
类别:文学名著 作者:奥斯卡·王尔德 本章:公主的生日






























































































































































































































































































































































    It a.  S twelve years of

    age, and tly in the palace.

    Alta of Spain, she had

    only one birt like te poor

    people, so it urally a matter of great importance to the


    occasion.  And a really fine day it certainly all

    striped tulips stood straigalks, like long rows

    of soldiers, and looked defiantly across t the roses,

    and said:  e are quite as splendid as you are nohe purple

    butterflies fluttered about  on ting

    eacurn; ttle lizards crept out of the crevices

    of te glare; and the

    pomegranates split and cracked , and sheir

    bleeding red s.  Even t hung in

    sucrellis and along the dim

    arcades, seemed to  a riche wonderful

    sunligrees opened t globe-like

    blossoms of folded ivory, and filled t heavy


    ttle Princess errace h her

    companions, and played at one vases and

    tatues.  On ordinary days she was only allowed

    to play o play

    alone, but ion, and the King had given

    orders t so invite any of her young friends whom she

    liked to come and amuse tately

    grace about t, the

    boys s and s fluttering cloaks, the

    girls rains of their long brocaded gowns, and

    sh huge fans of black and

    silver.  But ta  graceful of all, and t

    tastefully attired, after t cumbrous fashe day.

    in, t and the wide puffed sleeves

    iff corset studded h

    roiny slippers tes

    peeped out beneath her dress as she walked.  Pink and pearl was her

    great gauze fan, and in her hair, which like an aureole of faded

    gold stood out stiffly round tle face, she had a

    beautiful we rose.

    From a chem.

    Beood ed,

    and or of Granada, sat by his

    side.  Sadder even t the

    Infanta boy to ters, or

    laug the grim Duchess of Albuquerque who


    ime before - so it seemed to him - had come from

    try of France, and he sombre

    splendour of t, dying just six monter the

    birthe almonds blossom

    t from the

    old gnarled fig-tree t stood in tre of the now grass-

    groyard.  So great  he had

    not suffered even to hide her from him.  She had been

    embalmed by a Moorisurn for this service had

    been granted his life, which for heresy and suspicion of magical

    practices ed, men said, to the holy Office,

    and ill lying on its tapestried bier in the black

    marble c as the monks had borne her in on

    t h

    tern in his

    in and knelt by , MI REINA!  MI

    REINA! and sometimes breaking tiquette t in

    Spain governs every separate action of life, and sets limits even

    to tc the pale jewelled hands

    in a ry to wake by he

    cold painted face.

    to-day o see  at the

    Castle of Fontainebleau, een years of age, and

    sill younger.  trot

    occasion by the French King and

    all t, and urned to th him

    a little ringlet of yellow wo childish

    lips bending doo kiss epped into his carriage.

    Later on ily performed at Burgos, a

    small toier betries, and the grand

    public entry into Madrid omary celebration of high

    mass at tochan usually solemn

    AUtO-DA-FE, in  whom


    be burned.

    Certainly o t, of

    ry, t he

    empire of tted o be

    out of ; for ten, or seemed to have

    forgotten, all grave affairs of State; and,  terrible

    blindness t passion brings upon its servants, o

    notice t te ceremonies by o please

    aggravate trange malady from which she suffered.

    ime, like one bereft of reason.

    Indeed, t but t ed

    and retired to t trappist monastery at Granada, of which he

    itular Prior,  been afraid to leave the

    little Infanta at ty, even in

    Spain, orious, and wed by many of having

    caused t

    ed to ing le

    in Aragon.  Even after tion of three years of public

    mourning t  his whole dominions by

    royal edict, ers to speak about any

    neo him, and offered

    he lovely Archduchess of Bohemia, his niece, in

    marriage, ell ter t the King

    of Spain o Sorro t

    a barren bride ter ty; an ans cost


    at tigation, revolted against he

    leadersics of the Reformed Church.

    s fierce, fiery-coloured joys and

    terrible agony of its sudden ending, seemed to come back to him

    to-day as ca playing on terrace.  She had

    all tty petulance of manner, the same wilful way of

    tossing iful mouthe same

    wonderful smile - VRAI SOURIRE DE FRANCE indeed - as she glanced up

    no tretc tle hand for

    tately Spanislemen to kiss.  But ter of

    ted on  pitiless sunlight

    mocked range spices, spices such

    as embalmers use, seemed to taint - or  fancy? - the clear

    morning air.  a

    looked up again tains he King had


    Stle MOUE of disappointment, and shrugged her

    s ayed hday.

    did tupid State-affairs matter?  Or o t

    gloomy che candles were always burning, and where she

    o enter?  he sun was

    sly, and everybody was so happy!  Besides, he would

    miss t for  was already

    sounding, to say not-sher wonderful

    tor were much more

    sensible.  t on terrace, and paid her nice

    compliments.  So sossed ty aking Don Pedro

    by teps towards a long

    pavilion of purple silk t ed at the

    garden, trict order of precedence,

    t names going first.

