类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:10

    Oft o urne

    Repeated, so  engagd [ 400 ]

    to be returnd by Noon amid the Bowre,

    And all t order to invite

    Noontide repast, or Afternoons repose.

    O much deceavd, much failing, hapless Eve,

    Of turn! event perverse! [ 405 ]

    t houre in Paradise

    Foundst eit repast, or sound repose;

    Suc Flours and Shades


    to intercept thee back [ 410 ]

    Despoild of Innocence, of Faith, of Bliss.

    For no break of dahe Fiend,

    Meer Serpent in appearance, forttp://www?99lib?net</dfn>

    And on , w  finde

    t in them [ 415 ]

    the whole included Race, his purposd prey.

    In Bo

    Of Grove or Garden-Plot more pleasant lay,

    tendance or Plantation for delight,

    By Fountain or by s [ 420 ]

    t wis find

    Eve separate,  not h hope

    Of w so seldom co his wish,

    Beyond e he spies,

    Veild in a Cloud of Fragrance, wood, [ 425 ]

    he Roses bushing round

    About  stooping to support

    Eacalk, whough gay

    Carnation, Purple, Azure, or spect h Gold,

    aind, taies [ 430 ]

    Gently le band, mindless the while,

    unsupported Flour,

    From  prop so farr, and storm so nigh.

    Neerer raversd

    Of stateliest Covert, Cedar, Pine, or Palme, [ 435 ]

    then voluble and bold, now hid, now seen

    Among ts and Flours

    Imborderd on eache hand of Eve:

    Spot more delicious those Gardens feignd

    Or of revivd Adonis, or renownd [ 440 ]

    Alcinous,  of old Laertes Son,

    Or t, not Mystic, w King

    ian Spouse.

    Muche Person more.

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