For Im the Boy Whose Only Joy Is Loving You

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:For Im the Boy Whose Only Joy Is Loving You

    On trip back from till I dont see ly, you ed. Invited t see ed for. As friends of tissue of trut, delicate as tiations leading to t  enoug, to say t tle   o be. Nevertimes  it  right!

    S quite calm Bloomsbury said. You also urning  completely around. Of course srained to e Bloomsbury said looking out of training , ts t t rose and fell at intervals, ed for quot;takeoff,quot; if it ful, to ill I t tainly be le said from t seat. I  in situations involving birt or parting forever tity of  tle agreed. Yes Bloomsbury said.

    A grandmat please yer lards a fine young soft young . Ooo yer lards yer sez t tall us guls. Narutter is, treet ar Bloomsbury I likes a bit o fun as good as t un but me celescope. Pot  be leavin any marks,  slitree. Ring me bicycle bell yer lardser sellin t I  in my time I have.

    Of course its inaccurate to say t s still I believe tle said, as a legal entity. ere you married? it  tion, ion of tners, nessed. Bloomsbury understood t tle did not  prying and understood also, or recalled rat tles o if not identical ed to fly a as ion a tiresome one, tle interest in vieion already alluded to, ion to t to ansead  quite pretty. Lovely tle ackno.

    Ao bed t read me Mallarmé for t t t?  be comin round  yer leuesday nigter. But Mart alked about in 19 and 38? in tary by tar ter be lookin after ts got itself plogged up. Ding ts yer s er  yer  of me Playtex viper, Im dreadful bored  yer silly old tool. But Mart of try  te giants t ed our union ? t er t bicycle gul igs if yer s a bit o ts no bicycle gul ts brakin me  but yer s self. Keep yer pah book.

    Ricty tle said factually and . Did sake ttle asked. Oly (for  after all relinquis time  inconsiderable fortune, amounting to t more?). You could unately remained on t;steely-brig; And yet. . . tle began. Sometrouble ed, a tidy bit, to put in tal Savings. It  tle said. But trouble ? for ion rage Bloomsbury noted stiffened tles neck iff. t, trut deal. More t just rige wo.

    A BEER INE LIQUOR ICE sign appeared by topped tiac Cain and entering tore purctle of 98-year-old brandy sealed on top tle y but turned  asty in treme. For tion tle first to Bloomsbury esy, insofar as possible. Bloomsbury did not overlook t-ed attitude on t of s Bloomsbury reflected, ues also. But ts engaged tention and sipping to revietle also. One fault of  of not keeping ter of tance Bloomsbury said to exaco Gasoline sign is enougo distract y, t of operating ts botal and venial  just as seriously as tually errupted by ttles: Good old money!

    It o  it. Coions. t during tation it o cultivate and be proud of does not alter t t originally it  tle said, or a s for your friends  of t and if I may say so rat task or pedal to t t;leaped a; e expressions, ime. oo ttle   only tuck but also t botside and backside inized and commented upon by to t t terprise (friendse insupportable, and defeating. ance even reac o touc,  over, and sticking out, and Bloomsbury as  uation, to rap  , in th.

    Its idiotic  ances surrounding tinguis of your union to tell us.  do you  to kno everyt eresting I tructive tle said casually, to knoance at  tuation of living togetenable, or or sigator, s t and on , if tal cruelties, cruelties of elevision or s television, tion of table food remains in try at time, tles including Mercuroconic, milk of magnesia, No-Doze and Nembutal,  a fun divorce or not a fun divorce, ;datequot; after ting of t so ask, oucure if ture, e  a fun t o get t o knole said, but only dimly because of thinking.

    Mart me in a yareplane? on t? O yer  a c to be pullin ts  left of er but a bottle of Drene Sc so commit t of lese majesty against tiness. So an  come out not even for Flag Day. Incredible Miso t suc coexist ietury. An no more lovey-kindness tick, an no more gratitude t boug tion Army by t Plan. I fingerprinted ings s is more. Coo, Miselly rigo ts bumpin me back all nigs been a ime Pelly since love as touc. Ooo your elegance, t a young gul in tern and ts marriage Pelly  tragically true nonet  pity Pelly ttle enoug bets  clouding timent. I couldnt agree more yer gorgeousness damme if I  told Jack a times, t rapport is thing.

    Altomarily of a lively and even ribald disposition tained during ts of Bloomsburys attitudes of t rigorous and complete solemnity, as e. tle at lengt ting e  a stupid le asked, youve never been married. I may not kno marriage outly, but I kno e tle said, t is clear. Delicacy  better and better.  and rig. ttle said, oo muc to ttle said, better let me drive. You drive!  you precisely because you le said in surprise, I ? tle truggled for t in a friendly iac Cain beruggle, zigging and zagging, but Bloomsbury ice. It eresting  t after so many years one could still be surprised by a flyas t t keeps tissues tense.

    ell tle said  feel? It? Bloomsbury said, ?

    tion mentioned earlier tle said. e  to knoion is not   ell you about my affair.  about it? Bloomsbury asked. It  consist? tle asked. It consisted o top of t over ty. Not muc ttle said disparagingly,  end? Badly tle asked. I jumped tle said. Yes aken precautions. Did your ce open? tle asked. itimber falling  stle said sadly. But y ed. So nole said to Bloomsbury, give us the feeling.

    e can discuss Bloomsbury said, t not tion it is only just t you s tle said.  all you  in ttle oives tle pointed out, of one kind or anotances, no t tives eition! tle exclaimed, ime le said, for t. e are fine enougo be a cro t so t your   not fine enougo be taken into your confidence I suppose ;bitterly.quot; Not a matter of fine enouging mean t, e a disagreeable notion. But probably true. Good tle exclaimed and huber said: Prick!

    Once in a movie uesday eld urned on tely gotten up and  of ter, gratification singing in . But t situation dear to   in tuation. And t memory memorable as it  prevent topping tree, and beating Bloomsbury in t tle, tire iron, until at lengt from s of words.

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