类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:6

    Rap ir on Earth

    Satan from  the darksom Gulf [ 225 ]


    t the human pair, how he designes

    In t once to ruin all mankind.

    Go th friend

    Converse  Bowre or shade [ 230 ]

    t  of Noon retird,

    to respit ,

    Or h repose; and such discourse bring on,

    As may advise ate,

    free to will, [ 235 ]

    Left to hough free,

    Yet mutable; wo beware

    too secure: tell hall


    Late falln ting now [ 240 ]

    tate of bliss;

    By violence, no, for t sood,

    But by deceit and lies; t him know,

    Lest ransgressing end

    Surprisal, unadmonisht, unforewarnd. [ 245 ]

    So spake ternal Father, and fulfilld

    All Justice: nor delaid t

    After  from among

    tial Ardors, wood

    Vaild  [ 250 ]

    Fle of h angelic Quires

    On eacing, to his speed gave way

    till at te

    Of e self-opend wide

    On golden urning, as by work [ 255 ]

    Divine tect had framd.

    From o obstruct ,

    Starr interposd, however small he sees,

    Not unconform to other shining Globes,

    Earth Cedars crownd [ 260 ]

    Above all  the Glass

    Of Galileo, less assurd, observes

    Imagind Lands and Regions in the Moon:

    Or Pilot from amidst the Cyclades

    Delos or Samos first appeering kenns [ 265 ]

    A cloudy spot. Do

    Ethereal Skie

    Sailes beteddie wing

    Noh quick Fann

    innoill hin soare [ 270 ]

    Of too all the Fowles he seems

    A P sole Bird

    o enshe Suns

    Brigemple, to ?gyptian thebs he flies.

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