June, 1942

类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:June, 1942

    June 12, 1942

    I o confide everyto you, as I o confide in anyone, and I  source of comfort and support.

    COMMENt ADDED BY ANNE ON SEPtEMBER 28, 1942: So far you truly  source of comfort to me, and so ty, o regularly.

    t for ts e in you. O you along!

    SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1942

    Ill begin from t I got you, t I saable among my ots. (I  along  t doesnt count.)

    On Friday, June 12, I  six oclock,   Im not alloo get up at t o control my curiosity until quarter to seven.   any longer, I  to tje (t)  my legs.

    A little after seven I  to Daddy and Mama and to to open my presents, and you  t presents.

    t of roses, some peonies and a potted plant. From Daddy and Mama I got a blue blouse, a game, a bottle of grape juice, astes a bit like er all,  certificate for t anot Margot already , so I excter of e an expert at baking cookies), lots of candy and a straart from Motter from Grammy, rigime, but of course t  a coincidence.

    to pick me up, and  to sc cookies to my teac ime to get back to  arrive il five, since I  to gym  of t alloo take part because my send to get dislocated.) As it  to decide ;hday.”

    er gym, since o be my t friends. People o say, quot;t; I only met Jacqueline van Maarsen ed at t friend. Ilse is  friend, and Sanne goes to anothere.

    tiful book, Dutc take, so I exc  me a puzzle, Aunt Step Leny a terrific book: Daisy Goes to tains.

    t would be if I had a dog

    like Rin tin tin. Id call in tin too, and Id take o scay in tors room or by ther was good.

    MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1942

    I y on Sunday afternoon. tin tin movie es. I got tart by saying a fe my scudents.

    Betty Bloemendaal looks kind of poor, and I treet in est Amsterdam, and none of us knos because s because s.

    Sty quiet.

    Jacqueline van Maarsen is supposedly my best friend, but Ive never had a real friend.

    At first I t Jacque  I aken.

    D.Q.* [* Initials  random to to remain anonymous.] is a very nervous girl eacra . So G.Z.

    E.S. talks so muc isnt funny. Souctons and me, but I dont care, since I dont like her.

    s is a nice girl ion, except t salks in a loud voice and is really cdoors. Unfortunately, y and vulgar.

    J.R. - I could e a able, sneaky, stuck-up, to tears at test to top it all off, is a terrible so be rig full of t adorable dresses t are oo old for  s. J. and I cant stand eacher.

    Ilse agner is a nice girl ion, but sremely fInicky and can spend  somet. S, but lazy.

    sc on trange side. Sspoken at  reserved around otever you tell o  s sely Ive corne to appreciate  deal.

    Nannie van Praag-Sigaar is small, funny and sensible. I tty smart. t muc Nannie. Eefje de Jong is, in my opinion, terrific. ts as if I were a baby. Shes also very helpful, and I like her.

    G.Z. is ttiest girl in our class. S is kind of dumb. I to  of course I  told .

    COMMENt ADDED BY ANNE At A LAtER DAtE: to my areat surprise, G.Z.

    er all.

    And sitting next to G.Z. is t of us twelve girls, me.

    t to be said about t so mucer all.

    Maurice Coster is one of my many admirers, but pretty muc. Sallie Springer  t ill, I terrific, because hes very funny.

    Emiel Bone is G.Z.s admirer, but s care. ty boring. Rob Coo be in love oo, but I cant stand tle goof who has an awfully high opinion of himself.

    Max van de Velde is a farm boy from Medemblik, but eminently suitable, as Margot would say.

    like Jopie de Beer,  and absolutely girl-crazy.

    Leo Blom is Jopie de Beers best friend, but y mind.

    Albert de Mesquita came from tessori Sc.

    Leo Slager came from t isnt as smart.

    Ru Stoppelmon is a s, goofy boy from Almelo o the year.

    C.N. does o.

    Jacques Kocernoot sits be to C., and we (G. and I) laugh ourselves silly.

    decent boy in our class. hes nice.

    erner Josepoo, but all taking place lately oo quiet, so ougracks. A real brat. (Admirer!)

    Appie Riem is pretty Ort a brat too.

    SAtURDAY, JUNE 20,1942

    riting in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because Ive never ten anyt also because it seems to me t later on neiterested in teen-year-old sc doesnt matter. I feel like ing, and I er need to get all kinds of t.

    quot;Paper ience t; I t of ttle depressed and ting at less, ay in or go out. I finally stayed  planning to let anyone else read tiff-backed notebook grandly referred to as a quot;diary,”

    unless I s probably  make a bit of difference.

    Noo t t prompted me to keep a diary in t place: I dont have a friend.

    Let me put it more clearly, since no one  a teen year-old girl is completely alone in t. I s and a sixteen-year-old sister, and t ty people I can call friends. I  keep times o resort to using a broken pocket mirror to try and catcs and a good o  my one true friend. All I t  bring myself to talk about anyt ordinary

    everyday t seem to be able to get any closer, and ts the problem.

    Maybe its my fault t  confide in eacs just unately t liable to carted the diary.

    to ened friend in my imagination, I dont  to jot dos in t people  I  to be my friend, and Im going to call tty.

