类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:19

    So spake t Angel, but his zeale

    None seconded, as out of season judgd, [ 850 ]

    Or singular and ras rejoicd

    tat, and more y thus replid.

    t  the work

    Of secondarie ask transferd

    From Fato range point and new! [ 855 ]

    Doctrin w: who saw

    ion  thou

    thee being?

    e knoime w as now;

    Kno, self-raisd [ 860 ]

    By our own quickning power, wal course


    Of tive hereal Sons.

    Our puissance is our o hand

    Seac deeds, by proof to try [ 865 ]


    ion end

    Address, and to begirt ty throne


    tidings carrie to ted King; [ 870 ]

    And fly, ere evil intercept t.

    ers deep

    o his words applause

    te , nor less for t

    though alone [ 875 ]

    Encompassd round hus answerd bold.

    O alienate from God, O spirit accurst,

    Forsakn of all good; I see thy fall

    Determind, and thy hapless crew involvd

    In tagion spred [ 880 ]

    Bot: h

    No more be troubld o quit the yoke

    Of Gods Messia Laws

    ill not nosaft, other Decrees

    Against t recall; [ 885 ]

    t Golden Scepter

    Is noo bruise and breake

    t advise,

    Yet not for ts I fly

    tents devoted, least th [ 890 ]

    Impendent, raging into sudden flame

    Distinguis: for soon expect to feel

    hy head, devouring fire.

    ted ting learne,

    e t know. [ 895 ]

    So spake thful found,

    Among thful only hee;

    Among innumerable false, unmovd,


    ie , his Love, his Zeale; [ 900 ]

    Nor number, nor example

    to srutant mind

    t th he passd,

    Long ile scorn, weind

    Superior, nor of violence feard aught; [ 905 ]

    And orted scorn urnd

    On too s destruction doomd.

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