类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:15

    Forthe power

    y Angels placd)

    to the hills

    (For Earty from heavn [ 640 ]

    Of pleasure situate in hill and Dale)

    Ligning glimps they flew,

    From tions loosning to and fro

    t ted hir load,

    Rocks, aters, oods, and by tops [ 645 ]

    Up lifting bore thir hands: Amaze,

    Be sure, and terrour seisd t,

    ohey saw

    ttom of tains upurnd,

    till on triple-row [ 650 ]

    thir confidence

    Under t of Mountains buried deep,

    t, and on thir heads

    Main Promontories flung, whe Air

    Came s whole Legions armd, [ 655 ]

    t in and bruisd

    Into tance pent, hem pain

    Implacable, and many a dolorous groan,

    Long strugling underneathey could wind

    Out of sucs of purest light, [ 660 ]

    Purest at first, now gross by sinning grown.

    t in imitation to like Armes

    Betook tore;

    So erd hills

    o and fro ion dire, [ 665 ]

    t under ground, t in dismal shade;

    Infernal noise; arr seemd a civil Game

    to t

    Upon confusion rose: and now all heavn

    o h ruin overspred, [ 670 ]

    tie Fats

    Suarie of heavn secure,

    Consulting on things, foreseen

    tumult, and permitted all, advisd:

    t  purpose  so fulfill, [ 675 ]

    to ed Son avengd

    Upon o declare

    All power on ransferrd: wo his Son

    thus began.

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