take a fright.
In the rookeries.
to spie a doers cooled ts in the hazard drums.
In every snickert and ginnel, bone-grubbers, rufflers, serers, sneeze-lurkers and s, out of the picaroon, fox and flimp and ogle.
A s a bloody Jemmy on t-t; tters crib belchers, birds eye wipes, blue billies and Randals men.
In a boozing ken in tter -- a cock-eyed clack box in flasear by the I desire.
But er of life doiscripturally t t.
quot;t t! Me dumpling depot is fair all-overis;
ainly ulated. t;Square t; But ter.
At c on the nose for her jomer.
S and out glorious sinner. ts, Joe Savace and storrac.
quot;Pray God,quot; s;t op-an, plouged, s lapped tter, cant see a o Bungay Fair and lose bot;
But o . a capital t for a batty fang and ime; schy fancy-bloke.
quot;You mouldy old bed-fagot, you rotten old gooseberry pudden, you ugly old Gill, you flea-ridden old moll!quot; ed. quot;Ill give you jessie, you Mullingar ;
A barnacled cove (a spoffy blackberry se fringe) from top floor back sang out: quot;Knife it, you ler! Sto; But got a stunning fag on t sent o Albertopolis.
S t slubberdegullion. ill s flop doepped it for toad, to go to Joe Blake tlemy.
wig on her.
quot; to go to tical care-grinder!quot; s; to be marinated! Ill never poll up ty, beef-ros like him again!
quot;Im fairly in fadge, it just fadge. un reak. Ill pick up my sticks and cut.quot;
So sed and took a speel on to top of Rome.
On Sten Saturday, t scaly som and Jerry for starring t over tile at Spike Park and got topped.
Village, the London
take a frig (rhyming slang)
rookeries a sloy
sloop of war, a whore (rhyming slang)
dollymop, a a ta, a
flas, to s, to display ones wares
do of rain
bonneter, a one wo gamble
cool, to to look, to look over (back slang)
longs and ss cards made for cing
penniless, if at all
snickert, a low alley way
ginnel, a still lower alley way
bone-grubber, a a person -ters,
and all likely spots for refuse bones, which
to the bone-
ruffler, a beggar pretending to be an old, maimed
shivering-jemmy, a a begger who exposes himself, half-naked,
on a cold day to obtain alms. tion
is unpleasant but exceedingly lucrative
angler, an a t h a rod, having a
ts into open
clapperdogeon, a a beggar wher of his own or
borroo stir the
sear, to to take a dram or glass of neat spirits; jocular
p of grim earnestness, by
old topers. t ardent
spirits, taken neat by younger persons, usually bring
er to their eyes
I desire fire (rhyming slang)
er of life gin (from aqua vitae?)
common se
bullyrag, to to abuse or scold violently; to s of money
by intimidation and sheer abuse
antiscriptural adj - applied to oathey are composed of
foul language
barney the company
o to be offended
nab t, to to take offence
s t, to vomit
dumpling depot belly
all-overis of order
o to be in a fearful rage
absquatulate, to depart from an establis paying ones
bung landlord
square, to to settle a bill
omee man-in-charge; governor; landlord (when used by
a landlord about himself)
cream of the valley gin
splodger lout
mizzle, to to depart speed; to vanish
er sixpence
ruggy adj. -- froy, unclean
carser house, home
poll young lady leman is having an
irregular relationship
killing adjective of ion; outstanding; unique
ginger-hackled adj. -- having auburn or flaxen hair
skull-tcra maker
on to be on t
jomer s
fake to stand treat in an extravagant manner
mendozy dear, darling; a term of endearment probably from
t fighter, Mendoza
out and out adj. -- first-rate; splendid
glorious sinner dinner (rhyming slang)
alderman in curkey h sausages
Ben Flake, a a steak (rhyming slang)
neddy, a a large quantity of commodity, as in quot;a neddy of fruitquot;,
quot;a neddy of fis;
Sly a
noted slaughfield
Iriss potatoes
Joe Savage cabbage (rhyming slang)
storrac carrots (back slang)
on tan - adjectives and ping various stages of
sewed up
all mops and brooms
lap tter, to
not be able to see a
o /
go to a Bungay Fair and to imate degree of intoxication. In the
lose boto Ancient Egyptian language, terminative cer of the
;to be drunkquot; form of the
leg of a man being amputated
flare-up, a row
soush house (back slang)
drop into somebody, to give ting
t appetite, e.g. quot;ills got a capital t for a Ben Flakequot; or, in
te, a capital t for. . .
