
类别:文学名著 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 本章:少年国王




















































































































































































































































































    It  before tion, and the

    young King ting alone in iful chamber.  his

    courtiers aken to

    to the day, and had

    retired to t o receive a fe

    lessons from tiquette; them

    e natural manners, wier is, I need

    hardly say, a very grave offence.

    t sixteen years of age -

    sorry at ture, and h a

    deep sig cushions of his embroidered couch,

    lying thed, like a brown woodland

    Faun, or some young animal of t nehe


    And, indeed, it ers who had found him, coming upon him

    almost by chance as, bare-limbed and pipe in hand, he was following

    t him up, and whose

    son o be.  the old

    Kings only daug marriage h her

    in station - a stranger, some said, whe wonderful magic of

    e-playing, he young Princess love him; while

    otist from Rimini, to whe Princess had

    soo much honour, and who had suddenly

    disappeared from ty, leaving hedral

    unfinis a olen away from his

    mot, and given into the charge of a common

    peasant and  cheir own, and

    lived in a remote part of t, more than a days ride from

    to pated, or,

    as some suggested, a s Italian poison administered in a cup of

    spiced e girl

    y messenger whe

    cooped from his weary horse and

    knocked at t, the

    Princess o an open grave t had been dug in

    a deserted cy gates, a grave w was

    said t anot of a young man of

    marvellous and foreign beauty, wied behind him

    ted cord, and abbed h many red


    Suc least, ory t men wo eacher.

    Certain it  ther

    moved by remorse for  sin, or merely desiring t the

    kingdom s pass away from

    for, and, in the Council, had acknowledged him as

    his heir.

    And it seems t from t moment of ion he

    strange passion for beauty t was

    destined to  an influence over hose who

    accompanied o te of rooms set apart for his service,

    often spoke of t broke from his lips when he

    sae raiment and ric had been prepared for

    fierce joy h which he flung aside his

    rougunic and coarse sheepskin cloak.  he missed,

    indeed, at times t life, and was

    al to c tedious Court ceremonies t occupied

    so muc they

    called it - of wo o be

    a new world fres; and as soon as he

    could escape from the council-board or audience-chamber, he would

    run do staircase, s lions of gilt bronze and its

    steps of brigo room, and from

    corridor to corridor, like one y an

    anodyne from pain, a sort of restoration from sickness.

    Upon them - and,

    indeed, to hrough a marvellous land, he

    imes be accompanied by t

    pages, ing mantles, and gay fluttering ribands; but

    more often ain quick

    instinct, ion, t ts of art

    are best learned in secret, and t Beauty, like isdom, loves the

    lonely worshipper.

    Many curious stories ed about  t was

    said t a stout Burgo-master, wo deliver a florid

    oratorical address on beizens of town, had

    caug of ion before a great

    picture t  been broug seemed to

    her occasion he had

    been missed for several er a lengthened search had

    been discovered in a little currets

    of trance, at a Greek gem carved

    ale ran,

    pressing o tique statue t


    building of tone bridge, and he name of

    t in

    noting t of t on a silver image of Endymion.

    All rare and costly materials ainly a great fascination for

    o procure t away many

    mercs, some to traffic for amber he rough fisher-folk of

    to Egypt to look for t curious green

    turquoise o

    possess magical properties, some to Persia for silken carpets and

    painted pottery, and oto India to buy gauze and stained

    ivory, moonstones and bracelets of jade, sandal-wood and blue

    enamel and shawls of fine wool.

    But o  his

    coronation, tissued gold, and tudded crown,

    and tre s ro was

    of t o-night, as he lay back on his

    luxurious coucc pine was burning

    itself out on the

    famous artists of time, ted to


    o toil nigo carry t, and t the whole

    o be searc heir

    tar of the

    cat of a King, and a smile played and

    lingered about  up  lustre his

    dark woodland eyes.

    After some time , and leaning against the

    carved pent t

    room.  tapestries representing the

    triumpy.  A large press, inlaid e and lapis-

    lazuli, filled one corner, and facing tood a curiously

    h lacquer panels of powdered and mosaiced gold,

    on s of Venetian glass, and a

    cup of dark-veined onyx.  Pale poppies he silk

    coverlet of tired hands

    of sleep, and tall reeds of fluted ivory bare up t canopy,

    from ufts of ostrice foam,

    to tted ceiling.  A laughing Narcissus

    in green bronze s he

    table stood a flat bo.

    Outside hedral, looming like a

    bubble over tinels pacing up

    and doy terrace by the river.  Far away, in an

    orcingale  perfume of jasmine

    came the open window.  he brushed his brown curls back from

    aking up a lute, let ray across

    trange languor came

    over  so keenly, or h such

    exquisite joy, tery of beautiful things.

    sounded from tower ouched a bell, and

    ered and disrobed h much ceremony, pouring

    rose-er over rewing flowers on his pillow.  A

    fes after t t the room, he fell asleep.

