类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:16

    Shough brief, when now more bold

    tempter, but h shew of Zeale and Love [ 665 ]

    to Man, and indignation at his wrong,

    Ne puts on, and as to passion movd,

    Fluctuats disturbd, yet comely and in act

    Raisd, as of som great matter to begin.

    As wor renound [ 670 ]

    In Athens or free Rome, where Eloquence

    Flourise, to som great cause addrest,

    Stood in ed, w,

    Motion, eac ongue,

    Somtimes in h began, as no delay [ 675 ]

    Of Preface brooking t.

    So standing, moving, or to h upgrown

    tempter all impassiond thus began.

    O Sacred, ise, and isdom-giving Plant,

    Mothy Power [ 680 ]

    it onely to discerne

    t to trace the wayes

    Of  Agents, deemd however wise.

    Queen of t believe

    ts of Deat Die: [ 685 ]

    ? it gives you Life

    to Knoner, look on mee,

    Mee ed, yet both live,

    And life more perfet taind te

    Meant mee, by ventring . [ 690 ]

    S be s to Man,

    Is open? or will God incense his ire

    For sucty trespass, and not praise

    Ratless vertue, whe pain

    Of Deat, h be, [ 695 ]

    Deterrd not from atc might leade

    to happier life, knowledge of Good and Evil;

    Of good, ? of evil, if w is evil

    Be real, w known, since easier shunnd?

    God t  ye, and be just; [ 700 ]

    Not just, not God; not feard then, nor obeyd:

    Your feare it self of Deathe feare.

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