Chapter XVIII.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter XVIII.

    Ao th

    Dorot bitterly at to get o Kansas again; but  all over s gone up in a balloon. And s sorry at losing Oz, and so did her companions.

    tin oodman came to her and said:

    quot;truly I seful if I failed to mourn for t. I so cry a little because Oz is gone, if you ears, so t I s rust.”

    quot;it; s a to once. tin oodman  for several minutes, and scears carefully and o mishap.

    ty, and   alt a izard the people were proud of him.

    quot;For,quot; t;t anoty in all t is ruled by a stuffed man.quot; And, so far as te right.

    ter travelers met in talked matters over. t in tood respectfully before him.

    quot;e are not so unlucky,quot; said t;for ty belong to us, and  as ime ago I  noiful City, I am quite satisfied .”

    quot;I also,quot; said tin oodman, quot;am ; and, really, t he world.”

    quot;For my part, I am content in kno t ever lived, if not braver,quot; said tly.

    quot;If Dorotented to live in ty,quot; continued t;her.”

    quot;But I dont  to live ; cried Dorot;I  to go to Kansas, and live  Em and Uncle henry.”

    quot;ell, t can be done?quot; inquired the oodman.

    to t so  to stick out of his brains. Fi- nally he said:

    quot; call to carry you over t?”

    quot;I never t of t!quot; said Dorot;Its just t once for the Golden Cap.”

    it into tood beside her.

    quot;time you ; said ttle girl. quot; do you wish?”

    quot;I  you to fly o Kansas,quot; said Dorothy.

    But the Monkey King shook his head.

    quot;t cannot be done,quot; ;e belong to try alone, and cannot leave it. t, and I suppose t belong to serve you in any   cross t. Good-bye.”

    And he window, followed by all his band.

    Doroto cry ment. quot;I ed to no purpose,quot; s;for t help me.”

    quot;It is certainly too bad!quot; said tender-ed oodman.

    t so  Dorot .

    quot;Let us call in t; ;and ask his advice.”

    So tered timidly, for he door.

    quot;ttle girl,quot; said to t;. how can she do so?”

    quot;I cannot tell,quot; ans;for nobody , unless it is Oz himself.”

    quot;Is t; asked Dorotly.

    quot;Glinda mig; ed.

    quot;; inquired the Scarecrow.

    quot;tc pocle stands on t, so so cross it.”

    quot;Glinda is a Good itc s; asked the child.

    quot;t; said t;and so everyone. I  Glinda is a beautiful e of the many years she has lived.”

    quot; to le?quot; asked Dorothy.

    quot;traigo t; ;but it is said to be full of dangers to travelers. ts in t like strangers   to cross try. For to ty.”

    t the Scarecrow said:

    quot;It seems, in spite of dangers, t t to travel to to ays  back to Kansas.”

    quot;You must ; remarked tin oodman.

    quot;I ; said the Scarecrow.

    quot;I s; declared t;for I am tired of your city and long for try again. I am really a , you knoo protect her.”

    quot;t is true,quot; agreed t;My axe may be of service to o th.”

    quot;art?quot; asked the Scarecrow.

    quot;Are you going?quot; they asked, in surprise.

    quot;Certainly. If it  for Doroted me from t me to ty. So my good luck is all due to il sarts back to Kansas for good and all.”

    quot;t; said Dorotefully. quot;You are all very kind to me. But I so start as soon as possible.”

    quot;e somorro; returned the Scarecrow.

    quot;So no us all get ready, for it will be a long journey.”

    L. Frank Baum

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