类别:文学名著 作者:C·S·刘易斯 本章:CHAPTER TWO

    JILL IS GIVEN A tASK   It a glance at Jill to its feet and gave one last bloisfied s  turned and stalked sloo t.

    quot;It must be a dream, it must, it must,quot; said Jill to ;Ill .quot; But it , and s.

    quot;I do ; said Jill. quot;I dont  believe Scrubb kne it to bring me

    s not my fault  cliff. If   me alone ; t  Scrubb  into tears.

    Crying is all rigs s. But you o stop sooner  or later, and till o decide o do. opped, sy. S up. t silence except for one small, persistent  sound, ance a  almost sure it er.

    Jill got up and looked round  trees about t it mige close  . For all s be several lions. But   running er. S on tiptoes,  stealing cautiously from tree to tree, and stopping to peer round  every step.

    till t it  difficult to decide  and, sooner ted, so an open glade and saream, brigurf a  stones t alt of ter made en times  tier t rusood as still as if surned into stone,

    on tream lay the lion.

    It lay s s t in front of it, like  trafalgar Square. S once t it s eyes  looked straigo  and turned a kne think much of her.

    quot;If I run all be after me in a moment,quot; t Jill. quot;And if I go  on, I sraigo its mout; Anyake . ed, s be sure;  it seemed like  became so bad t s felt s mind  being eaten by tting a mouter first.

    quot;If youre ty, you may drink.”

    t y, come and drink,quot; and of course s Scrubb  animals talking in t ot it s lips move time, and t like a mans. It ronger; a sort of  did not make ened t it made ened in rat way.

    quot;Are you not ty?quot; said the Lion.

    quot;Im dying of t,quot; said Jill.

    quot;t; said the Lion.

    quot;May I - could I - would you mind going away w; said Jill.

    t its motionless bulk, s s as o move aside for her convenience.

    tream was driving ic.

    quot;ill you promise not to - do anyto me, if I do come?quot; said Jill.

    quot;I make no promise,quot; said the Lion.

    Jill y no,  noticing it, sep  nearer.

    quot;Do you eat girls?quot; she said.

    quot;I ies and realms,quot; said t didnt say t ing, nor as  if it   just said it.

    quot;I darent come and drink,quot; said Jill.

    quot;t,quot; said the Lion.

    quot;O; said Jill, coming anotep nearer. quot;I suppose I must go and  look for anotream then.”

    quot;tream,quot; said the Lion.

    It never occurred to Jill to disbelieve tern face could do t - and self up. It  to do, but s foro tream, knelt doer in  , most refreser sasted. You  didnt need to drink muc, for it quenc at once. Before sasted it  sending to make a das s t dangerous t up and stood till  from drinking.

    quot;Come ; said to. S bets  front paraigo its face. But s stand t for long; she  dropped her eyes.

    quot;; said t;he Boy?”

    quot;; said Jill, and added, quot;Sir.quot; S knoo call  sounded co call hing.

    quot;o do t, human Child?”

    quot;rying to stop me from falling, Sir.”

    quot;he edge, human Child?”

    quot;I was showing off, Sir.”

    quot;t is a very good ansime ttle less stern) quot;to Narnia. But your task  you have done.”

    quot;Please, ask, Sir?quot; said Jill.

    quot;task for w of your own world.”

    t;Its mistaking me for someone else,quot; s. S dare to tell t t into a  dreadful muddle unless she did.

    quot;Speak your t, ; said the Lion.

    quot;I ake? Because nobody  called me and Scrubb, you kno o - to Somebody - it  know - and per us in.

    And ;You  o me unless I o you,quot; said  the Lion.

    quot;t; said Jill.

    quot;I am. And noer olen from  prince  or   you seek t prince until eit  o tempt, or else gone back into your  own world.”

    quot;; said Jill.

    quot;I ell you, C; said t;t. First; as soon as tace sets foot in Narnia,  an old and dear friend.  greet t friend at once; if h  have good help.

    Second; you must journey out of Narnia to till you come to ty of t giants. ting on a stone in t  ruined city, and you must do ing tells you. Fourt prince  (if you find him)

    by t  person you  in your travels he name of Aslan.”

    As to  s;thank you very much. I see.”

    quot;C; said Aslan, in a gentler voice t used, quot;per see quite as  t step is to remember. Repeat to me, in  order, the four signs.”

    Jill tried, and didnt get te riged  till sly. ient  over t, o ask:  quot;Please, o get to Narnia?”

    quot;On my breat; said t;I o t of tace.”

    quot;Scime to tell  sign? But I suppose it   matter. If o go and speak to  he?”

    quot;You o spare,quot; said t;t is  once.

    Come. alk before me to the cliff.”

    Jill remembered very  if time to spare, t ;If I  made sucogetructions as ; s. So sold. It o t  be paws.

    But long before s anyand still. In a moment I , first, remember, remember, remember  to yourself range to you, let noturn your mind from folloain I o you clearly: I   often do so doo Narnia, take great care t it does not confuse  your mind. And t look at all as you expect  to look,  is ant to kno and pay no attention to appearances. Remember tters. And noer of Eve, farewell -”

    ter to  faded aogeto onis s  gold on t. Sting eets for a  terrible blast of lions breat tle t s even  noticed t at  air for  t below her.

    S frig it seemed to o do ing on tremely comfortable. S any er (if youve  learned to float really ifully   in t like  being in an aeroplane, because tion. If Jill   it more like t; only better.

    ake in for t time tain sain so   covered ;but I suppose all t sort of t in this world,”

    t Jill. t s s make out wing over land or sea, nor w speed s.

    quot;By Jove! t; said Jill suddenly. quot;Id better repeat t; S sill say tly. quot;So  ts all right,”

    s entment.

    quot;ell, I do declare,quot; said Jill to er, quot;Ive been  asleep. Fancy sleeping on air. I  before. I dont suppose ttle bit before me. Lets  see  looks like down below.”

    it looked like o be seen; but te t. quot;t be clouds,quot; s. quot;But far bigger t be getting lohis  sun.”

    tting into  t it ting lo kno girls in general) didnt t points of tting in  sravelling pretty nearly due .

    Staring at tly noticed t ttle dots of brig ;Its t; t Jill.  quot;I do believe t; And so t  rat some of t s knoer on, so see t ttle ness: little e big ocean  you could see it gro  sign s speed at  be land.

    Suddenly from  (for t  rigo ts cold,  fogginess. t took   s only for a moment. S blinking in t  and found . (Ser and ss and stockings and  pretty t  of day in England.) S loiced somet to ing, but ill travelled in total silence. No time, she noise of

    oo, sake about   of foam go up bet s before it ing nearer at a great pace. Sains far inland, and otains on . Sretcher sea noises.

    Suddenly t ao t above ter. A op came against  oe and a great splased up, drenco t. Noo t. to notice t sake tly coloured t it looked like an enormous  piece of jeotlements, banners fluttering in t t t  s sed and anding under a t of trees close  by t away from her, was Scrubb.

    t t was idy and generally  unimpressive ; I am!”