    A procession of noble boys, fantastically dressed as tOREADORS,

    came out to meet  of tierra-Nueva, a

    een years of age, uncovering

    he grace of a born hidalgo and grandee of Spain,

    led o a little gilt and ivory c was

    placed on a raised dais above the children grouped

    ttering to

    eacor stood laughing

    at trance.  Even the Camerera-Mayor as she was

    called - a tured

    look quite so bad-tempered as usual, and something like a chill

    smile flitted across chin

    bloodless lips.

    It certainly was a marvellous bull-fighe

    Infanta t, t t s

    to see at Seville, on t of the Duke of

    Parma to  on richly-

    caparisoned h gay

    streamers of brigtaco t on foot

    cloaks before ting lightly

    over the bull himself,

    like a live bull, though he was only made of wicker-

    retcimes insisted on running round

    the arena on his hind legs, which no live bull ever dreams of

    doing.   of it too, and t so

    excited t tood up upon their lace

    :  BRAVO tORO!  BRAVO tORO! just as

    sensibly as if t last, however,

    after a prolonged combat, during whe hobby-horses

    ed, the

    young Count of tierra-Nueva brougo his knees, and

    ained permission from ta to give the COUP DE

    GRACE, o th

    suc t off, and disclosed the

    laugtle Monsieur de Lorraine, the French

    Ambassador at Madrid.

    t muche dead

    wo Moorish pages in yellow

    and black liveries, and after a s interlude, during which a

    Frencure-master performed upon tigalian

    puppets appeared in tragedy of SOPhe

    stage of a small tre t  up for the purpose.

    ted so ures remely natural,

    t at ta e

    dim ears.  Indeed some of the children really cried, and had

    to be comforted meats, and tor himself

    ed t  o Don Pedro t it

    seemed to olerable t t of wood and

    coloured wax, and worked mechanically by wires, should be so

    un errible misfortunes.

    An African juggler follo basket

    covered  in tre of the

    arena, ook from urban a curious reed pipe, and blew

    t.  In a fes to move, and as the

    pipe gre out

    trange wedge-so and

    fro  ser.  the children,

    ened at tted hoods and quick

    darting tongues, and were muche juggler made a

    tiny orange-tree gro of tty we

    blossoms and clusters of real fruit; and he fan of

    ttle daugorres, and c

    into a blue bird t fleheir

    delig kne, too,

    performed by tra Senora Del

    Pilar, was ca his

    Maytime in front

    of tar of the Virgin, and in her honour; and indeed none

    of tered t cathedral of

    Saragossa since a mad priest, supposed by many to he

    pay of Elizabetried to administer a poisoned

    o turias.  So she had known only by


    iful sig dresses

    of , and ts were fringed

    ed richers,

    teness of tumes, as t in

    t, being still more accentuated by thy faces

    and long black ed by ty

    ricate figures of the dance,

    and by te grace of tures, and stately

    bows, and wheir

    great plumed s to ta, sheir reverence

    esy, and made a vo she would send a large wax

    candle to turn for the

    pleasure t she had given her.

    A troop of ians - as termed in those

    days - to tting down cross-legs,

    in a circle, began to play softly upon their

    bodies to tune, and  beloh, a low

    dreamy air.   sig

    errified, for only a few weeks before

    ribe -

    place at Seville, but tty Infanta chem as she leaned

    back peeping over  blue eyes, and t

    sure t one so lovely as so anybody.

    So tly and just touche

    zited nails, and to nod

    as th a cry so shrill

    t all tartled and Don Pedros ched

    at te pommel of  to t and

    ambourines, and

    cing some range guttural language.

    t anoto the

    ground and lay te still, trumming of thers

    being t broke ter t they had

    done times, t and came

    back leading a brown sheir

    stle Barbary apes.  tood upon his head

    most gravity, and the wizened apes played all kinds of

    amusing tricks ers,

    and fouginy s through a

    regular soldiers drill just like the Kings own bodyguard.  In

    fact t success.

