
类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·济慈 本章:秋颂







































    to Autumn

    by Jos J.


    Season of mists and mellofulness,

    Close bosom-friend of turing sun,

    Conspiring o load and bless

    it t round tch-eves run;

    to bend tage-trees,

    And fill all fruit o the core;

    to she hazel shells

    it kernel; to set budding more,

    And still more, later flohe bees,

    Until think warm days will never cease,

    For Summer heir clammy cells.


    seen t amid tore?

    Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find

    tting careless on a granary floor,

    t-lifted by the winnowing wind;

    Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,

    Dohy hook

    Spares t ss twined flowers.

    And sometimes like a gleaner t keep

    Steady thy laden head across a brook;

    Or by a cyder-press, ient look,

    tc t oozings hours by hours.



    t of t too,

    -dying day,

    And toucubble-plains h rosy hue;

    ts mourn

    Among t

    Or sinking as t wind lives or dies;

    And full-gro from hilly bourn;

    s sing; and noreble soft

    t ;

    And gatter in the skies.
