类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·弥尔顿 本章:12

    Be sure t from heavn [ 485 ]

    o er will send,

    ther, who shall dwell


    orking ts se,

    to guide truth, and also arme [ 490 ]

    itual Armour, able to resist

    Satans assaults, and quencs,

    Man can do against t affraid,

    to t sucies

    itions recompenct, [ 495 ]

    And oft supported so as shall amaze

    t persecuters: for t

    Po on les, whom he sends

    to evangelize tions, then on all

    Baptizd, ss endue [ 500 ]

    to speak all tongues, and do all Miracles,

    As did they win

    Great numbers of eacion to receave

    itidings broug length

    try performd, and race well run, [ 505 ]

    trine and tory ten left,

    t in they forewarne,

    olves seachers, grievous olves,

    eries of heavn

    to tages surne [ 510 ]

    Of lucre and ambition, and truth

    ititions and traditions taint,

    Left onely in tten Records pure,

    t but by t understood.

    to avail themselves of names, [ 515 ]

    Places and titles, and o joine

    Secular poill to act

    By spiritual, to ting

    t of God, promisd alike and givn

    to all Beleevers; and from t pretense, [ 520 ]

    Spiritual Lawes by carnal power shall force

    On every conscience; Laws which none shall finde

    Left t t hin

    S engrave.  hen

    But force t of Grace it self, and binde [ 525 ]

    Libertie;  unbuild

    emples, built by Faito stand,

    t anoth

    Faith and Conscience can be heard

    Infallible? yet many will presume: [ 530 ]

    ion shall arise

    On all whe worship persevere

    Of Spirit and trut, farr greater part,

    ell deem in outes and specious formes

    Religion satisfid; trutire [ 535 ]

    Bestuck s, and h

    Rarely be found: so she orld goe on,

    to good malignant, to bad men benigne,

    Under  groaning till the day

    Appeer of respiration to t, [ 540 ]

    And vengeance to t return

    Of ely promissd to thy aid


    Nohy Lord,

    Last in to be reveald [ 545 ]

    In glory of to dissolve

    Satan ed orld, then raise

    From t mass, purgd and refind,

    New e

    Founded in righteousness and peace and love [ 550 ]

    to bring forts Joy and eternal Bliss.

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