Candle in the wind

类别:文学名著 作者:苏菲 本章:Candle in the wind

    Goodbye England’s rose;

    may you ever grow in our s,

    You  placed itself

    .You called out to our country,

    and you wo shose in pain.

    Noo heaven,

    and tars spell out your name.

    And it seems to me you live your life.

    like a candle in the wind

    never fading

    w in.

    And your footsteps will always fall here,

    among England’s greenest hills;

    your candle’s burned out long before

    your legend ever will.

    loveliness ;

    ty days  your smile.

    torch we’ll always carry

    for our nation’s golden child.

    And even try,

    truto tears;

    all our  express

    t us the years.

    And it seems to me you lived your life

    like a candle in the wind

    never fading

    w in.

    And your footsteps will always fall here,

    among England’s greenest hills;

    your candle’s burned out long before

    your legend ever will.

    Goodbye England’s rose;

    may you ever grow in our s.

    You  placed itself


    Goodbye England’s rose,

    from a country lost  your soul,

    whe wings of your compassion

    more than you’ll ever know.

    And it seems to me you lived your life

    like a candle in the wind

    never fading

    w in.

    And your footsteps will always fall here,

    among England’s greenest hills;

    your candle’s burned out long before

    your legend ever will.

    loveliness ;

    ty days  your smile.

    torch we’ll always carry

    for our nation’s golden child.

    And even try,

    truto tears;

    all our  express

    t us the years.

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