JULY, 1942

类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:JULY, 1942

    EDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1942

    Dearest Kitty,

    Until today I ly couldnt find time to e you. I s   until today.

    ten to kno about s. s are in Belgium, but t to oo. Sly s and perfectly boring. Ever since  me,   Ursuls side. So Im kind of a pep tonic. You never know w youre good for!

    Jacque spent Saturday nigernoon s iff.

    o come over t evening, but ;to Anne?quot;

    quot;Ohis is Anne.”

    quot;O; “

    quot;Fine, thanks.”

    quot;I just ed to say Im sorry but I cant come tonigo  all rig ten minutes quot;Yes, ts fine. Bye-bye!”

    quot;Okay, Ill be right over. Bye-bye!”

    I  to c rusairs, but ed quietly until  doo open t rigo t.

    quot;Anne, my grandmotoo young for me to be seeing you on a regular basis. So t you probably kno Im not going out h Ursul anymore.”

    quot;No, I didnt know.  wo ?”

    quot;No, not. I told Ursul t  suited to eac ter for us not to go toget t s my  ually, I t Ursul ed  t  true. And to  of course I didnt feel like it, and ts   one of the reasons.

    quot;Nos me to see Ursul and not you, but I dont agree and Im not going to. Sometimes old people  t doesnt mean I o go along s, but in a certain sense too. From nos made me sign up for a  actually I go to a club organized by ts. My grandparents dont  me to go, because ti-Zionists. Im not a fanatic Zionist, but it interests me. Anys been sucely t Im planning to quit. So next ednesday  meeting.

    t means I can see you ednesday evening, Saturday afternoon, Saturday evening, Sunday afternoon and maybe even more.quot;

    quot;But if your grandparents dont  you to, you? s go beheir backs.”

    quot;Alls fair in love and war.”

    Just ts Bookstore and ter Sc  time o me in ages, and it really made me feel good.

    Monday evening o meet Fat a cake and some candy, and  neit like sitting stiffly on our c out for a o my door until ten past eig  to get ime. I o promise to be en to eigure. Ive been asked to urday.

    ilma told me t one nig ;, Ursul or Anne?”

    ;Its none of your business.”

    But as  talked to eac of t;ell, I like Anne better, but dont tell anyone. Bye!quot; And he door.

    In everyt s kind of nice for a c  ly suitable. I too, but . Mot;A good-looking boy. Nice and polite.quot; Im glad   about t. Jacque still teases me about  Im not in love  really. Its all rigo have boys as friends.

    Nobody minds.

    Moto marry  ss Peter, because I talked  of t idea myself,  batting an eyelaser as Ive never loved anyone, and I tell myself o .  a friend, or as Mots it, a beau.

    Yours, Anne

    SUNDAY, JULY 5, 1942

    Dear Kitty,

    tion ceremony in ter on Friday  as expected. My report card  too bad. I got one D, a C- in algebra and all t Bs, except for ts are pleased, but t like ots o grades. t report cards, good or bad. As long as Im  talk back too mucisfied. If t, everytake care of itself.

    Im just te. I dont  to be a poor student. I ed to tional basis. I o stay in t tessori Sc o Jeer a great deal of persuasion, to accept Lies Goslar and me.

    Lies also passed to repeat ry exam.

    Poor Lies. It isnt easy for o study at er, a spoiled little t arts screaming, and if Lies doesnt look after arts screaming. So Lies ime doing s tutoring sting  . Mrs. Goslars parents live next door, but eat minded and absent Mr. Goslar and ta Ie Mrs.

    Goslar, s lost in the mayhem.

    My sister Margot ten  card.

    Brilliant, as usual. If ; s.

    Fat lately. to do at t must be ao feel youre not needed. Mr. Kleiman aken over Opekta, and Mr.

    Kugler, Gies amp; Co., titutes t  up in 1941.

    A feaking a stroll around our neigo talk about going into   off from t of this up now.

    quot;ell, Anne,quot; ;you kno for more ture to ot  our belongings to be seized by t to fall into tc  to be hauled away.”

    quot;But  scared.

    quot;Dont you ake care of everyt enjoy your carefree life while you can.”

    t . O come true for as long as possible.

    time to stop.