    But t part of tertainment, was

    undoubtedly ttle Do

    the arena, waddling on his crooked legs and wagging his huge

    misso side, t off into a loud

    s of deliga  the

    Camerera o remind  althere were many

    precedents in Spain for a Kings daughter weeping before her

    equals, the blood royal making so

    merry before the Dwarf,

    e irresistible, and even at the Spanish

    Court, aled for its cultivated passion for the horrible, so

    fantastic a little monster  was

    appearance, too.  he day before,

    running , by the nobles who happened

    to ing in a remote part of t cork-

    surrounded tohe Palace

    as a surprise for ta; her, who was a poor charcoal-

    burner, being but too o get rid of so ugly and

    useless a c amusing t him was his

    complete unconsciousness of esque appearance.  Indeed

    e  spirits.  he

    children laughed, he laughed as freely and as joyously as any of

    t t

    of bo t as if he was really one

    of t a little miss Nature, in

    some o mock at.  As for

    ta, sely fascinated  keep his

    eyes off o dance for  the

    close of t

    ladies of t ts to Caffarelli, the famous

    Italian treble, w from o

    Madrid t  cure tness of

    ook out of iful we rose, and

    partly for a jest and partly to tease t to him

    across test smile, ook tter

    quite seriously, and pressing to his rough coarse lips

    , and sank on one knee before her,

    grinning from ear to ear, and tle bright eyes sparkling

    h pleasure.

    t ty of ta t s on laughing

    long after ttle Dhe arena, and expressed

    a desire to  tely

    repeated.  t too

    , decided t it ter t her highness should

    return  delay to t had

    been already prepared for h

    ials  in painted sugar and a lovely

    silver flag op.  ta accordingly rose up

    y, and  ttle dwarf

    o dance again for er ta, and conveyed

    o t of tierra-Nueva for his charming

    reception, s back to ments, the children following

    in tered.

    Nole Dime

    before ta, and by her own express command, he was so proud

    t  into te rose in an

    absurd ecstasy of pleasure, and making t uncouth and clumsy

    gestures of delight.

    te indignant at o intrude into

    tiful hey saw him capering up and down

    the walks, and waving his arms above his head in such a ridiculous

    manner, t restrain their feelings any longer.

    oo ugly to be alloo play in any place where


    o sleep for a thousand

    years, said t scarlet Lilies, and te  and


    us.  ed

    and stumpy, and ely out of proportion h his

    legs.  Really he makes me feel prickly all over, and if he comes

    near me I ing horns.

    And ually got one of my best blooms, exclaimed the

    e Rose-tree.  I gave it to ta this morning myself, as

    a birt, and olen it from her.  And she called

    out:  t top of her voice.

    Even t usually give themselves airs,

    and o  many poor relations themselves,

    curled up in disgust ws meekly

    remarked t tainly extremely plain, still he

    could not , torted ice t

    t  there was no reason why one

    should admire a person because he was incurable; and, indeed, some

    of ts t t ttle

    D ostentatious, and t he would have shown much

    better taste if  least pensive, instead of

    jumping about merrily, and to sucesque and

    silly attitudes.

    As for tremely remarkable individual,

    and old time of day to no less a person the

    Emperor Caken aback by ttle

    D  forgot to mark two wes

    o the

    great milk-we Peacock, whe

    balustrade, t every one kne the children of Kings were

    Kings, and t the children of charcoal-burners were charcoal-

    burners, and t it o pretend t it  so; a

    statement irely agreed, and indeed

    screamed out, Certainly, certainly, in such a loud, harsh voice,

    t the cool splashing

    fountain put t of ter, and asked tone

    tritons ter.

    But someen in the

    forest, dancing about like an elf after the eddying leaves, or

    croucree, ss

    mind .  hy,

    even tingale ly in the orange

    groves at nig sometimes to listen, was

    not muco look at after all; and, besides, o

    t terribly bitter er, where were no

    berries on trees, and the

    es of ty to look for

    food, ten t hem

    crumbs out of tle h

    tever poor breakfast he had.

    So t touch

    ttered to eache

    little D  he

    beautiful elling t ta herself had

    given it to him because she loved him.

    t understand a single word of w

    t made no matter, for t their heads on one side, and

    looked anding a thing, and

    very much easier.

    took an immense fancy to him, and when he grew

    tired of running about and flung o rest,

    tried to amuse he

    best  be as beautiful as a

    lizard, t oo muco expect.  And,

    t sounds absurd to say so,  so ugly after

    all, provided, of course, t one ss ones eyes, and does not

    look at remely pure,

    and often sat togethere was

    noto do, or o

    go out.

    t their behaviour,

    and at t only shey said,

    t rus

    ay exactly in the same place, as we

    do.  No one ever saw us he walks, or galloping

    madly ter dragon-flies.   change

    of air, o another bed.

    t s birds and lizards have

    no sense of repose, and indeed birds  even a permanent

    address.  ts like the gipsies, and should be

    treated in exactly t their noses in

    ty, and e delighted when

    after some time ttle Dhe

    grass, and make errace to the palace.

    ainly be kept indoors for t of ural

    life, t his hunched back, and his crooked

    legs, and to titter.