    Since no one and a ories to Kitty if I o plunge rigter provide a brief sketch of my life, much as I dislike doing so.

    My fat adorable fat marry my motil y-six and sy-five. My sister Margot  am Main in Germany in 1926. I  until I o or of tca Company, s used in making jam. My mot o ember,  to Aaco stay   to able as a birt for Margot.

    I started rig tessori nursery scayed til I  arted first grade. In sixteac tears as ed at t also  to school.

    Our lives   anxiety, since our relatives in Germany i-Jeo live y-t time.

    After May 1940 times  tulation and trouble started for tricted by a series of anti-Jear; Jeo turn in to use street-cars; Jeo ride in cars, even to do tween 3 and 5 P.M.;

    Jeo frequent only Jewisy parlors;

    Jeo be out on treets between 8 P.M. and 6 A.M.; Jews were

    forbidden to attend ters, movies or any otertainment; Jeo use sennis courts, ic fields; Jeo go roo take part in any atic activity in public; Jeo sit in ter 8 P.M.; Jeo visit Cians in to attend Je do t do t, but life  on. Jacque alo me, quot;I dont dare do anyts not allowed.”

    In t sick and o ion, so my birttle celebration. In t do mucing  ended in en I till love ion in 1942 ended to make up for t along .

    till doing  brings me to t date of June 20, 1942, and tion of my diary.

    SAtURDAY, JUNE 20, 1942

    Dearest Kitty! Let me get started rigs nice and quiet no and Margot o play Ping-Pong  reess. Ive been playing a lot of Ping-Pong myself lately. So muc five of us girls s called quot;ttle Dipper Minus t; A really silly name, but its based on a mistake. e ed to give our club a special name; and because ttle Dipper. e t it consisted of five stars, but urned out to be  ;Minus t; Ilse agner , and t us play in t. Since   playing Ping-Pong, our games usually end  to t ice-cream parlor t alloopped ing around for our purses or money -- most of time its so busy in Oasis t o find a feance or an admirer to offer us more ice cream t in a week.

    Youre probably a little surprised to alking about admirers at sucender age. Unfortunately, or not, as to be rampant at our sc to talking, nine times out of ten I can be sure  and  let

    me out of  for a second. ually cools, especially since I ignore e glances and pedal blit gets so bad t tart rambling on about quot;asking Fat; I s off ime Ive scion to anotopic. t innocent types. Of course, try to take  tely knocking on t off my bike and eito make furt as if Im insulted and tell tain terms to go on  me. til tomorrow.

    Yours, Anne

    SUNDAY, JUNE 21, 1942

    Dearest Kitty,

    Our entire class is quaking in its boots. ting in o t grade and ire vacation savings on t. From morning to nigs quot;Youre going to pass, No, Im not,”

    quot;Yes, you are,quot; quot;No, Im not.quot; Even G.s pleading glances and my angry outbursts cant calm t about a quarter of t back, but teac unpredictable creatures on eartime table in t direction for a c so  my girlfriends and myself.

    ell make it. t Im not sure about is mat. Until telling eac to lose .

    I get along pretty eaceac me for t time because I talked so mucer several ;A Cterbox.quot; A cterbox, e about t? Id  t later, I decided. I jotted do in my notebook, tucked it in my bag and tried to keep quiet.

    t evening, after Id finis of my e about t my eye. I began t t ain pen. Anyone could ramble on and leave big spaces bet the

    trick o come up s to prove ty of talking. I t and t, and suddenly I e tisfied. I argued t talking is a female trait and t I  to keep it under control, but t I o break myself of t, since my motalked as muc more, and t t muc ined traits.

    Mr. Keesing  my arguments, but alk my  class, ime it o be on quot;An Incorrigible Cterbox.quot; I  in, and Mr. Keesing o complain about for talking in class, e an essay entitled Quack, Quack, Quack, said Mistress Cterback.“

    to laugoo, ted my ingenuity on topic of cterboxes. It ime to come up  poetry, offered to e to end in verse. I jumped for joy. Keesing rying to play a joke on me , but Id make sure t iful! It  a motten to deatoo mucook t s, and to several oto talk and  been assigned any extra rary, Keesings alhese days.

    Yours, Anne

    EDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 1942

    Dearest Kitty,

    Its sering. Everyone is  I o reetcar is, but o make use of t are good enough for us.

    Yesterday at luncment ist on Jan Luykenstraat. Its a long immertuinen. t afternoon I nearly fell asleep at my desk. Fortunately, people automatically offer you someto drink. tal assistant is really kind.

    transportation left to us is t Josef

    Israelkade took us across s not t of tc we Jews are ime.

    I o scolen during Easter vacation, and Fato some Cian friends for safekeeping. tion is almost orment will be over.

    Someted erday morning. As I urned around and t t my friend ilmas. o t all salks about is boys, and t gets to be a bore. ole surprised and  sure  it didnt take me long to find out. o accompany me to sc;As long as youre  ; I said. And so ogether.

    een and good at telling all kinds of funny stories.

    ing for me again t he will be from now on.

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