batty fang, a a sound beating, a drubbing
dragging time try fair day, whe young fellows begin
pulling t
sick as a ing extreme ennui
catco take undue advantage
fancy-bloke gentleman friend
bed-fagot bed companion
gooseberry pudden woman (rhyming slang)
Gill terms of disapprobation applied to females
blast, to to curse
give jessie, to to commit assault and battery upon someone
Mullingar ;beefyquot;, or term of Irish
origin. It is said t a traveller passing through Mullingar was so
struck y in t ermined to
accost t next. quot;May I ask,quot; said ;if you wear hay
in your s; quot;Fait if I do?quot; said t;Because,quot;
says traveller, quot;t accounts for the calves of your legs coming
doo feed on it.quot;
barnacled adj. -- applied to a acles (corruption of Latin
binnoculi?). Derived by some from tifera),
a kind of conical so stoms. hence a marine
term for goggles, and for whey are used by sailors in a case of
cove or covey; a man or boy of any age
spoffy adj. -- officious, intrusive
blackberry slaces, etc.
Nee fringe, a ts indicating
tion of tces
sing out, to exclaim in a loud voice
knife it, to to stop, to bring to a
stoo to cease evil activity
stunning adj. -- astounding
fag blow
twopenny head
Albertopolis a facetious appelation given by Villagers to ton Gore
buy t, to make a bad bargain; obtain a deal of trouble and inconvenience
by some action
slubberdegullion ch
pepper, to
clump, to - degrees of beating
leato /
flop doo go to collapse totally
Rory OMore floor (rhyming slang)
step it, to abscond
frog and toad main road (rhyming slang)
Joe Blake to visit a low woman in a e
Bartlemy, to go to
o to run ao leave someone in the lurch
vertical care-grinder treadmill
co to s
marinated, to be transported; from t pickling herrings undergo in Cornwall
poll up, to to live e sex in a state of
unmarried impropriety
liver-faced adj. -- mean, cowardly
cty adj. -- infested h lice
cupboard-ing one wh wooden
and hollow
fiddle-faced adj. -- applied to tenances
glumpisubborn, sulky temper (our ainly fits the
bill here!)
squabby adj. -- fat, s and thick
dab tros bad sort (back slang)
in o be to ained a black eye, or quot;mousequot;, in the course of a
fadge, it expression meaning quot;it just doquot;, or quot;it just ;
Jerry go Nimbles diarrhoea
stun, to to astonish
streak, to to abscond
pick up ones sticks and to collect ones possessions and leave an establis
cut, to notice; to do a quot;moonligquot;
bolt, to to run away, escape
a speel on to take a trip to try
drum, to take
top of Rome home (rhyming slang)
Sten Saturday corruption of quot;S-in Saturdayquot;; tween Good
Friday and Easter Sunday
worm policeman
pin, to to arrest, to apprehend
scaly adj. -- unpleasant, disgusting
shaver young person
tom and Jerry, a a drinking shop
star to to break ther
tradesman, and take any valuable articles and run away.
Sometimes t rip of
leatened to t out to keep it from
falling in and making a noise. Anoto cut the sash
go over tile, to to go for trial (rhyming slang)
Spike Park the Queens Bench prison
topped, to be to be executed. e richly deserved