类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:10

    t, and of Creation last arose

    ittin, when God said, [ 450 ]

    Let th Soul living in her kinde,

    Cattel and Creeping t of th,


    opning ile oomb teemd at a Birth

    Innumerous living Creatures, perfet formes, [ 455 ]

    Limbd and full gro of the ground up rose

    As from  where he wonns

    In Forrest , Brake, or Den;

    Among trees in Pairs they walkd:

    ttel in the Fields and Meddowes green: [ 460 ]

    tarie, these in flocks

    Pasturing at once, and in broad herds upsprung.

    the grassie Clods now Calvd, now half appeerd

    tao get free

    s, then springs as broke from Bonds, [ 465 ]

    And Rampant she Ounce,

    tyger, as the Moale

    Rising, threw

    In  Stag from under ground

    Bore up his branching head: scarse from his mould [ 470 ]

    Be born of Earth upheavd

    ness: Fleect ting rose,

    As Plants: ambiguous between Sea and Land

    the River horse and scalie Crocodile.

    At once came fortever creeps the ground, [ 475 ]

    Insect or orme; thir limber fans

    For  Lineaments exact

    In all t of Summers pride

    its of Gold and Purple, azure and green:

    thir long dimension drew, [ 480 ]

    Streaking trace; not all

    Minims of Nature; some of Serpent kinde

    ondrous in length and corpulence involvd

    t crept

    t, provident [ 485 ]

    Of future, in small room large  enclosd,

    Pattern of just equalitie perhaps

    er, joind in ribes

    Of Commonaltie: s appeerd

    t feeds her husband Drone [ 490 ]

    Deliciously, and builds her waxen Cells

    itord: t are numberless,

    And tures kno, amp; gavst them Names,

    Needless to ted; nor unknown

    t suttlst Beast of all the field, [ 495 ]

    Of ent somtimes, h brazen Eyes

    And errific, to thee

    Not noxious, but obedient at thy call.

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