类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER ONE

    BE umn day and Jill Pole was crying behe gym.

    S going to be  a scory, so I stle as possible about Jills sc a  pleasant subject. It ;Co-educational,quot; a sc used to be called  a quot;mixed”

    sc  nearly so mixed as t. t boys and girls so do unately en or fifteen of t boys and girls liked best  s of t on opped in erm; but at t.  Or even if t expelled or puniseresting psyc for talked to t sort of to say to t   you became rate therwise.

    t umn day on ttle pat nearly  finisling, s. o her.

    quot;Cant you look w; said Jill Pole.

    quot;All rig; said t;you neednt start -quot; and ticed ;I say, Pole,”

    ;ws up?”

    Jill only made faces; t you make o say somet find t if you speak youll start crying again.

    quot;Its t; said to s.

    Jill nodded. to say anyt.

    th knew.

    quot;No;theres no good us all -”

    alk rature.  Jill suddenly fleo a temper (o errupted in a cry).

    quot;O; s;Nobody asked you to  come barging in, did to start telling us  you? I suppose you mean ime sucking up to  ttendance on them like you do.”

    quot;O; said tting do tting up again because t. unately ace Scrubb, but  a bad sort.

    quot;Pole!quot; ;Is t fair?  term? Didnt I stand up to Carter about t? And didnt I keep t about  Spivvins - under torture too? And didnt I -”

    quot;I d-dont kno care,quot; sobbed Jill.

    Scrubb sa s quite  and very sensibly offered .

    oo. Presently Jill began to see t.

    quot;Im sorry, Scrubb,quot; sly. quot;I  fair. You  - term.”

    quot;t last term if you can,quot; said Eustace. quot;I  c a little tick I was.”

    quot;ell, ly, you ; said Jill.

    quot;You t; said Eustace.

    quot;Its not only me,quot; said Jill. quot;Everyones been saying so. ticed  it. Eleanor Blakiston alking about it in our cerday. S  Scrubb kid. e unmanageable term. e so attend to .“

    Eustace gave a s Experiment  it ;attended toquot; by them.

    Bot for a moment. the laurel  leaves.

    quot; last term?quot; said Jill presently.

    quot;A lot of queer to me in t; said Eustace  mysteriously.

    quot; sort of t; asked Jill.

    Eustace didnt say anyte a long time. t;Look e t as muce anyt we?”

    quot;I kno; said Jill.

    quot;trust you.”

    quot;Dam good of you,quot; said Jill.

    quot;Yes, but terrific secret. Pole, I say, are you good at  believing t everyone ?”

    quot;Ive never ; said Jill, quot;but I think I would be.”

    quot;Could you believe me if I said Id been rig of tside  t hols?”

    quot;I  kno.”

    quot;ell, dont lets bot t told you Id been in  a place s and dragons - and  s of tales.quot; Scrubb felt terribly ahe face.

    quot; t; said Jill. S curiously shy.

    quot;t; said Eustace almost in a  - where before.”

    No talking in  easier to  believe. t  for t sigress):  quot;If I find youve been pulling my leg Ill never speak to you again; never,  never, never.”

    quot;Im not,quot; said Eustace. quot;I s. I shing.”

    ( sc;I s; But  Bibles  encouraged at Experiment house.)

    quot;All rig; said Jill, quot;Ill believe you.”

    quot;And tell nobody?”

    quot; do you take me for?”

    ted as t umn sky and   of all t  een-erm and till eleven o come) s;But after all,  t get there. Or can we?”

    quot;ts ; said Eustace. quot; Place, Someone said t ts my t ime, you see. I suppose t . Surely  t I o get  back? And I cant help wondering, can we - could we -?”

    quot;Do you mean, do someto make it happen?”

