类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:8

    And s your harmless innocence

    Melt, as I doe, yet public reason just,

    h revenge enlargd, [ 390 ]

    By conquering this new orld, compels me now

    to do hough damnd I should abhorre.

    So spake tie,

    tyrants plea, excusd his devilish deeds.

    tie stand on t ree [ 395 ]

    Doful herd

    Of ted kindes, himself now one,

    No his end

    Neerer to view his prey, and unespid

    to mark ate  learn [ 400 ]

    By ion markt: about them round

    A Lion noh fierie glare,

    tyger, wh spid

    In some Purlieu tle Fa play,

    Strait couc [ 405 ]

    ch, as one who chose his ground

    surest seize th

    Gript in eac of men

    to first of hus moving speech,

    turnd o terance flow. [ 410 ]

    Sole partner and sole part of all these joyes,

    Dearer t the Power

    t made us, and for us this ample orld

    Be infinitly good, and of his good

    As liberal and free as infinite, [ 415 ]

    t raisd us from t and plact us here

    In all t his hand

    ed, nor can performe

    Augh need, hee who requires

    From us no oto keep [ 420 ]


    In Paradise t bear delicious fruit

    So various, not to taste t onely tree

    Of knoed by tree of Life,

    So neer groo Life, h is, [ 425 ]

    Som dreadful t; for

    God  it deato taste t tree,


    Among so many signes of power and rule

    Conferrd upon us, and Dominion givn [ 430 ]

    Over all otures t possess

    Eart us not think hard

    One easie proion, who enjoy

    Free leave so large to all things else, and choice

    Unlimited of manifold delights: [ 435 ]

    But let us ever praise oll

    ie, following our deligask

    to prune ts, and tend these Flours,

    toilsom, yet .

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