Chapter XIX.

类别:文学名著 作者:弗兰克·鲍姆 本章:Chapter XIX.

    Attacked by ting trees

    t morning Dorotty green girl good-bye, and te.

    e saly t tiful City to get into nerouble. But  once unlocked tacles, o to carry hem.

    quot;You are no; o t;so you must come back to us as soon as possible.”

    quot;I certainly s; t;but I must o get .”

    As Dorotured Guardian a last farewell she said:

    quot;I reated in your lovely City, and everyone o me. I cannot tell you eful   I am.”

    quot;Dont try, my dear,quot; ;e so keep you  if it is your urn to Kansas, I ; e of ter arted upon their journey.

    tly as our friends turned to-  of spir- its, and laugted togetting in oodman o be of use to  and o side in pure joy at being in try again, o ran around tter- flies, barking merrily all time.

    quot;City life does not agree  all,quot; remarked t a brisk pace. quot;I  muco ss how courageous I have grown.”

    turned and took a last look at ty.

    All toeeples behe Palace of Oz.

    quot;Oz  sucer all,quot; said tin oodman, as   rattling around in .

    quot;o give me brains, and very good brains, too,quot; said the Scarecrow.

    quot;If Oz aken a dose of the same courage he gave me,”

    added t;he would have been a brave man.”

    Dorot kept t , so she forgave him. As he said, he was a good man, even if he was a bad izard.

    t days journey  flo stretc ty on every side. t t nig tars over ted very well indeed.

    In traveled on until to a t, for it seemed to extend to t and left as far as t dare cion of tting lost. So t  to get into t.

    tree  ty to pass underneato tree, but just as  branc doe ravelers.

    t  t it surprised hy picked him up.

    quot;rees,quot; called the Lion.

    quot;Let me try it first,quot; said t;for it doesnt  me to get t.quot; o anotree, as  its brancely seized ossed him back again.

    quot;trange,quot; exclaimed Dorot; shall we do?”

    quot;trees seem to o figop our journey,quot; remarked the Lion.

    quot;I believe I ry it myself,quot; said to t tree t  doo seize  it so fiercely t  it in t once tree began ss brancin oodman passed safely under it.

    quot;Come on!quot; ed to t;Be quick!quot; tree  injury, except toto, ly c ttle dog free.

    trees of t did noto keep t only t rorees could bend do probably t, and given to keep strangers out of it.

    travelers rees until   to to to be made of heir heads.

    quot; s; asked Dorothy.

    quot;I ; said tin oodman, quot;for ainly must climb over the wall.”

    L. Frank Baum

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