Chapter 43

类别:文学名著 作者:萨·约翰尼 本章:Chapter 43

    Caldcext message scroll across ttom of the AR glasses.

    “Sorry for to some problems.”

    It  respond on tions c dratention to  o see ing ts on tecrol room,  ty. Caldecill out to luncy. Many data centers ran a ter to save costs. tal international clocks along t  data center.

    “I kno respond but make it snappy. I just realized t tral government facility t broadcasts digital information is just across t’s just a matter of time before ting on tricted frequency. It’ll take ten seconds to pinpoint my  me from their window.”

    Calded to respond and alloo scroll out of sigoo close. o a bank of terminals at t of trol room. One of tes said Craditional Cers. Caldook a  it ing a parcel at reception.  y? Slim to none,  do an empty terminal as far a to tion ext message from Mei Lin.

    “I couldn’t copy tabase. tions. t directly out of to tem. I am still connected to tem.”

    Just . ts of failure.  caugrapped in trol room. Kai S somebody o tabases or t’s Information Services Department could discover Mei Lin broadcasting illegally on te spectrum. Caldarted typing on terminal. t screensaver disappeared to reveal a login prompt. tem logged users out after a specified time interval. o cs.

    “ty-eigo to see if tracted anyone’s attention. t blinked, signaling t it hing happened.

    “ty-eigime a little louder. Still not a furtive glance around trol room behing seemed fine.

    “Access blueprint.” Nothing.

    “Access blueprint ty-eighing happened.



    “Access blueprint ty-eigime Caldonese. Accessing blueprint for ty-eigraditional Cers.

    Bingo. t for ty-eig of tack, spun on its axis and magnified itself several times. ion simply by moving ion in trol room. A group of tec entered teco tionist, o be seen. ill slumped in toilet. t  of failure.

    A received in t. By tles coming from t sounded like pornograpurned tention to t  remely detailed. Calda cables beneato tem for t s of to a big s. Cald tting in tons of net of t or.

    Cald closer to ted in t. t Internal Directory Server. Bingo. Cald   employees, to log into terminals.

    One problem t or attacecely call tem up from terminals. Caldood up and oecill looking at Aared at t er of a mac tic IBM mac text screen t indicated asks tly performing and tatus of t? Any one of ts of failure could be unraveling t very minute and Cald  a matter of time before teco o get t of t.

    t of t open to find a yello read: “Server Idle ...”   Caldended to be studying tarted logging in to icating ...  Auticated. Server idle ...

    “ do you t behind his shoulder.

    Caldurned round to see tectingly let o trol room just a fees earlier.  give tecime to react. he door.

    “Stop ec but oo late. By time tec rides from t anyon in t to trol room doors. tecric palm reader. As Caldors, ted reality overlay t for ty-eigracted back into tack. tack disappeared in a cloud of pixels. A text message scrolled across the blank screen.

    “I am out of Kai Sem. S  t van just pulled up to t your ass dohe alarm?

    A sea of silver and purple ors. tor alone.  tton.  toer. o ts. Ot o tor mistaking ec trol room. It airs. Security guards erialized from oting at ts. ty guard in taking all ty monitors like someone engrossed in an action flick. Nobody gave  windbreaker was proving useful.

    Cald of NEXt too blinding sunligting out t drive, its engine purring. At least four  up against t door. Mei Lin . Caldo t and t into Central afternoon traffic to avoid suspicion.

    “Did you get it?” s h a worried look on her face.

    Caldill too so say anyto cyberspace on typed in t logo came up  belo. Caldo everytraffic. ered tained  t, nottered. ered mfcecely logged into Aerminal. work schema.

    Several dozen computer icons filled tomatic auticated access.  need a username and a passo login to t of icons and found a traffic monitoring server. erface of te computer appeared in a small abase to return data transfer logs for t monted by size.

    “S. I .”

    “Afraid of w?” Mei Lin asked, wondering w was going on.

    Caldinued typing ainy keyboard. ed a user account on one of ted all log entries relating to rusion.  t record .

    “C o a perplexed Mei Lin as  of the Range Rover’s console.

    “ t epping on the gas.

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