
类别:文学名著 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 本章:夜莺与玫瑰






































































































































    quot;S s ;

    cried tudent; quot;but in all my garden there is no red


    From  in tree tingale heard him, and

    s the leaves, and wondered.

    quot;No red rose in all my garden!quot; iful eyes

    filled ears.  quot;A little things does happiness

    depend!  I  tten, and all

    ts of p for  of a red rose is

    my life made c;

    quot; last is a true lover,quot; said tingale.  quot;Niger

    nig:  niger night

    old ory to tars, and now I see him.  his hair is

    dark as the rose of

    passion has made his face like pale ivory, and

    sorrow  ;

    quot;to-morrohe young

    Student, quot;and my love he company.  If I bring her a red

    rose sill dawn.  If I bring her a red rose,

    I shall hold her in my arms, and she will lean her head upon my

    s there is no

    red rose in my garden, so I s lonely, and she will pass me

    by.  S ;

    quot;rue lover,quot; said tingale.  quot; I

    sing of,  is joy to me, to him is pain.  Surely

    Love is a  is more precious than emeralds, and

    dearer tes cannot buy it, nor

    is it set fortplace.  It may not be purche

    mercs, nor can it be ;

    quot;t in t; said tudent,

    quot;and play upon tringed instruments, and my love will dance

    to tly

    t   touciers in their

    gay dresses   dance,

    for I o give ;; and he flung himself down on


    quot;; asked a little Green Lizard, as

    ail in the air.

    quot;; said a Butterfly,  after a


    quot;; wo , low


    quot;; said tingale.

    quot;For a red rose?quot; t;; and ttle

    Lizard, .

    But tingale understood t of tudents sorrow,

    and s silent in tree, and t about tery

    of Love.

    Suddenly s, and soared into the

    air.  She grove like a shadow, and like a shadow

    she garden.

    In tre of t anding a beautiful Rose-tree,

    and , and lit upon a spray.

    quot;Give me a red rose,quot; s;and I est


    But tree ss head.

    quot;My roses are ; it ans;as he

    sea, and ain.  But go to my

    brothe old sun-dial, and perhaps he will give

    you .quot;

    So tingale fleo tree t was growing

    round the old sun-dial.

    quot;Give me a red rose,quot; s;and I est


    But tree ss head.

    quot;My roses are yello; it ans;as yellohe

    mermaiden he

    daffodil t blooms in th his

    scyt go to my brotudents


    So tingale fleo tree t was growing

    beneatudents window.

    quot;Give me a red rose,quot; s;and I est


    But tree ss head.

    quot;My roses are red,quot; it ans;as red as t of the dove,

    and redder t fans of coral t he

    ocean-cavern.  But ter

    orm has broken my branches, and I

    s all t;

    quot;One red rose is all I ,quot; cried tingale, quot;only one red

    rose!  Is t it?quot;

    quot;t; ansree; quot;but it is so terrible t I

    dare not tell it to you.quot;

    quot;tell it to me,quot; said tingale, quot;I am not afraid.quot;

    quot;If you  a red rose,quot; said tree, quot;you must build it out of

    music by moonligain it s-blood.  You

    must sing to me  against a t long

    you must sing to me, and t pierce your , and your

    life-blood must floo my veins, and become mine.quot;

    quot;Deat price to pay for a red rose,quot; cried the

    Nig;and Life is very dear to all.  It is pleasant to sit

    in to c of gold, and

    t of pearl.  S is t of the

    are t he valley, and

    t blo Love is better than Life,

    and  of a bird compared to t of a man?quot;

    So s, and soared into the air.

    S over the garden like a shadow, and like a shadow she

    sailed the grove.

    tudent ill lying on t

    ears  yet dry in iful eyes.

    quot;Be ; cried tingale, quot;be happy; you shall have your

    red rose.  I  out of music by moonligain it

    s-blood.  All t I ask of you in return is t

    you rue lover, for Love is hough

    sier ty.  Flame-

    coloured are his wings, and coloured like flame is his body.  his

    lips are s as ;

    tudent looked up from tened, but he could

    not understand ingale o him, for he only

    kne are ten down in books.

    But tree understood, and felt sad, for he was very fond of

    ttle Nig  in his branches.

    quot;Sing me one last song,quot; ;I shall feel very lonely


    So tingale sang to tree, and her voice was like

    er bubbling from a silver jar.

    udent got up, and pulled a

    note-book and a lead-pencil out of .

    quot;S; o he

    grove - quot;t cannot be denied to   feeling?  I

    am afraid not.  In fact, s artists; she is all

    style,  any sincerity.  S sacrifice herself for

    ot the

    arts are selfisill, it must be admitted t she has some

    beautiful notes in  a pity it is t t

    mean anytical good.quot;  And  into his

    room, and lay dole pallet-bed, and began to think of

    er a time, he fell asleep.

    And o the

    Rose-tree, and set  against t long

    s against tal

    Moon leaned doened.  All nighe

    t deeper and deeper into , and her life-blood

    ebbed away from her.

    S of t of a boy and a

    girl.  And on top-most spray of tree there blossomed a

    marvellous rose, petal folloal, as song followed song.

    Pale , at first, as t t he river - pale

    as t of the dawn.

    As the shadow of a

    rose in a er-pool, so  blossomed on topmost

    spray of tree.

    But tree cried to tingale to press closer against the

    t;Press closer, little Nig; cried tree, quot;or the

    Day ;

    So tingale pressed closer against thorn, and louder and

    louder grew he

    soul of a man and a maid.

    And a delicate fluso the rose, like

    the lips of

    t t yet reac, so the

    roses  remained we, for only a Nigs-blood

    can crimson t of a rose.

    And tree cried to tingale to press closer against the

    t;Press closer, little Nig; cried tree, quot;or the

    Day ;

    So tingale pressed closer against thorn

    touc, and a fierce pang of pain s through her.

    Bitter, bitter he pain, and wilder and wilder grew her song,

    for s is perfected by Deathe Love

    t dies not in tomb.

    And the

    eastern sky.  Crimson als, and crimson as a

    ruby .

    But tingales voice greer, and tle wings

    began to beat, and a film came over er and fainter


    t burst of music.  te Moon ,

    and s the red rose

    , and it trembled all over asy, and opened its

    petals to t to her purple cavern

    in their dreams.

    It floated ts

    message to the sea.

    quot;Look, look!quot; cried tree, quot;t;; but the

    Nighe long

    grass, .

    And at noon tudent opened .

    quot; a ; ;here is a red

    rose!  I  in all my life.  It is so

    beautiful t I am sure it in namequot;; and he leaned


    t on , and ran up to th

    the rose in his hand.

    ter of tting in the doorway winding

    blue silk on a reel, and tle dog  .

    quot;You said t you  you a red

    rose,quot; cried tudent.  quot; rose in all the

    to-nig your , and as we dance

    toget ell you ;

    But the girl frowned.

    quot;I am afraid it  go ; s;and,

    besides, t me some real jewels, and

    everybody kno je far more t;

    quot;ell, upon my eful,quot; said tudent

    angrily; and o treet, o

    tter, and a cart-.

    quot;Ungrateful!quot; said t;I tell you w, you are very rude;

    and, after all, .   believe

    you  silver buckles to your she Chamberlains

    nep;; and s up from  into the house.

    quot; I a silly t; said tudent as he walked away.

    quot;It is not  does not prove anything,

    and it is alelling one of t are not going to

    are not true.  In fact,

    it is quite unpractical, and, as in to be practical is

    everyto Pudy Metap;

    So urned to  a great dusty book, and

    began to read.