    But ttle Dhe birds

    and t t the

    most marvellous t of course the

    Infanta, but tiful we rose, and

    s made a great difference.  how he wished

    t  him on her

    rig  her

    side, but aught her all

    kinds of deligricks.  For though he had never been in a

    palace before,  many hings.  he could

    make little cages out of ruso sing in,

    and fased bamboo into t Pan loves to


    from tree-top, or trail

    of every animal, and could track ts delicate

    footprints, and trampled leaves.  All the wild-

    dances  umn, the


    snoer, and the orchards

    in spring.   ts, and

    once w birds,  up

    t a little dovecot for them in

    t of a pollard elm.  te tame, and used to feed

    out of he

    rabbits t scurried about in th

    teely feat could

    curl to prickly balls, and t ortoises

    t cra, s the

    young leaves.  Yes, s certainly come to t and play

    tle bed, and ch

    outside till dao see t ttle

    did not  oo near t.  And

    at da tters and wake hey would

    go out and dance toget  a

    bit lonely in t.  Sometimes a Bishrough on his

    of a painted book.  Sometimes in their

    green velvet caps, and tanned deerskin, the

    falconers passed by, s.  At

    vintage-time came treaders, ,

    h glossy ivy and carrying dripping skins of wine; and

    t round t night,


    cnuts in t of their caves and

    made merry oo, iful

    procession y road to toledo.  the monks

    in front singing sly, and carrying bright banners and

    crosses of gold, and tchlocks and

    pikes, came t hree

    barefooted men, in strange yelloed all over h

    wonderful figures, and carrying ligheir hands.

    Certainly t deal to look at in t, and when

    sired  bank of moss for her, or carry

    rong, t he was

    not tall.

    e as pretty as te berries t she wore on her

    dress, and hem away,

    and hers.  he would bring her acorn-cups and

    deo be stars in the pale

    gold of her hair.

    But  made him no


    sters  been closed, ains had been drawn across

    to keep out the glare.  he wandered all round looking

    for some place t gain an entrance, and at last

    sigtle private door t was lying open.  he

    slipped through, and found himself in a splendid hall, far more

    splendid, , there was so much more

    gilding everyw coloured

    stones, fitted togeto a sort of geometrical pattern.  But

    ttle Infanta  te statues

    t looked doh sad blank

    eyes and strangely smiling lips.

    At tain of black

    velvet, poars, te devices,

    and broidered on t.  Perhaps she was hiding

    be?  ry at any rate.

    So ole quietly across, and dre aside.  No; there was only

    anottier room, , the one he

    left.  th a many-figured green arras

    of needle-ry representing a , the work of some

    Flemisists s

    composition.  It he chamber of JEAN LE FOU, as he

    mad King w

    en tried in o mount the huge rearing

    o drag doag on w hounds were

    leaping, sounding ing abbing

    t he council-room, and on

    tre table folios of ters,

    stamped ulips of Spain, and he arms and

    emblems of the house of hapsburg.

    ttle Dwarf looked in wonder all round him, and was half-

    afraid to go on.  trange silent  galloped so

    sly t making any noise, seemed to

    errible poms of whe charcoal-

    burners speaking - t only at night, and if

    t a man, turn o a  he

    t of tty Infanta, and took courage.  ed to find

    o tell  oo loved her.  Perhaps she was

    in the room beyond.

    Mooriss, and opened the door.  No!

    S e empty.

    It ion of foreign

    ambassadors, en,

    consented to give the same room in which,

    many years before, envoys o make

    arrangements for the

    Cat son.  the

    Cordovan leat chandelier

    s he black

    and  canopy of gold cloth, on

    ile were broidered in seed

    pearls, stood tself, covered h a rich pall of black

    velvet studded ulips and elaborately fringed h

    silver and pearls.  On tep of the

    kneeling-stool of ta, s cush of silver

    tissue, and belo again, and beyond t of the canopy,

    stood t to be

    seated in the occasion of any public

    ceremonial, and s tangled scarlet

    tassels, lay on a purple tABOUREt in front.  On the wall, facing

    trait of Cing

    dress,  mastiff by ure of Philip

    II. receiving tre of

    tood a black ebony cabinet,

    inlaid es of ivory, on whe figures from holbeins

    Dance of Deat

    famous master himself.

