类别:文学名著 作者:吉卜林 本章:THE ELEPHANTS CHILD

    IN times t, O Best Beloved, runk. , t  from side to side; but  pick up t. But t--a neiosity, and t means ions. And iable curtiosities. all aunt, tricail-feat so, and all aunt tricall uncle, t made ty, and all uncle, till iable curtiosity! , tamus, amus, spanked asted just so, and ill iable curtiosity!  ions about everyt , or smelt, or toucs spanked ill iable curtiosity!

    One fine morning in tiable Eleps Cion t  does tful tone, and tely and directly,  stopping, for a long time.

    By and by, ing in t-a-bit ts and uncles iable curtiosity; and still I  to knohe Crocodile has for dinner!

    to t grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about rees, and find out.

    t very next morning, o precedent, tiable Eleps Cook a tle s red kind), and a een melons (to all o t grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about rees, to find out  politely to stop.

    t atle  not at all astonising melons, and t, because  pick it up.

    from Graoo Kimberley, and from Kimberley to Kry, and from Kry  east by norting melons all time, till at last o t grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about rees, precisely as Kolokolo Bird had said.

    No knoand, O Best Beloved, t till t very iable Eleps C kno iosity.

    t t hon-Rock-Snake curled round a rock.

    Scuse me, said ts C politely, but s?

    ful scorn.  ?

    Scuse me, said ts C could you kindly tell me w he has for dinner?

    ts Cail.

    t is odd, said ts C, not to mention my ot, tamus, and my otiable curtiosity--and I suppose thing.

    So ely to the

    Bi-Coloured-Pyto coil  on, a little  not at all  astonising melons, and t, because  pick it up, till rod on  t grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about rees.

    But it  Beloved, and this!

    Scuse me, said ts C politely, but do you o s?

    ted ail out of ts Cepped back most politely, because  wiso be spanked again.

    Come tle One, said things?

    Scuse me, said ts C politely, but my fat to mention my tall aunt, tricall uncle, t, tamus, and my ail, just up ts quite all to you, I dont  to be spanked any more.

    Come tle One, said t crocodile-tears to s e true.

    ts Ced, and kneeled doell me w you have for dinner?

    Come tle One, said the Crocodile, and Ill whisper.

    ts C o tusky mout tle nose,  very hough much more useful.

    I t beto-day I s Child!

    At t Beloved, ts Cig be!

    t noely and instantly, pull as  is my opinion t your acquaintance in ttern leater (and by t to yonder limpid stream before you can say Jack Robinson.


    ts C back on tle o stretch.

    And to ter, making it all creamy  sweeps of ail, and he pulled, and pulled, and pulled.

    And ts C on stretcs Ctle four legs and pulled, and pulled, and pulled, and  on stretcail like an oar, and  eacs C  him hijjus!

    ts C  long, too butch for be!

    tted cs Craveller, e ourselves to a little ension, because if , it is my impression t yonder self-propelling man-of-ed upper deck

    (and by t Beloved,  tly vitiate your future career.

    t is talk.

    So s C ts C; and at last t go of ts C you could he Limpopo.

    ts C do  first o say to t o  all up in cool banana leaves, and  in t grey-green, greasy Limpopo to cool.

    are you doing t for? said the


    Scuse me, said ts C my nose is badly out

    of sing for it to shrink.

    to  a long time, said the

    Bi-Coloured-Pyt know w is

    good for them.

    ts C ting for o s it never gre made . For, O Best Beloved, you and t t out into a really truly trunk same as all Eleps o-day.

    At tung  ed up runk and  t fly dead .

    Vantage number one! said t  ry and eat a little now.

    Before   runk and plucked a large bundle of grass, dusted it clean against uffed it into h.

    Vantage number t   you t here?

    It is, said ts C  on  made a cool scrickly behind his ears.

    Vantage number t   being spanked again?

    Scuse me, said ts C I s like it at all.

    o spank somebody? said the Bi-


    I s very mucs Child.

    ell, said t neo spank people h.

    ts C; and noo all my dear families and try.

    So ts C runk. ed fruit to eat  doree, instead of ing for it to fall as o do. ed grass ead of going on o do.  ree and used it as fly-o runk, and than several brass bands.

    especially out of o find a broad amus (sion of o make sure t trut runk. t of time  o tidy Pachyderm.

    One dark evening o all runk and said, o see ely said, Come iable curtiosity.

    Poos C t spanking; but I do, and Ill srunk and knocked two of hers head over heels.

    O Bananas! said t trick, and w o your nose?

    I got a ne grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, said ts C o keep.

    It looks very ugly, said he Baboon.

    It does, said ts C its very useful, and o a s nest.

    t bad Eleps Cime, till tly astonis all Ostrics tail-feat all uncle, ted at , tamus, and bleo er after meals; but  any one touch Kolokolo Bird.

    At last ting t  off one by one in a o t grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, all set about rees, to borro day, O Best Beloved, all ts you  you , runks precisely like trunk of tiable Eleps Child.

    I Keep six  serving-men:

    (taug and here and hen

    And how and hy and ho.

    I send them over land and sea,

    I send t and ;

    But after they have worked for me,

    I give t.

    I let t from nine till five.

    For I am busy then,

    As , luncea,

    For they are hungry men:

    But different folk  views:

    I know a person small--

    Sen million serving-men,

    no rest at all!

    She sends em abroad on her own affairs,

    From the second she opens her eyes--

    One million wo million heres,

    And seven million hys!

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