    And as  his was his dream.

    t anding in a long, lotic, amidst the

    peered in

    ted he

    heir cases.  Pale, sickly-looking children

    les dashed

    ted up ttens, and whe

    stles stopped t ttens fall and pressed threads


    rembled.  Some ed at a

    table sewing.  A he air was foul

    and reamed h damp.

    t over to one of tood by him

    and ched him.

    And t  thou

    c t on us by our master?

    er? asked the young King.

    Our master! cried tterly.  he is a man like

    myself.  Indeed, t t he

    while I am weak

    from  a little from overfeeding.

    t no mans


    In rong make slaves of the weak,

    and in peace t o

    live, and t oil for

    their coffers, and our

    cime, and those we

    love become read out ther

    drinks ty.  e

    hough men

    call us free.

    Is it so h all? he asked,

    It is so he young as well

    as he

    little cricken in years.

    ts grind us do needs do their bidding.

    t rides by and tells his beads, and no man has care of us.

    ty h her hungry eyes, and

    Sin h his sodden face follows close behind her.  Misery wakes us

    in ts  nig w are

    to t not one of us.  too

    urned atle across

    t it hread

    of gold.

    And a great terror seized upon o the weaver,

    robe is t t weaving?

    It is tion of the young King, he answered;

    to thee?

    And the young King gave a loud cry and woke, and lo! he was in his

    own c honey-coloured

    moon he dusky air.

    And his was his dream.

    t  was

    being rowed by a  by he

    master of ted.  he was black as ebony, and his

    turban  earrings of silver dragged down

    thick lobes of his ears, and in his hands he had a pair of

    ivory scales.

    t for a ragged loin-cloth, and each man


    and th

    c the

    er.  t spray flehe blades.

    At last ttle bay, and began to take soundings.  A


    lateen sail .  ted on wild

    asses rode out and t ter of the galley

    took a painted bo.

    o the surf, and his companions galloped away.  A

    woman wrapped in a yellow veil followed slowly on a camel, looking

    back no the dead body.

    As soon as t anche

    negroes  into t up a long rope-ladder,

    ed er of t over

    t to tanche

    negroes seized t of the slaves and knocked his gyves

    off, and filled rils and ied a big

    stone round .   he ladder, and

    disappeared into the sea.  A few bubbles rose where he sank.  Some

    of t the prow of

    t a sing monotonously upon a drum.

    After some time t of ter, and clung

    panting to t he negroes

    seized it from  he slaves fell asleep

    over their oars.

    Again and again ime t

    iful pearl.  ter of them,

    and put to a little bag of green leather.

    tried to speak, but ongue seemed to cleave to

    to move.  the negroes

    ctered to eaco quarrel over a string of

    brighe vessel.

    t time, and t he



    But rangely pale, and as he

    blood gusrils.  tle,

    and till.  their shoulders, and

    the body overboard.

    And ter of t, ook

    t  to his forehead and

    bo sre of the young

    King, and o to drahe anchor.

    And w cry, and woke,

    and the dawn

    clutc tars.

    And his was his dream.

    t h

    strange fruits and iful poisonous flohe adders

    by, and t parrots flew screaming

    from branco brancortoises lay asleep upon t mud.

    trees were full of apes and peacocks.

    On and on , till skirts of the wood, and

    titude of men toiling in the bed of a

    dried-up river.  ts.  they dug deep

    pits in t doo t the

    rocks  axes; othe sand.

    tore up tus by its roots, and trampled on t

    blossoms.  t, calling to eacher, and no man

    was idle.

    From tchem, and

    Deat me go.

    But Avarice ss, she answered.

    And Deato   thy hand?

    I  is t to


    Give me one of to plant in my garden; only

    one of them, and I will go away.

    I  give thing, said Avarice, and she hid her hand

    in t.

    And Deatook a cup, and dipped it into a pool of

    er, and out of t

    multitude, and a t followed her,

    and ter-snakes ran by her side.

    And itude was dead she

    beat  and .  S her barren bosom, and cried

    aloud.  t slain a ts, s

    tains of tartary, and the kings

    of eaco the black

    ox, and are marco battle.  ten upon their

    s on ts of iron.

    is my valley to t t tarry in it?  Get

    thee gone, and come here no more.

    Nay, ans till t given me a grain of corn

    I  go.

    But Avarice s eet

    give ttered.

    And Deatook up a black stone, and t into the

    forest, and out of a t of wild hemlock came Fever in a robe

    of flame.  Situde, and touchem, and

    eac souch her

    feet as she walked.

    And Avarice s as

    cruel, s cruel.  the walled

    cities of India, and terns of Samarcand here

    is famine in ties of Egypt, and ts have come

    up from t.  t overflos banks, and the

    priests  to those who

    need ts.

    Nay, ans till t given me a grain of corn

    I  go.

    I  give thing, said Avarice.