    But ttle Dhis magnificence.  he

    he canopy, nor

    one al of self.   ed

    o see ta before s doo to

    ask o come ah him when he had finished his dance.

    in t

    t h wandering hands of gold

    moved tremulous leaves aside.  too, in the

    forest, not so splendid, per

    more sly scented for all t;

    flooded he cool glens, and grassy knolls;

    yello nestled in little clumps round the gnarled

    roots of trees; bright celandine, and blue speedwell, and

    irises lilac and gold.  tkins on the hazels, and

    t of ted

    cells.  tnut s spires of ars, and the

    s pallid moons of beauty.  Yes:  surely she would come

    if o the fair

    forest, and all day long .  A smile

    lit up  t, and o t room.

    Of all test and t beautiful.


    ted y blossoms of silver; ture

    ooned hs, and swinging

    Cupids; in front of tood great screens

    broidered s and peacocks, and the floor, which was of

    sea-green onyx, seemed to stretco tance.  Nor


    extreme end of ttle figure ching him.  his

    trembled, a cry of joy broke from

    into t.  As  also, and he

    sa plainly.

    ta!  It er, t grotesque monster he had

    ever be properly s

    h huge lolling head and mane of

    black tle Der frowned

    also.   laugs o

    its sides, just as  a mocking bow,

    and it returned  to, and it

    came to meet ep t opping when

    opped ed , and ran forward,

    and reac er touched his,

    and it was as cold as ice.  he grew afraid, and moved his hand

    across, and ters  quickly.  ried to

    press on, but sometopped he face of

    ter o error.

    imitated ruck at

    it, and it returned blo made


    is it?   for a moment, and looked round at t

    of t range, but everyto s

    double in ter.  Yes, picture for

    picture ed, and couc

    lay in ts t

    slumbered, and t stood in t

    o a Venus as lovely as herself.

    as it Eco he valley, and she had

    answered he eye, as she mocked

    t like the real world?

    Could t?

    Could it be t - ?

    arted, and taking from  tiful we rose, he

    turned round, and kissed it.  ter s own,

    petal for petal t kissed it h like kisses, and

    pressed it to its  ures.

    ruth dawned upon him, he gave a wild cry of despair, and

    fell sobbing to t was he who was misshapen and

    o look at and grotesque.  he

    monster, and it   all the children had been laughing,

    and ttle Princess w loved oo had

    been merely mocking at his ugliness, and making merry over his

    ted limbs.   left , where

    to tell hsome he was?  hy had his

    fat killed o

    tears poured doe rose to pieces.

    ter did ttered t petals

    in t grovelled on t it,

    it c a he

    s, and covered h his hands.  he crawled,

    like some o there moaning.

    And at t moment ta h her companions

    ttle dwarf

    lying on ting th his clenched hands,

    in t fantastic and exaggerated manner, t off into

    ss of er, and stood all round ched him.

    a; but ing is

    funnier still.  Indeed  as good as ts, only of

    course not quite so natural.  And stered her big fan, and


    But ttle Dwarf never looked up, and er and

    fainter, and suddenly ched his

    side.  And te still.

    t is capital, said ta, after a pause; but now you

    must dance for me.

    Yes, cried all t get up and dance, for you

    are as clever as t

    ttle Dwarf made no answer.

    And ta stamped , and called out to her uncle, who

    errace he Chamberlain, reading some

    despatc  arrived from Mexico, whe holy Office

    ly been establistle dwarf is sulking,

    s wake ell o dance for me.

    t eacered in, and Don Pedro stooped

    doh his embroidered

    glove.  You must dance, It MONSIRE.  You must dance.

    ta of Spain and to be amused.

    But ttle Dwarf never moved.

    A wer s for, said Don Pedro wearily, and

    back to terrace.  But the Chamberlain looked grave, and

    beside ttle d .

    And after a fes he shrugged his shoulders, and rose up, and

    o ta, he said -

    MI BELLA PRINCESA, your funny little dwarf will never dance again.

    It is a pity, for   he King


    But a, laughing.

    Because  is broken, anshe Chamberlain.

    And ta frowned, and y rose-leaf lips curled in

    pretty disdain.  For ture let to play h me

    s, s into the garden.
