类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:13

    So warnd hemselves, and soon

    In order, quit of all impediment;

    Instant  disturb took Allarm,

    And ontelld; when behold [ 550 ]

    Not distant far he Foe

    Approaching gross and huge; in hollow Cube

    training his devilish Enginrie, impald

    On every side h shaddowing Squadrons Deep,

    to  intervieood [ 555 ]

    A  head appeerd

    Satan: And thus was heard Commanding loud.

    Vanguard, to Rig t unfould;

    t all may see we us, how we seek

    Peace and composure, and  [ 560 ]

    Stand readie to receive they like

    Our overture, and turn not back perverse;

    But t I doubt, ness heaven,

    ness thou anon, while we discharge

    Freely our part; yee and [ 565 ]

    Do as you ouch

    all may hear.

    So scoffing in ambiguous words he scarce

    o Rig t

    Divided, and to eitird. [ 570 ]

    o our eyes discoverd nerange,

    A triple mounted row of Pillars laid

    On o Pillars most they seemd

    Or hollowd bodies made of Oak or Firr

    it, in ood or Mountain felld) [ 575 ]

    Brass, Iron, Stonie mould,  thes

    it on us wide,

    Portending ruce; at each behind

    A Serapood, and in his hand a Reed

    Stood ipt h fire; while we suspense, [ 580 ]

    Collected stood s amusd,

    Not long, for sudden all at once thir Reeds

    Put forto a narro applid

    it touce in a flame,

    But soon obscurd h smoak, all heavn appeerd, [ 585 ]

    From ted Engins belcht, whose roar

    Emboragious noise the Air,

    And all rails tore, disgorging foule

    t, cs and hail

    Of Iron Globes, wor  [ 590 ]

    Leveld, uous furie smote,

    t  migand,

    tanding else as Rocks, but dohey fell

    By thousands, Angel on Arch-Angel rowld;

    t [ 595 ]

    s evaded s

    By quick contraction or remove; but now

    Foule dissipation follo rout;

    Nor servd it to relax thir serried files. [ 600 ]

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