    And Deatled through his fingers, and a

    ten upon her

    foreures wheeled round her.  She

    covered t alive.

    And Avarice fled s, and Death leaped

    upon er

    the wind.

    And out of t ttom of t dragons and

    rotting along


    And t, and said:  hese men, and for

    hey seeking?

    For rubies for a kings crown, answered one wood behind him.

    And tarted, and, turning round, he saw a man

    ed as a pilgrim and holding in his hand a mirror of silver.

    And  king?

    And t see


    And he mirror, and, seeing his own face, he gave a

    great cry and  sunligreaming into the

    room, and from trees of the birds

    were singing.

    And tate came in and made

    obeisance to  issued

    gold, and set tre before him.

    And t tiful.  More

    beautiful  t  he

    remembered o ake these

    t hem.

    And tiers hey

    t t ing.

    But ernly to take things

    ahe day of my

    coronation, I  he loom of Sorrow, and

    by te here is

    Blood in t of t of the

    pearl.  And old three dreams.

    And wiers  eacher and


    dream, and a vision but a vision?  t real t

    one s o do he lives of

    toil for us?  S eat bread till he has seen

    till alked he vinedresser?

    And to the young King, and said, My lord, I

    pray t aside ts of t on this

    fair robe, and set the

    people kno t a king, if t not a kings


    And t  so, indeed? he

    questioned.  ill t know me for a king if I  a

    kings raiment?

    t knohe Chamberlain.

    I  t there had been men who were kinglike, he

    ans it may be as t.  And yet I  wear

    t even as I

    came to t.

    And  as his

    companion, a lad a year younger t for his

    service, and wer, he opened a

    great painted c, and from it ook tunic and

    roug che

    s of t on, and in

    ook aff.

    And ttle page opened his big blue eyes in wonder, and said

    smiling to re, but where

    is thy crown?

    And t was climbing

    over t it, and made a circlet of it, and set it

    on his own head.

    this shall he my crown, he answered.

    And ttired  of o t hall,

    wing for him.

    And t to him, My

    lord, t for t them a

    beggar, and oth and said, he brings shame upon our

    state, and is uno be our master.  But

    a  passed on, and  do porpaircase,

    and out tes of bronze, and mounted upon his horse,

    and rode totle page running beside him.

    And t is the Kings fool who is

    riding by, and they mocked him.

    And  I am told

    three dreams.

    And a man came out of tterly to him, and

    said, Sir, kno t t out of the rich

    cometured, and

    your vices give us bread.  to toil for a er is bitter, but

    to er to toil for is more bitter still.  t thou

    t t cure  these

    t to t;t buy for so muc;

    and to t;t sell at t;?  I tro.

    to t on thy purple and fine


    to do  we suffer?

    Are not the young King.

    Ay, ansher is Cain.

    And tears, and hrough

    ttle page gre


    And al of the soldiers

    t ts out and said,  dost thou seek here?

    None enters by t the King.

    And o the

    King, and s aside and passed in.

    And wherds dress, he

    rose up in o meet him, and said

    to  crown

    s sceptre shy hand?

    Surely to t a day of


    S Grief he young King.

    And old hree dreams.

    And w his brows, and said, My

    son, I am an old man, and in ter of my days, and I kno

    many evil the fierce robbers

    come doains, and carry off ttle children,

    and sell to t for the

    caravans, and leap upon ts up the

    corn in the hill.

    tes lay e t and burn the

    fisake ts from t-marshes live

    ttled reeds, and none may come

    nigies, and eat their

    food  t to be?  ilt

    take t t thy

    board?  Shee?

    Is not ?  herefore I praise

    t for t t done, but I bid to

    t on t t

    beseemethee, and

    tre of pearl hy

    dreams, too

    great for one man to bear, and too heavy for one

    to suffer.

    Sayest t in the young King, and he

    strode past teps of tar, and

    stood before t.

    ood before t, and on  hand and on


    yello before the

    image of C, and t candles burned brighe

    jewelled shin blue


    priests in tiff copes crept aar.

    And suddenly a umult came from treet outside, and in

    entered th drawn swords and nodding plumes, and

    seel.  hey

    cried.  his

    boy e?  Surely we will slay him, for

    o rule over us.

    And the young King bowed his head again, and prayed, and when he

    urning round

    them sadly.

    And lo! ted  streaming

    upon issued robe t was

    fairer t he

    dead staff blossomed, and bare lilies t han pearls.

    t han

    rubies.  er tems

    were of brighe roses, and

    ten gold.

    ood t of a king, and tes of the

    jehe many-rayed

    monstrance sical ligood there

    in a kings raiment, and the

    saints in to move.  In t

    of a king ood before t its music,

    and trumpeters blerumpets, and the singing boys


    And the nobles

    she Bishops face grew

    pale, and rembled.  A greater th crowned

    t before him.

    And tar, and passed home

    t of t no man dared look upon his

    face, for it he face of an angel.
