Breakfast at Tiffanys-19

类别:文学名著 作者:杜鲁门·卡波特 本章:Breakfast at Tiffanys-19

    I did. It oo implausible not to be fact; moreover, it dovetailed h O.J.

    Bermans description of t encountered in California: quot;You dontkno; Berman couldnt be blamed fornot guessing t sulip, texas.

    quot;Plain broke our s orrepeated. quot;Sers.

    Lulamae could just take it easy: fuss in front of mirrors and  positively fat. o a giant.  different from o us.

    t girl, to meone morning, and said: Papa, I got tcem outside stealing milk and turkey eggs. t iful someticking out everyeet cory B, and t of em, t off to live  mean people. No people a  of tulip. So run off from t  o leave mine. to be a real prettyoo. talky as a jaybird. it to say on everysubject: better t t picking floamedaug to say o play tar. Justto look at ears spring to my eyes. t I proposed, I cried like ababy. S you  to cry for, Doc? Course . quot;Dont tell me t ; ;e all doted on  o lift a finger, cept to eat a piece of pie. Cept to comb ve ot s . Looking at sures. Readingdreams. ts arted tlefurton.quot;  ;t ;

    ayed , as tening to to ttogeto Park Avenue. It ness betinued until I said: quot;But  leave?quot;

    quot;No, sir,quot; . quot;Fred  till took  kno into Lulamae,  er arted e me o get  ss to go; o be asking me to agree old  I t  c;Listen, son,quot; eps of tone, quot;I advised you I need a friend. Because I dont  tosurprise s w ;

    tion of introducing Mrs. Goligo s satisfying aspects;and, glancing up at ed cexan sy and Joseacute; isfying still. But Doc Golig eyes and s-stained  mademe asicipations. o to at ttom of tairs. quot;Do I look nice?quot; ig of ie.

    once; in fact, s-- in dancing pumps and quantities of perfume announced gala intentions.

    quot;ell, idiot,quot; s;Im in too muco make up noomorro;

    quot;Sure, Lulamae. If youre still around tomorro;

    Sook off ed at me. It tered prisms, ts of blue and gray and green like broken bits of sparkle.

    quot;old you t,quot; she said in a small, shivering voice.

    quot;O; S me into t;Fred!quot; sairs. quot;Fred! ;

    I could lys footsteps climbing tairs. ers, and  as tened, but as treating into a sment. tanding in front of ;Gos; ated, for  ly, as t place him.

    quot;Gee, ; ;dont t sa;

    oucested ty of ubble.

    quot;; sly, and kissed ;; sed ed  in a rib-cruser s;Gos;

    Neiticed me  up to my room.

    Nor did t;S up! Its a disgrace. Do your w;

    quot;Divorce een, for Gods sake.

    It couldnt ; apped an empty martini glass. quot;t;

    Joe Bell, in ed tantly. quot;Yourerockin t kinda early,quot; ums. It  yetnoon, according to three rounds.

    quot;But its Sunday, Mr. Bell. Clocks are sloobed yet,quot; sold o me: quot;Not to sleep.quot; Sily. For t time since Id knoojustify ;ell, I o. Doc really loves me, you knoo you. But you dont knoness of o birds and brats and fragile t. Anyone op smirking!quot; sabbing out a cigarette. quot;I do saymy prayers.quot;

    quot;Im not smirking. Im smiling. Youre t amazing person.quot;

    quot;I suppose I am,quot; s, brigousled glimmered like a sisement. quot;I must look fierce. But  t of t roaming around in a bus station. Rigill tminute Doc t I o go  telling ,Doc, Im not fourteen any more, and Im not Lulamae. But terrible part is (and Irealized it ill stealing turkey eggs andrunning tc ;

    Joe Bell disdainfully settled tinis in front of us.

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