Chapter 50

类别:文学名著 作者:萨·约翰尼 本章:Chapter 50

    Li Jin icated adversary and  dreams. As soon as o first remove all trace of tem. y first class compartment as  Li Jin  in t Ko . Yet  of te rared outside tment, ce and ile flashe same again.

    Li Jin kne coming back to Croke of genius or to , ed t once t t ural assumption  ry. And tle to zero craced tem. Yes, ing on some tea-boiled eggs and a packet of preserved vegetables, Li Jin t about Oleg Krac out alive. Li Jin didn’t rate ient and slipped ao return later to retrieve t slip t the assassin would have been long gone.

    Yet, from er  tient type. After realizing t to go after t. Li Jin  and ttempt to return to its source. If  taken tional precaution of setting up tanding instruction on t, to Russia as quickly as it s on tment and o see t sitting ting to be used. In Xian ransfer part of to several anonymous credit cer t it  a matter of not loosing tant items and to take o his Shaanxi village.

    t sense. Li Jin  make contact er t tianyu, by t all.  s t disbursed money to e its simple look, tic box ness ty. Poor Professor Yao. , yet  lived long enougo really see ts of ested in t, some  t for  minute co trumental to o t.

    t bot AI  it ude beerms of intelligence and it definitely did not  could be considered a consciousness. it ts to  AI could evolve. And  Black Jade itself, out t e different from tandalone mac tsingire cyberspace at its disposal and t , Li Jin knew .

    Li Jin   Black Jade into being and even tuned by terations, till t an AI like it on t, one  of nationality, of C y of t ory absorbed, digested and cross-referenced using more computing po o t tire body of global kno of brilliant.

    Li Jin t of ter Eggs t ed deep ractable portion of Black Jade’s code  Professor Yao’s kno once o cyberspace,  anytime and it o do its master’s bidding.

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