类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:FEBRUARY, 1943

    FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    ts been ages since Ive ten to you about till no cook our soon-forgotten clas nories to mediate.

    Margot and Peter arent exactly ;youngquot;; t and boring. Next to tick out like a sore told, quot;Margot and Peter dont act t ers example!quot; I e t.

    I confess t I ely no desire to be like Margot. Soo o suit me; ss  to  I keep ideas like to myself.

    t me if I offered this in my defense.

    During meals tension. Fortunately, tbursts are sometimes ;soup eaters,quot; to have a cup of soup for lunch.

    ternoon Mr. van Daan again broug t Margot eats so little. quot;I suppose you do it to keep your figure,quot; one.

    Moto Margots defense, said in a loud voice, quot;I cant stand t stupid cter of yours a minute longer.”

    Mrs. van D. turned red as a beet. Mr. van D. stared straighing.

    Still, en  long ago Mrs. van D. ertaining us  of nonsense or anotalking about t, about  along  a flirt s;And you kno; sinued, quot;my fatold me t if a gentleman ever got freso say, Remem ber, sir, t Im a lady, and  I meant.quot; e split our sides laugold us a good joke.

    Even Peter, t, occasionally gives rise to y. une of adoring foreign  knoernoon  use toilet because tors in to ,  to t didnt flusoilet. to  odor, acked a sign to t;RSVP -- gas!quot; Of course,  quot;Danger -- gas!quot; but  quot;RSVPquot; looked more elegant.  est idea t it meant quot;please reply.”

    Yours, Anne

    SAtURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    Pim is expecting t is gradually getting better. Gandeentrikes.

    Mrs. van D. claims salistic. But w afraid whe guns go off?

    None otronella van Daan.

    Jan brougter t to their parishioners.

    It iful and inspiring. quot;People of tand up and take action.

    Eac co figry, our people and our reli gion! Give your . Act no; t t. ill it do any good? Its definitely too late to help our fellow Jews.

    Guess   informing Mr. Kugler and Mr. Kleiman. One morning tect to look tlemen all to see, ion of t Annex.  t ions. If only  come back demanding to see t case, rouble!

    Fatied a card file for Margot and me and filled it  are blank on one side. to become our reading file, in o note doe. Ive learned t;brot; and quot;coquette.quot; Ive bouge notebook for new words.

    tter and margarine. Eaco get tion on te. tribution is very unfair. t for everyone, give times more they do us.

    My parents are mucoo afraid of an argument to say anyt saste of their own medicine.

    Yours, Anne

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