类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:27

    ould t o my aid

    it t strange [ 1135 ]

    Desire of his unhappie Morn,

    I kno when

    Remaind still  as now, despoild

    Of all our good, shamd, naked, miserable.

    Let none o approve [ 1140 ]

    tly they seek

    Suco faile.

    to wouchus Eve.

    hy Lips, Adam severe,

    Imputst t to my default, or will [ 1145 ]

    Of  it, which who knows

    But mighou being by,

    Or to t there,

    Or tempt, t not have discernd

    Fraud in t, speaking as he spake; [ 1150 ]

    No ground of enmitie between us known,

    o harme.

    as I to ed from thy side?

    As good ill a liveless Rib.

    Being as I am,  the head [ 1155 ]

    Command me absolutely not to go,

    Going into suc?

    too facil t not much gainsay,

    Nay, didst permit, approve, and fair dismiss.

    t in t, [ 1160 ]

    Neitransgressd, nor th mee.

    to  Adam replid,

    Is the recompence

    Of mine to teful Eve, exprest

    Immutable , not I, [ 1165 ]

    al bliss,

    Yet willingly chee:

    And am I nohe cause

    Of transgressing? not enough severe,

    It seems, in traint: w could I more? [ 1170 ]

    I old

    the lurking Enemie

    t lay in ; beyond this had bin force,

    And force upon free ill h here no place.

    But confidence thee on, secure [ 1175 ]

    Eito meet no danger, or to finde

    Matter of glorious trial; and perhaps

    I also errd in overmuch admiring

    seemd in t, t I t

    No evil durst attempt t I rue [ 1180 ]

    t errour now, which is become my crime,

    And t shall befall

    o rusting

    Lets raint s brook,

    And left to hence ensue, [ 1185 ]

    S his weak indulgence will accuse.

    tual accusation spent

    tless  neither self-condemning,

    And of test appeerd no end.

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