类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:4

    Ill itle should belong

    to me transgressour, whee ordaind

    A o mee reproach [ 165 ]

    Ratrust and all dispraise:

    But infinite in pardon was my Judge,

    t I w broug

    t favourable thou,

    o entitle me voutsafst, [ 170 ]

    Farr ot the Field

    to labour calls us no imposd,

    ter sleepless Nighe Morn,

    All unconcernd , begins

    us forth, [ 175 ]

    I never from to stray,

    hough now enjoind

    Laborious, till day droop; while here we dwell,

    can be toilsom in t alkes?

    us live, tate, content. [ 180 ]

    So spake, so e

    Subscribd not; Nature first gave Signs, imprest

    On Bird, Beast, Aire, Aire suddenly eclipsd

    After s blus

    toopt from our, [ 185 ]

    t plume before him drove:

    Do reigns in oods,

    First er tle brace,

    Goodliest of all t,  and hinde;

    Direct to tern Gate  t. [ 190 ]

    Adam observd, and he chase

    Pursuing, not unmovd to Eve thus spake.

    O Eve, some furder cs us nigh,

    e signs in Nature shews

    Forerunners of o warn [ 195 ]

    Us oo secure of our discharge

    From penaltie, because from deat

    Some days;  till then our life,


    And t return and be no more. [ 200 ]

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