Chapter XVII.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter XVII.

    he Balloon as Launched

    For ttle girl, alte ented. told ts in   say and t in oodman

    rattling around in ; and old Dorot to be a kinder and more tender  the fierce Kalidahs.

    ttle party isfied except Doroto get back to Kansas.

    On to  joy, Oz sent for ered ted ly:

    quot;Sit doo get you   out of try.”

    quot;And back to Kansas?quot; she asked eagerly.

    quot;ell, Im not sure about Kansas,quot; said Oz, quot;for I  test notion  t to do is to cross t, and t so find your way home.”

    quot;?quot; she inquired.

    quot;ell, Ill tell you ; said ttle man. quot;You see, ry it  o get across t he air.

    No is quite beyond my poo make a cyclone; but Ive been tter over, and I believe I can make a balloon.”

    quot;; asked Dorothy.

    quot;A balloon,quot; said Oz, quot;is made of silk, o keep t. I y of silk in t rouble to make t in all try to fill to make it float.”

    quot;If it  float,quot; remarked Dorot;it o us.”

    quot;true,quot; ans;But to make it float,   air.  air isnt as good as gas, for if t cold t, and we s.”

    quot;e!quot; exclaimed t;Are you going h me?”

    quot;Yes, of course,quot; replied Oz. quot;I am tired of being suc of t a izard, and to stay s up in t gets tiresome. Id muco Kansas h you and be in a circus again.”

    quot;I so ; said Dorothy.

    quot;t; ;Noo work on our balloon.”

    So Dorotook a needle and t as Oz cut trips of silk into proper sly toget trip of ligrip of dark green and trip of emerald green; for Oz o make t s t took to serips toget y feet long.

    ted it on t of to make it airtiger he balloon was ready.

    quot;But   to ride in,quot;  t, o ttom of the bal- loon.

    o  o make a visit to a great brot ty and everyone came to see t.

    Oz ordered t in front of t y. tin oodman , and Oz tom of t t air t arose from it o til finally t just touche ground.

    t into t and said to all the people in a loud voice:

    quot;I am noo make a visit. o obey him as you would me.”

    time tugging  t  to t  so mucer in  it pulled o rise into the sky.

    quot;Come, Dorot; cried t;he bal- loon will fly away.”

    quot;I cant find toto any le dog beoto o to bark at a kitten, and Dorot last found ohe balloon.

    Seps of it, and Oz , o t her.

    quot;Come back!quot; s;I  to go, too!”

    quot;I cant come back, my dear,quot; called Oz from t.


    quot;Good-bye!quot; sed everyone, and all eyes urned upo  farto the sky.

    And t  any of t to one another:

    quot;Oz iful Emerald City, and noo rule over us.”

    Still, for many days t be comforted.

    L. Frank Baum

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