,

    till final dissolution, wander here,

    Not in the neighbouring Moon, as some have dreamd;

    t Fields more likely ants, [ 460 ]

    translated Saints, or middle Spirits hold

    Bet th Angelical and human kinde:

    ers born

    First from t orld ts came

    it, then renownd: [ 465 ]

    t of Babel on the Plain

    Of Sennaar, and still h vain designe

    New Babels, hall, would build:

    Oto be deemd

    A God, leapd fondly into ?tna flames [ 470 ]

    Empedocles, and o enjoy

    Platos Elysium, leapd into the Sea,

    Cleombrotus, and many more too long,

    Embryos and Idiots, Eremits and Friers

    e, Black and Grey, rumperie. [ 475 ]

    strayd so farr to seek

    In Golgotha him dead, who lives in heavn;

    And to be sure of Paradise

    Dying put on the weeds of Dominic,

    Or in Franciscan to pass disguisd; [ 480 ]

    ts seven, and pass t,

    And t Crystalline Sphear whose ballance weighs

    trepidation talkt, and t first movd;

    And no Peter at  seems

    to  t foot [ 485 ]

    Of  t t, when loe

    A violent cross

    Bloransverse ten thousand Leagues awry

    Into t ye see

    Coost [ 490 ]

    And flutterd into Raggs, then Reliques, Beads,

    Indulgences, Dispenses, Pardons, Bulls,

    t of inds: all t

    Fly ore the orld farr off

    Into a Limbo large and broad, since calld [ 495 ]

    to few unknown

    Long after, norod;

    All the Fiend found as he passd,

    And long ill at last a gleame

    Of dae [ 500 ]

    ravelld steps; farr distant he descries

    Ascending by degrees magnificent

    Up to tructure high,

    At top w farr more rich appeerd

    te [ 505 ]

    itispice of Diamond and Gold

    Imbellis Gemmes

    tal sable on Earth

    By Model, or by shading Pencil drawn.

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