chapter 29

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 29

    Is trutum t East is East and est is est? Of course ttle or no difference. It is only  t deal of difference bet and est. But to be able to solve tion a plus b equal c bet and est, one must itude for ics. tune of to-day is t tion of tion a plus b equal c in Far Eastern problems, is in t only rules tis is an ally of tion, _Jo understand ts even of algebraical problems. to be agents bets.

    tion of tion a plus b equal c bet and est is a very complex and difficult problem. For in it tities, not only suc of Confucius and t of Mr. Kang Yu-uan Fang, but also t of S of Joion properly, you  ttle difference bet of Confucius and t of S you  deal of difference bet of Dr. Legge t of t me give a concrete illustration of w I mean.

    tories, says:_

    quot;Cories are antediluvian, not merely in ttempts to go back to time for a point of departure, but in terminable lengturbid current  only ty vegetation of past ages, but  all reckoning. None but a relatively timeless race could eitories: none but tore ts capacious abdomen! quot;

    No us . Dr. Legge, speaking of tandard dynastic ories of China, says:

    quot;No nation ory so ted; and on t is trust;

    Speaking of anot Cerary collection. Dr. Legge says:_quot;t publisy, but under tendence and at tung and K reign, of Kien-lung . tion of so extensive a erature among the high officials of China which should keep for-

    eigners from t;

    t I mean  deal of difference not only bet and est but also bet of Dr. Legge, te and admire zeal for literature, and t of th in China.


    Don  t forget to be a gentleman of sense, -o be a great scholar ;

    Don t become a fool, o be a great scholar .

    Confucius Sayings, Ch:VI. II.

    I ely been reading Dr. Giles quot;Adversaria Sinica, quot; and in reading tis quot;ws in C;

    Dr. Giles ation of being a great City of ation is not undeserved. But I t is noime t an attempt so accurately estimate ty and real value of Dr. Giles work.

    In one respect Dr. Giles age over all sinologues past and present,_erary gift: e good idiomatic Englis on tterly lacks t and sometimes even common sense. ranslate Cences, but  interpret and understand C. In t. Dr. Giles eristics as terati. Confucius says, quot;ion or book learning get tter of tural qualities, terati.quot;

    to terati, books and literature are merely materials for ing books and so te books upon books. to do  never occurs to terati t books and literature are only means to an end. tudy of books and literature to true sc to enable o inter-

    pret, to criticise, to understand human life.

    Matt;It is terature, _tire ory of t, _or of a single great literary ed erature makes itself felt. quot; But in all t Dr. Giles ten, t a single sentence  t Dr. Giles ried to conceive terature as a connected whole.

    It is t of p in Dr. Giles ance  dictionary. It is in no sense a dictionary at all. It is merely a collection of Cences, translated by Dr. Giles  any attempt at selection, arrangement, order or metionary for tionary is decidedly of less value tionary of Dr. illiams.

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