chapter 17

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 17

    I  noion e religion_te duty of loyalty to t it is not taug. I s religion is able to make men obey t principally by means of an organisation called tion or living emotion necessary to make to obey to your question I am going to tell you t tem of teacate Mencius, speaking of t and most Clike cers in Cory, said: quot; and temper of Po-yi and Se ruffian became unselfis; Mencius Bk. Ill, Part II, IX, religion in Cries, makes men obey t also by means of an organisation corresponding to tries. tion in tate religion of Confucianism in Cate religion of Confucius in C; c; in Cion. In fact, as to tion, culture. t of t, as in modern Europe and America to-day, to teaco earn a living, o make money, but, like t of to teaco understand ive commandment, quot;t not liequot; andquot; t stealquot; ;in fact, to teaco be good. quot;ion or conversation, quot; says Dr. Jo; requisite is t and , an acquaintance ory of mankind and o embody truts t;

    But t to make men obey t by aion or living emotion, and t it aion or living emotion principally by exciting and arousing tion of unbounded admiration, love, and enter and person of t teacate religion of Confucius in Cries. tate religion in C is true, enables and makes men obey t, also like tion or living emotion. But to aion or living emotion in men are different from tries. tate religion of Confucius in C aion or living emotion in men by exciting and arousing tion, love, and entime did indeed inspire in e disciples a feeling and emotion of unbounded admiration, love, and enter ion in all great men ood  Confucius even er  inspired in tion of admiration, love, and ent religions in tion in C adore and ries adore and  Confucius does not belong to to be a founder of a religion in t ionally or even an abnormally strong emotional nature. Confucius indeed y ional nature of t Confucius y of tellectual nature of told you, of tion in Crue representative. trong emotional nature of trained in t intellectual culture, ellectual culture of tion of t, like t Goet Goet perfect type of y, tion of Europe o be t perfect type of y, tion  Goetoo educated and cultured a man to belong to t knoo be imate and immediate disciples.

    tate religion of Confucius, does not aion or living emotion necessary to make men obey t by exciting and arousing tion of admiration, love, and ent tion or living emotion necessary to make man obey t? Confucius says: quot;In education tion is aroused by tudy of poetry; t is formed by tudy of good taste and good manners; tion of ter is completed by tudy of music. quot; tate religion in Cion or living emotion in men necessary to make t by teacry_in fact, t men in literature, ion t is in t of religion. Matty of nobleness in ry, says: quot;try of  men in literature can refine tural man, can transmute ; In fact, rue, , soever tsoever t, if tue and if tate religion in Cion or living e-motion necessary to enable and make t.

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