chapter 36

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 36

    e ation from quot; tion, quot; or titudes, as foreigners consider it. quot;t of t; it is said in t book, quot;sration of tate; tration of tate begins ion of tion of tivation of t; t we mean by Chinese Scholarship.

    ticle on Cten and publis;N.C. daily ne; in Shanghai in .



    Frankreicraurig Geschick, die Grosser! mogen  s bedenken,

    Aber bedenken fiirwahr sollen es Kleine nech mehr ;

    Grossen gingen zu Grunde ; dock ze die Menge

    Gegen die Mengef Da -yrann.


    Professor Loy in an eloquent passage of icle on quot;t,quot; says: quot;ture (ture of civilisation in Europe,  be moulded to any purpose until tries get togeto to tastropo suc;No more! No more! And never again! you rulers, soldiers and diplomats, you inies of mankind and conducted to e you. Our labour and our blood  your disposal. t make t s of t sher European

    Dreadful is Frances misfortune, truly bethem,

    But still more of a trut to . Classes  nohe Masses

    Gainst t t;

    t is ts no sucries of Europe get rid of ts and take into tion of peace and ry, I am perfectly sure, before t very question is decided, try. take tion in Great Britain. trying to take into tion even of o govern tually flying at eacs and if ter  t, be cutting eacs.

    Noo find a  of t first of all, find out t  s astropo t I t it  ts  it s of Europe into this hell of a war.

    Let us first take tual rulers, _ts of Republic no is an undisputed fact t ion perual rulers of tries no  tual rulers of Europe today. Emperors, Kings and Presidents, bound in  and gagged by titutions and Magna Cas of Liberty, _tual rulers ever in t or conduct of public affairs in tries. Poor King George of Great Britain, o say someto prevent a civil ion, orily told by t Britain to ongue and ually to apologise ter to trying to do y as a King to prevent a civil , tual rulers of Europe today al figures as t official documents are stamped. tal figures  any say or  of tries is concerned,  be said, t tual rulers of Europe are responsible for this war?

    Let us next examine ts at oolal error of modern institutions is to take a blood and strengtion, all tance of it, t is brave, and careless of rerust; and to cast t into steel and make a mere s, taking as voice and  to keep t part of tion, o give to ty, to t capacity of t.quot;t of your vo;Ruskin  on to say addressing t Britain, quot; in carrying out sucem. You are no true soldiers if you only mean to stand at a so protect sing in-side. quot; Noarism,t  to say  it is evident from ual rulers in Europe ically no say, today ely no say _ and conduct of affairs in tries.  tennyson says of tis Balaclava, is true of t;t to reason o do and die. quot; In fact if tal rulers in Europe today al figures, tomatons. Being more mecomatons  any voice or  of tries is concerned,  be said t this war?

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