类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:6

    thir quire apply; aires, vernal aires,

    Breattune [ 265 ]

    trembling leaves, while Universal Pan

    Knit he hours in dance

    Led on ternal Spring. Not t faire field

    Of Enna, whering flours

    her self a fairer Floure by gloomie Dis [ 270 ]

    as gat Ceres all t pain

    to seek  s Grove

    Of Dapes, and th inspird

    Castalian Spring, mighis Paradise

    Of Eden strive; nor t Nyseian Ile [ 275 ]

    Girt riton, where old Cham,

    iles Ammon call and Lybian Jove,

    hea and her Florid Son

    Young Baccepdame Rheas eye;

    Nor whir issue Guard, [ 280 ]

    Mount Amara, this by som supposd

    true Paradise under thiop Line

    By Nilus h shining Rock,

    A e

    From the Fiend [ 285 ]

    Saw undelig, all kind

    Of living Creatures neo sigrange:


    Godlike erect, ive honour clad

    In naked Majestie seemd Lords of all, [ 290 ]

    And hir looks Divine

    thir glorious Maker shon,

    trutitude severe and pure,

    Severe but in true filial freedom plact;

    rue autority in men; th [ 295 ]

    Not equal, as t equal seemd;

    For contemplation hee and valour formd,

    For softness s attractive Grace,

    hee for God only, shee for God in him:

    and Eye sublime declard [ 300 ]

    Absolute rule; and hin Locks

    Round from ed forelock manly hung

    Clustring, but not beneath his shoulders broad:

    So te

    resses wore [ 305 ]

    Dis in on ringlets wavd

    As tendrils, which implid

    Subjection, but requird le sway,

    And by  receivd,

    Yielded  pride, [ 310 ]

    And s reluctant amorous delay.

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