    Yours, Anne

    EDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1942

    Dearest Kitty,

    It seems like years since Sunday morning. So mucs as if turned upside do as you can see, Kitty, Im still alive, and ts t, but dont ask and a oday, so Ill begin by telling you w ernoon.

    At t but o come back later), t , since I  on ttle  appeared in tcated. quot;Fatice from t; s;Moto see Mr.

    van Daanquot; (Mr. van Daan is Fatner and a good friend.)

    I unned. A call-up: everyone kno means. Visions of concentration camps and lonely cells raced t Fato suce? quot;Of course  going,quot; declared Margot as ed for Mot;Moto Mr. van Daan to ask oget; Silence. e couldnt speak. t of Fating someone in tal and completely una, to silence.

    Suddenly t;ts ; I said.

    quot;Dont open t; exclaimed Margot to stop me. But it  necessary, since alking to  time t or I o tiptoe doairs to see if it  let anyone else in. Margot and I  from ted to talk to Mother alone.

    ting in our bedroom, Margot told me t t for Fat for  to cry. Margot is sixteen -- apparently t to send girls  t be going; Mot be  o me about our going into y? In try? In a ions I  alloo ask, but till kept running through my mind.

    Margot and I started packing our most important belongings into a sc tuck in ters. Preoccupied by t of going into uck t t Im not sorry. Memories mean more to me than dresses.

    Fato ask if  evening. Mr. van Daan left and  to get Miep. Miep arrived and promised to return later t nigaking s, underockings. After t it  in our apartment; none of us felt like eating. It ill , and everytrange.

    e ed our big upstairs room to a Mr. Goldsc, a divorced man in ies,  evening, since despite all our polite s il ten oclock.

    Miep and Jan Gies came at eleven. Miep, o Mieps bag and Jans deep pockets. At eleven-ty too disappeared.

    I d be my last nig a il Mot five-ty t morning. Fortunately, it  as  as Sunday; a  the day.

    t looked as if o spend t in a refrigerator, and all t just so ake more clotuation case full of clots, a dress, and over t a skirt, a jacket, a raincoat, tockings, s more. I ing even before  t no one boto ask me .

    Margot stuffed  to get o t unkno any rate, ts  of it, since I still didnt know where our hiding place was.

    At seven-ty oo closed tje, my cat, ure I said good-bye to. According to a note  for Mr. Goldsc, so be taken to the neighbors, who would give her a good home.

    tripped beds, t table, t for t in tced t  in a   interested in impressions. e just ed to get out of to get aion in safety. Nottered.

    More tomorrow.

    Yours, Anne

    thURSDAY, JULY 9, 1942

    Dearest Kitty,

    So to t varied assortment of items. to  t early ic looks;

    you could tell by t t offer us some kind of transportation; tar spoke for itself.

    Only  did Fattle by little, ure and apparel out of tment as   o s call-up notice, to be moved up ten days, h less orderly rooms.

    ted in Fats a little siders to understand, so Ill explain. Fat  of people y-typist named Bep Voskuijl, all of ants, none of hing.

    ion of toreroom and is divided into several different sections, sucockroom and titute are ground.

    Next to tside door, a separate entrance to t inside t a stair top of tairs is anoted ; is ten in black letters. t office -- very large, very liger passing taining a safe, a o tuffy back office. to be s nos only occupant. Mr. Kuglers office can also be reac only t can be opened from t not easily from tside. If you leave Mr. Kuglers office and proceed t teps, you find yourself in te office, tire building. Elegant maure, a linoleum floor covered  class.

    Next door is a spacious kitc-er er and t a bats the second floor.

    A aircase leads from tairs o t top of tairs is a landing,  takes you up to torage area, attic and loft in t part of typically Dutceep, ankle-ting fligairs also runs from t part of to anoto treet.

    to t of to t;Secret Annexquot; at t t plain gray door. t one small step in front of traigeep fligairs. to t is a narro serves as t MAP hERE]

    room and bedroom. Next door is a smaller room, tudy of t of tairs is a oilet and anoto Margots and my room. If you go up tairs and open t top, youre surprised to see suc and spacious room in an old canalside  contains a stove (to t  it used to be Mr. Kuglers laboratory) and a sink.

    tcudy for us all. A tiny side room is to be Peter van Daans bedroom. t as in t part of ttic and a loft. So troduced you to the whole of our lovely Annex!

