类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:12

    S me dark, I wakd

    to find o deplore

    her pleasures all abjure: [ 480 ]

    of  farr off,

    Such as I saw her in my dream, adornd

    it all Eartow

    to make her amiable: On she came,

    Led by hough unseen, [ 485 ]

    And guided by his voice, nor uninformd

    Of nuptial Sanctitie and marriage Rites:

    Grace was in all eps, heavn in her Eye,

    In every gesture dignitie and love.

    I overjoyd could not forbear aloud. [ 490 ]

    turn  fulfilld

    tor bounteous and benigne,

    Giver of all t fairest this

    Of all ts, nor enviest. I now see

    Bone of my Bone, Flesh of my Flesh, my Self [ 495 ]

    Before me; oman is her Name, of Man

    Extracted; for this cause he shall forgoe

    Fato his ife adhere;

    And t, one Soule.

    S, [ 500 ]

    Yet Innocence and Virgin Modestie,

    ue and th,

    t  unsought be won,

    Not obvious, not obtrusive, but retird,

    to say all, [ 505 ]

    Nature ,

    roug seeing me, surnd;

    I followd  was honour knew,

    And ie approvd

    My pleaded reason. to tial Bowre [ 510 ]

    I led he Morn: all heavn,

    And ellations on t houre

    Sest influence; th

    Gave sign of gratulation, and each hill;

    Joyous tle Aires [ 515 ]

    to thir wings

    Flung Rose, flung Odours from the spicie Shrub,

    Disporting, till t

    Sung Spousal, and bid e tarr

    On op, to lighe bridal Lamp. [ 520 ]

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