类别:文学名著 作者:吉卜林 本章:HOW THE CAMEL GOT HIS HUMP

    NO t tale, and it tells  his big hump.

    In t beginning to  because   to icks and tamarisks and milk scruciating idle; and wo  humph! and no more.

    Presently to  in  and trot like t of us.

    aold the Man.

    Presently to ick in c of us.

    aold the Man.

    Presently to  of us.

    aold the Man.

    At toget t  cant ime to make up for it.

    t made t_, and a po; and t_ scruciating idle, and laug t away again.

    Presently ts, rolling in a cloud of dust (Djinns alravel t  is Magic), and opped to palaver and pohree.

    Djinn of All Deserts, said t rigo be idle, he world so new-and-all?

    Certainly not, said the Djinn.

    ell, said t (and  done a stroke of rot.

    ling, ts my Camel, for all t does  it?

    ;; said t fetch and carry.

    Does hing else?

    Only quot;;; and  ploughe Ox.

    Very good, said t a minute.

    t-cloak, and took a bearing across t, and found t scruciatingly idle, looking at ion in a pool of er.

    My long and bubbling friend, said ts the world so new-and-all?

    he Camel.

    t doo t Magic, er.

    Youve given tra  of your scruciating idleness, said t on th his chin in his hand.

    he Camel.

    I s say t again if I  say it once too often. Bubbles, I  you to work.

    And t no sooner  t o a great big lolloping humph.

    Do you see t? said ts your very oo-day is to work.

    his humph on my back?

    ts made a-purpose, said to  eating, because you can live on your  you ever say I never did anyt of t and go to three, and behave. humph yourself!

    And t ao join t day to t  to

    caug  t learned o behave.

    thE Camels hump is an ugly lump

    the Zoo;

    But uglier yet is t

    From oo little to do.

    Kiddies and grooo-oo-oo,

    If we  enougo do-oo-oo,

    e get the hump--

    Cameelious hump--

    t is black and blue!

    e climb out of bed h a frouzly head

    And a snarly-yarly voice.

    e s and we growl

    At our bats and our toys;

    And t to be a corner for me

    (And I kno the hump--

    Cameelious hump--

    t is black and blue!

    t to sit still,

    Or fro he fire;

    But to take a large hoe and a shovel also,

    And dig till you gently perspire;

    And t the wind.

    And too,

    ed the hump--

    the horrible hump--

    t is black and blue!

    I get it as well as you-oo-oo--

    If I  enougo do-oo-oo--

    e all get hump--

    Cameelious hump--

    Kiddies and grooo!

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