    Eustace nodded.

    quot;You mean ters  in it - and stand inside it - and recite charms and spells?”

    quot;ell,quot; said Eustace after  . quot;I believe t   of t. But no it comes to  t, Ive an idea t all t. I dont t  we could make  really, we can only  ask him.”

    quot;alking about?”

    quot;t Place,quot; said Eustace.

    quot; a curious name!”

    quot;Not ; said Eustace solemnly. quot;But lets get on.  It cant do any  asking. Lets stand side by side, like t  our arms in front of us hey did in Ramandus island -”

    quot;hose island?”

    quot;Ill tell you about t anotime. And  like us to face t. Lets see, w?”

    quot;I dont kno; said Jill.

    quot;Its an extraordinary t girls t ts of  the compass,”

    said Eustace.

    quot;You dont kno; said Jill indignantly.

    quot;Yes I do, if only you didnt keep on interrupting. Ive got it nos  t, facing up into ter me?  quot; ; asked Jill.

    quot;to say, of course,quot; ansace. quot;Now -”

    And ;Aslan, Aslan, Aslan!”

    quot;Aslan, Aslan, Aslan,quot; repeated Jill.

    quot;Please let us to -”

    At t moment a voice from ting  out, quot;Pole?

    Yes. I know wc?”

    Jill and Eustace gave one glance at eaceep, eart a speed . (Oo teac Experiment  learn mucin or t sort; but one did learn a  lot about getting aly whey were looking for one.)

    After about a minutes scramble topped to listen, and kne they were being followed.

    quot;If only t; said Scrubb as t on, and Jill  nodded. For at top of tone   on to open moor. t times   you may imagine ime kept people rying t so be unlocked it ting  outside t being seen.

    Jill and Eustace, no and very grubby from going along bent  almost double under ted up to t as  usual.

    quot;Its sure to be no good,quot; said Eustace ;O-o-o; For turned and the door opened.

    A moment before, bot to get t doorime, if by any c locked. But ood stock still. For e different from ed.

    ted to see to join tumn sky. Instead, a blaze of suns t poured t of a June day pours into a garage er on tter like beads and siness of Jills  tear-stained face.

    And t ainly did look like a different  . turf, smooter ting to and fro, t t t terflies.

    Alt  frig Scrubbs face and sa ened too.

    quot;Come on, Pole,quot; hless voice.

    quot;Can  back? Is it safe?quot; asked Jill.

    At t moment a voice sed from beeful little voice.  quot;No; it squeaked. quot;Everyone kno; It  one of t one of tale -bearers.

    quot;Quick!quot; said Scrubb. quot;nt get separated.quot; And  before se kne of England, out of our  Place.

    topped as suddenly as t is scantly te different sound all about t came from t turned out to be birds. tous noise, but it e take in at t , in spite of t of background of immense silence. t  silence, combined  be on top of a  very ain.

    Scrubb still aring  about t rees, rat bigger, greion.

    But as t grooget prevent one from seeing a long o t to left and rig urf, darting birds iness. t a  breat cool, brig .

    Rigrees: only blue sky. t straig speaking till suddenly Jill ;Look out!quot; and felt  the very edge of a cliff.

    Jill s. S mind in t standing on t;just as if I ;, s of his.

    e urned, she despised him.

    quot;s tter?quot; so s s afraid, sood very near t, a good deal nearer then she  looked down.

    S Scrubb e, for no  cliff in our o be compared  top of t cliff you knoo ttom. And t t, as far again, ten times as far, ty times  as far. And ance imagine little   mig first glance, be mistaken for s presently you realize t t  little  but te, puffy clouds ains. And at last, in bet your first glimpse  of ttom, so far a you cant make out er: farthem.

    Jill stared at it. t t perer all, sep  back afoot or so from t s like to for fear of  s care  s a  anyone for not liking  s again. But o move, s. o urned into putty. Everything was swimming before her eyes.

    quot; are you doing, Pole? Come back-blittle idiot!quot; sed  Scrubb. But o

    by noruggling on too frigo knoe en came back to  sc, at t, Scrubb errified scream,  ling to ths.

    Fortunately, sime to t sly coloured animal o t  roaring or snorting, but just blos  as steadily as a vacuum cleaner sucks in. Jill  o ture t sing steadily  ts body. Sill because s get up. Sing:  indeed, she wished

    s, but faints dont come for t last siny black speck floating aly  up rose, it also got fartime it op it  s sig. It  a great speed. Jill couldnt  ture at  away.

    So surned and looked at ture. It was a lion.