Chapter 56

类别:文学名著 作者:萨·约翰尼 本章:Chapter 56

    Minister taka of t soaking in ter kept at a consistently emperature by computers to soot ening black o.

    most of ime in t o put a stop to all t ed most of all. t  given o t on o attain  of all.

    takaranger to ambition.  t people and t o ics and  poics and gang crumental to ting too muc sycopic servitude, o gain nothing.

    One of taff, tern back scrub,  a clean scented yukata, o gave out to aka  it o contemplate test configuration of e rock garden created by ts, erns  totally  of pebbles and iss imes rake designs into t ally speecion at t all. takaicipating anotic masterpiece ers caught his eye.

    It took takaion of a second to realize t it  it sent a c tly over t t aakareated instinctively. raig tograpiculously studied not so long ago, to.

    “ do you ?” takay.   of  notice it. But it -sing glass.

    “I am o relieve you of t Japanese, causing takao sly. t Japanese yet y of a native. A taka tonigo disarray.  o collect te tive size, sometold taka   to be underestimated. o try deception.

    “You dont seem to know who I am. My men will ...”

    “S up! Your men are long gone. I personally made sure of it,” rasped t be feel test amount of guilt after your death?”

    “I am sure you are going to tell me,” takao perspire  streamed doca.

    “Because men like you never get to aking a fe ruining a fe can be forgiven. I myself am a taker of lives. Your biggest folly is a lack of understanding of t t your ancestors originate from to take your life even t fate is only a fraction of w you and your kind deserve.”

    takah rage.

    “t is a god damn lie and you kno. Not old C,” retorted takaening to cever fear  reated, replaced ing erpretation of bushe warrior’s code.

    “ted and misinformed” replied t t. takahashi was already making his move.

    From tion, t of t as it came ling toaka lapse to attack. Even at t moment ting viciously to t as to t. ted until  cras time as takating o an orangle tile.

    to specific parts of ter’s body. takary as o raise truggled as tigruggled violently,  t ing to deat to toucing tempted to use  to t te balustrade. ticipated t move and countered ic maneuver akaill aka notly backhe floor.

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