    Yours, Anne

    FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1942

    Dearest Kitty, Ive probably bored you ion of our  I still t from my next letters.

    But first, let me continue my story, because, as you kno finiser  263 Prinsengracaircase to t floor and into t t ing for us.

    Our living room and all tuff t I cant find to describe it. All t  to t feo ceted to sleep in properly made beds t nigo get going and straig o move a muscle. ttresses, tired, miserable and I dont kno Fatarted in right away.

    All day long o our clean beds at nig eaten a  meal all day, but  care; Mot oo tired and keyed up to eat, and Fatoo busy.

    tuesday morning arted  before. Bep and Miep  grocery sion coupons, Fat screens, co sundoil ednesday, I didnt o t the enormous change in my life.

    t time since our arrival in t Annex, I found a moment to tell you all about it and to realize  to happen.

    Yours, Anne

    SAtURDAY, JULY 11, 1942

    Dearest Kitty,

    Fat still cant get used to tertoren clock, ime every quarter of an  me, I liked it from tart; it sounds so reassuring, especially at nig  to  I t I dont really kno. I dont t  t doesnt mean I e it. Its more like being on vacation in some strange pension. Kind of an odd o look at life in  ts o  may be damp and lopsided, but t a more comfortable erdam. No, in all of holland.

    Up to nos blank o Fat my entire postcard and movie-star collection o a brus of glue, I o plaster tures. It looks muco build cupboards and ot of ttic.

    Margot and Mot. Yesterday Mot -pea soup for t time, but tairstalking and forgot all about it. t of scraping could get t of the pan.

    Last nig doo te office and listened to England on t  t I literally begged Fato take me back upstairs. Motood my anxiety and  ever  arted off immediately t day seains. Actually, you can , since t scraps of fabric, varying greatly in sy and pattern, coget acked to

    tay until  of hiding.

    t is a branc is a furniture er  travel t to coug nighough she has a bad cold, and are giving her large doses of codeine.

    Im looking foro t for tuesday. It . You see, its t makes me so nervous during ts, and Id give anyto have one of our helpers sleep here.

    Its really not t bad en to the radio in Daddys office.

    Mr. Kleiman and Miep, and Bep Voskuijl too, ra o buy lots of games. Of course,  ever look out tside. And  so tairs cant hear us.

    Yesterday  tes of co can. ere going to use ty crates to make bookshelves.

    Someones calling me.

    Yours, Anne

    COMMENt ADDED BY ANNE ON SEPtEMBER 2g, 1942: Not beina able to ao outside upsets me more terrified our  , of course, is a fairly dismal prospect.

    SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1942

    to me t mont every day I feel myself drifting furt. I o start picking on me again five minutes later.

    You can easily see t and t broke the vacuum cleaner, and because of

    t  lig of t;ell, Margot, its easy to see youre not used to ter to yank t by t; Margot made some reply, and t ory.

    But ternoon, o ree somet because ing is so o read, s let me. S again, and tting involved.

    I dont fit in  t clearly in t feimental toget Id ratimental on my o is   along so  giving a moments t to t t I dont feel t way.

    Daddys tands me, no. Anot stand is alk about me in front of outsiders, telling ts horrible.

    And sometimes talk about Moortje and I cant take t at all. Moortje is my . I miss e of ten I tears. Moortje is so s, and I love  I keep dreaming so us.

    I y of dreams, but ty is t ay il t ever go outside, and tors oo dangerous.

    COMMENt ADDED BY ANNE IN SEPtEMBER 1942: Daddys ally, and I o- talk sometime  my bursting instantly into tears. But apparently t o do h my age.

    Id like to spend all my time ing, but t  boring.

    Up to nos to my diary. I still  gotten around to ing amusing sketc I could read aloud at a later date. In ture Im going to devote less time to sentimentality and more time to reality.

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