
类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·济慈 本章:无情的妖女



















































    La Belle sans Merci:A Ballad


    O  arms,

    Alone and palely loitering?

    the lake,

    And no birds sing.


    O  arms,

    So haggard and so woe-begone?

    the squirrels granary is full,

    And ts done.


    I see a lily on thy brow

    it and fever dew,

    And no thy cheeks a fading rose

    Fast oo.


    I met a lady in the meads,

    Full beautiful,and a fairys child;


    And her eyes were wild.


    I made a garland for her head,

    And bracelets too,and Fragrant zone;

    S me as she did love,

    And made s moan.


    I set reet,

    And nothing else saw all day long,

    For sidelong would she bend,and sing

    A fairys song.


    Ss of relis,

    And honey wild,and manna dew,

    And sure in languages strange she said--

    I love true.


    Sook me to ,

    And t,and sighd full score,

    And t her wild wild eyes

    ith kisses four.


    And there she lulled me asleep,

    And tide!

    test dream I ever dreamd

    On the cold hills side.


    I saoo,

    Pale hey all;

    they cried--La belle dame sans merci



    I saarvd lips in the gloam

    ith horrid warning gaped wide,

    And I awoke and found me here

    On the cold hills side.


    And this in why I sojourned here,

    Alone and palely loitering,

    the lake,

    And no birds sing.
