类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:3

    Attendance none srain, where none [ 80 ]

    Are to be, but the judgd,

    t absent is condemnd,

    Convict by fligo all Law

    Conviction to t none belongs.

    t Seat he rose [ 85 ]

    Of eral glorie: hrones and Powers,

    Princedoms, and Dominations ministrant

    Accompanied to e, from whence

    Eden and all t in prospect lay.

    Do; the speed of Gods [ 90 ]

    time counts not, test minutes wingd.

    Noern cadence low

    From Noon, and gentle Aires due at thir hour

    to fan th now wakd, and usher in

    th more coole [ 95 ]

    Came tercessor both

    to sentence Man: they heard

    No windes

    Brougo they heard,

    And from hemselves among [ 100 ]

    t trees, botill God

    Approaco Adam calld aloud.

    t o meet

    My coming seen far off? I miss thee here,

    Not pleasd, tertaind ude, [ 105 ]

    ie erew:

    Or come I less conspicuous, or w change

    Absents t cains? Come forth.

    to offend, discountnanct both, and discomposd; [ 110 ]

    Love  in to God

    Or to eac apparent guilt,

    And surbation, and despaire,

    Anger, and obstinacie, and e, and guile.

    ring long, thus answerd brief. [ 115 ]

    I hy voice

    Affraid, being naked, o whom

    t revile replid.

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