类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:17

    tions, Princedoms, Vertues, Powers,

    If titles yet remain

    Not meerly titular, since by Decree

    Anoto  [ 775 ]

    All Po under the name

    Of King anointed, for we

    Of midniging here,

    to consult

    it may be devisd of honours new [ 780 ]

    Receive o receive from us

    Knee-tribute yet unpaid, prostration vile,

    too muco one, but double how endurd,

    to one and to his image now proclaimd?

    But ter counsels mig [ 785 ]

    Our minds and teaco cast off this Yoke?

    ill ye submit your necks, and co bend

    t, if I trust

    to kno, or if ye know your selves

    Natives and Sons of  before [ 790 ]

    By none, and if not equal all, yet free,

    Equally free; for Orders and Degrees

    Jarr not y, but .


    Monarc [ 795 ]

    his equals, if in power and splendor less,

    In freedome equal? or can introduce

    La on us, w law

    Erre not, muco be our Lord,

    And look for adoration to th abuse [ 800 ]

    Of titles w

    Our being ordaind to govern, not to serve?

    t controule

    he Seraphim

    Abdiel, th more zeale adord [ 805 ]

    tie, and divine commands obeid,

    Stood up, and in a flame of zeale severe

    t of hus opposd.

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