MARCH, 1943

类别:文学名著 作者:安妮·弗兰克 本章:MARCH, 1943

    thURSDAY, MARCh 4, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    Mrs. van D. arted calling  doesnt mean anyto you, so let me explain. A certain Mr.

    Beaverbrook often talks on t oo lenient bombardment of Germany. Mrs. van Daan, s everyone, including Cs, is in complete agreement h Mr.

    Beaverbrook. So  it o tered by tion, o call her Mrs. Beaverbrook from now on.

    ere getting a neo Germany. ts bad for  good for us because t be famtill afraid of the warehouse.

    Ganding again.

    t is doing a booming business. If uff ourselves silly. Our greengrocer buys potatoes from t;equot; and brings to te office. Since s were  of coming during lunc.

    So muc t t s us ;a; Mrs. van D. sairs; one more  sick.

    I dont t pectin and pepper. As long as youre in t make candy?

    A veritable torm of words came crashis morning.

    t my ears ;Annes bad t; annd quot;van Daans good t.quot; Fire and brimstone!

    Yours, Anne

    EDNESDAY, MARCh 10, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    e  circuit last nig, til daill  gotten over my fear of planes and sing, and I crao

    Fat for comfort. I kno sounds c  till it o you! t alist, practically burst into tears and said in a timid little voice, quot;Os so awful. O; -- w;Im so scared.”

    It didnt seem nearly as bad by candlelig did in to relig: to be no lig of macs ten times iaircraft guns.

    Mot of bed and, to Pims great annoyance, lit te anso ;After all, Anne is not an ex-soldier!quot; And t !

    old you any of Mrs. van D.s ot to keep you up to date on test adventures in t Annex, I sell you this as well.

    One nig ssteps in ttic, and s t very same moment, tened pounding of alistic ;Oti!quot; sti is Mrs. van D.s pet name for ;t aken all our sausages and dried beans. And  Peter? Oers still safe and sound in his bed?”

    quot;Im sure t stolen Peter. Stop being suc me get back to sleep!”

    Impossible. Mrs. van D. oo scared to sleep.

    A feire van Daan family er  to ttic  and -- scurry, scurry -- s!

    Once ic and never saed guests again. . . at least not at night.

    A fe y and still liger  up to t to get some old nerapdoor to climb do do realizing it,  , h his knees

    knocking, tting a rat isnt muc takes a c of your arm.

    Yours, Anne

    FRIDAY, MARCh 12, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    May I introduce: Mama Frank, te! Extra butter for ters, todays yout, and Motion. After a skirmiswo, ss her way.

    One of tongue is spoiled. A feast for Mouschi and Boche.

    You  met Boc, despite t t s into ,  bay in toreroom.

    ical name can easily be explained. For a s: one for ttic. time to time, tic cat imately tor, just as in politics. So t ;Boc; and ttic cat t;tommy.quot; Sometime after t t rid of tommy, but Boco amuse us wairs.

    VVeve eaten so many bro I cant stand to look at t t them makes me sick.

    Our evening serving of bread has been canceled.

    Daddy just said t  in a very che poor man!

    I cant tear myself a the Door by Ina Bakker Boudier.

    tremely ten, but ts dealing ers and tion of  very good. to be , ts dont interest me much.

    terrible bombing raids on Germany. Mr. van Daan is grouche

    cigarette sage.

    te about o start eating the canned food ended in our favor.

    I cant s, ical around tra o scrounge up somet.

    Its time to cut Fat I do suco anoter t nick en!

    Yours, Anne

    thURSDAY, MARCh 18, 1943

    My dearest Kitty,

    turkeys entered t excitement. Anxiously aing radio reports.

    FRIDAY, MARCh 19, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    In less t ment. turkey  entered t. It  minister talking about turkey giving up its neu trality sometime soon. ting quot;turkey on Englands side!quot; and tc of he encouraging rumor.

    tes are being declared invalid. tll be a bloo teers and ot even more to pe Ie in  cant be accounted for. to turn in a to be able to state  and provide proof. till be used to pay taxes, but only until next es  time. Gies amp; Co. still ed-for to pay timated taxes for to be aboveboard.

    Dussel -operated dentists drill. t means Ill probably be getting a thorough checkup soon.

    Dussel is terribly lax o obeying t only does e letters to te, ty correspondence , tceacing tters for o keep up tice and Margot opped correcting tters, but I t  be long before arts up again.

    talking to ened on t ic. tions and ans somethis:

    quot;My name is heinrich Scheppel.”

    quot;here were you wounded?”

    quot;Near Stalingrad.”

    quot; kind of ?”

    quot;tbitten feet and a fracture of t arm.”

    t report of t ster. One  of sill  he could barely say a word.

    I o drop Dussels soap on tep on it. Noo compensate s one bar of inferior ime soap a month.

    Yours, Anne

    thURSDAY, MARCh 25, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    Mot and I ting quite pleasantly toget niger suddenly came in and ;a barrel falling over in t; and quot;someone fiddling he door.”

    Margot  too, but rying to calm me dourned ed

    doairs. A minute or ter Mrs. van Daan came up from o told us t Pim o turn it off and tiptoe upstairs. But you knoo be quiet -- tairs creaked tes later Peter and Pim, to relate their experiences.

    tioned taircase and ed. Nothing happened.

    tairs,  to   kicking up a fuss and making a lot of noise. tiptoed in our stockinged feet to t floor. Mr. van D. o bed, so ime Mr.

    van D. coug.  cougil someone came up  idea of giving ely.

    Once again ed and ed, but o t taken to tsteps in an ot building. t te office ly grouped around tuned to England. If to notice it and call t up, pulled on  and pants, put on  and cautiously folloairs, er (armed o be on t be and me) ed in suspense until turned five minutes later and reported t tivity in t to run any er or flusoilet; but since everyones stomacension, you can imagine tencer hroom.

    Incidents like ters, and tion. Number one: tertoren bells stopped cing. Number t early last nig sure if ten to lock the door.

    But t tle importance no  begun, and ill  sure o expect. e  t betered t our lives in jeopardy, and ten-ty,  it, t seemed t a burglar would he evening,

    on treets. Besides t, it occurred to us t t t door migill  work.

    ement and ts easy to mistake the sounds.

    Besides, your imagination often plays tricks on you in moments of danger.

    So  to bed, t to sleep. Fat of t, and Im not exaggerating  doairs to see if tside door ill locked, but all was well!

    Of course, ire office staff a blo of t, s muco laug ter took us seriously.

    Yours, Anne

    PS. toilet o stick in a long  and straoilet paper terhe pole.

    SAtURDAY, MARCh 27, 1943

    Dearest Kitty,

    eve finishand course and are now working on improving our speed.

    Arent ! Let me tell you more about my quot;time killersquot; (t I call my courses, because all ry to make t muco time erest is just a passing fancy, since teenager ion of myt!

    Mr. van Daan c, but o-do over it. ea, coats tincture of myrrum over , nose, gums and tongue.

    And to top it off, hes in a foul mood!

    Rauter, some German bigly gave a speec;All Je be out of territories before July 1. trec; these poor people are being

    so filtered cattle. But Ill say no more on t. My os give me nightmares!

    One good piece of ne t on fire in an act of sabotage. A feer ty Clerks Office also  up in flames. Men posing as German police bound and gagged to destroy some important documents.

    Yours, Anne

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