chapter 35

类别:文学名著 作者:辜鸿铭 本章:chapter 35

    Anotraordinary judgment ure  it ually accused of over morality, ime most foreigners are pretty  tion of liars! But  t, besides trasiced, translation a-mong students of Co t many otings besides morality, and, o Mr.Balfour,  quot;trinesquot; tain are decidedly not quot;utilitarian and ; as to be. e  submit tences and ask Mr. Balfour if ;utilitarian and mundane.quot; quot; ; said Confucius in anso a Minister, quot;  urn to and pray.quot; Again, Mencius says:quot;! love life, but I also love rig if I cannot keep teousness. quot;

    e  it o digress so far in order to protest against Mr. Balfours judgment, because  suc p;a bondslave to antiquity, quot; quot;a past-master in casuistryquot; so t venerated name in Cray by ion of t of Nan-o empy of taoist over

    trayed into t must condemn.

    But to return from our digression. e  terature must be studied as a connected  tomed to conceive and form t of terature of Cings ed; but, in fact, terary activity of t begun inued teen dynasties, including more t time of Confucius, terary form of ing ill very imperfectly understood.

    us remark t, in tudy of a literature, tant point to be attended to, but ely lost sigudents of Cerary ings. quot;to be sure, quot; said t ords;it ter, but tter<kbd> of t; No is true t tings ed do not pretend to any degree of perfection, as far as terary form is concerned: tandard  so mucyle or perfection of literary form, as for tter tain. tung-po, of ty, remarks t someto tion of a prose style may be traced in terary ings, botry, o many forms and styles. tings of tern ance, differ from t from tion and ion of try of ties are as unlike ty, vigour, and brilliancy of t ang poets as ture manner of Keats is unlike trong, clear, and correct splendour of tennyson.

    ions of tudent ion to direct udy to tions of to see . But titutions, manners and customs of a people do not gro are developed and formed into uries. It is to study tory of tory of t almost unknoo European scory of Crius Boulger, publisly, is per ory t could ten of a civilised people like tory as Mr. Boulger ten migolerated if ten of some suctentots. t t sucory of Co s yet is t a knoory, t judgment can be formed of titutions of a people. Suc of suc only useless for t are even misleading for t to take one instance,_tainly a ceremonious people, and it is true t to teactifogging observances of a ceremonial life as muc;ternal decorum, quot; as Mr. Giles calls ts deep in ture of man, in t side of ure, namely, ;In t; says a disciple of Confucius, quot;ant, is to be natural; t is really beautiful in t Em-perors. quot; Again, it is said some;( t of Goeter) e no is t a judgment of toms of a nation sudy, of t and political institutions of a country, _ to t stage of  also be founded upon an understanding of tory.

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