The Big Broadcast of 1938

类别:文学名著 作者:唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 本章:The Big Broadcast of 1938

    ation, Bloomsbury could no;tar-Spangled Banner,quot;  of its finality, as often as  meant, to  everyt daily, 60 times betimes bet long except alking.

    Bloomsburys radio talks  kind and t consisted of singling out, for special notice, from among all ticular ing it in a monotonous voice for as muceen minutes, or a quarter- mig;Nevert; Bloomsbury said into t;nevert; After to tion tly disclose neies, unsuspected qualities, alt ention. ention, insofar as o o put somet;on t;

    talk w.

    ts oo similar to ots broadcast during ters. t t to t of course to  raded for tly  in this vein:

    quot;ell, old girlquot; (;o tube, you lying on your back most likely, giving an ear, I dont doubt. So tune me in. I remember time you   your s an evening! You , and you picked your ily as a real lady. tnuts on t t like rocks under your feet. I got donuts into tter  an evening! You said I looked absurd, and a gentleman  to pat me on my  ed rousers tore on a broken place in t.

    quot;Afterreated me to a raspberry ice, calling for a saucer,  your feet. I still recall ter t ained my muzzle. I put my face in your tle glove came aicky, sticky and pink. e able tty as a picture! Man and wife!

    quot;  evening, treet lig coming on, ts  coming out. And you said t next time, if t time, you o snuts,  ice t. I t at time t ted to tell you, but did not.

    quot;And t  and posted on tice board,  it ,  , as rousers too. And I said, but it  eit love makes tomorro o eacomorro.

    quot;But pertle toffee? Ruin your teet some pieces of toffee in my bed. And t o sleep. Man and ;

    Immediately follo, or an announcement muc;tar-Spangled Bannerquot; 80 or 100 times, for ty of it.

    errogated  tter, about  felt to operate a radio of old e trut it felt fine.  during t only some of e e, auticate, ameliorate, and quantities of e music (icularly fond of t part, to : da-da, da da da da da da da-a), but also a series of commercial announcements of great po, alto conceal it from  futile. For t and object, in ts, and  raded for the house).

    A commercial announcement of this feeling was:

    quot;On t remarkable day, t day unlike any ot day, if you  old day from travagance o a ter . It smelled, and I or  it remarkable at time, like tietury. er all our century, none other.

    quot;e  rooms and t automobiles and to to topmost roy vie you and I been engaged in pa least, if not on yours.

    quot;t t  belonged to you. I did not kno to do , t in my   and . Means aking place,  knoime I  distracted, I still  in my  I was looking elsewhere.

    quot;You to my ear, get on , cant you?

    quot;I to your ear, Im cure.

    quot;At to  from my ood, it ter, to cure also. e cure togetimacy, t. Nevert . But I felt, I felt, I felt (I t you o t rourned.quot;

    After t  Bloomsbury  called upon to tle, and did, but not quot;on t;

    ly in trol room, urntables and tplate, ;tar-Spangled Bannerquot; playing bravely and a piece of buttered toast in  connected trol room ion room or foyer, a girl or erminate age dressed in a long briger.

    ter, underneatoreador pants, an orange ser, and ely stepped out into tion room or foyer in order to vieime tion.

    quot;Youre looking at me!quot; she said.

    quot;O; ;Rigainly am.quot;


    quot;Its somet; ;Its my you migier.quot;

    quot;Milieu,quot; she said.

    quot;Métier,quot; Bloomsbury said. quot;If you dont mind.quot;

    quot;I dont often get looked at as a matter of fact.quot;

    quot;Because youre not very good-looking,quot; Bloomsbury said.


    quot;Glasses are discouraging,quot; he said.

    quot;Even ;

    quot;Especially ;

    quot;O; she said.

    quot;But you ; he said.

    quot;Also a lively sense of ; she said.

    quot;Lively,quot; ;ever possessed you to use t ;

    quot;I t you mig,quot; she said.

    quot;No,quot; ;Definitely not.quot;

    quot;Do you t to stand around and look at girls?quot; she asked.

    quot;O; Bloomsbury said. quot;I ts indicated.quot;

    quot;Indicated,quot; s; do you mean, indicated?quot;

    quot;tell me about your early life,quot; Bloomsbury said.

    quot;to begin  of t fan club,quot; s;t ism and personality got me. ures fascinated me. I ed  seemed to me a vital part of my imagination died too.quot;

    quot;I didnt mean necessarily in sucail,quot; he said.

    quot;My ;

    quot;Fan club prexies are invariably ; Bloomsbury said.

    quot;Plain,quot; sed. quot;I prefer t to see a picture of Conrad Veidt?quot;

    quot;I ly interested,quot; Bloomsbury said (alt truth).

    trieved from  ly remained for some time, per bore a pograp ant er. ting on tograp offered you a cigarette, it would be a DE REZKE -- of course!

    quot;Very affecting,quot; Bloomsbury said.

    quot;I never actually met Mr. Veidt,quot; t;It  t sort of club. I mean  in actual communication ar. tual communication. ed a remembrance. . .quot;

    quot;A remembrance?quot;

    quot;Suc ar, for instance, ick on it, or fingernail clippings, or a stocking, or a ars ail or mane. . .quot;

    quot;tail or mane?quot;

    quot;tar naturally, noblesse oblige, for object to t;

    quot;I see,quot; Bloomsbury said.

    quot;Do you look at a lot of girls?quot;

    quot;Not a lot,quot; ;but quite a number.quot;

    quot;Is it fun?quot;

    quot;Not fun,quot; ;but better t;

    quot;Do you ;

    quot;Not affairs,quot; ;but sometimes a little flutter.quot;

    quot;ell,quot; s;I oo.quot;

    quot;I ts very possible,quot; ;A great big girl like you.quot;

    to offend urned on  t moved by ting,  contact ion, since torsely returned to trol room and introduced a ne.

    quot;I rememberquot; (ed), quot;t t y! t ed on tice board t Refrigeration, and I  it all day long, and  lengt I  frozen. But  unfrozen! ery! useless! I  t enoughan enough.

    quot;You said t I , an imbecile, a stupid!, t tco be placed t doubt and on immaculate auty t accompliss kind knoo t macs kind, t among its attributes tribute of conceiving containing and at t of need ter  t or even ile te,  or even treacor, ent turition, bet, ice cubes in multiples of sufficient  themselves. ell, I said, perhaps.

    quot;O t ly, did.

    quot; from you, ting! You erial. t ting  your ing. You cness and implicitness of it, to run er over trays so t to turned trays, and ttoms up, so t tter ion. t tters ook to be, and even noake to be, a demonstration of your fundamental decency, and good sense.

    quot;But you reckoned o t. You  ty-four cubes, taking eac, individually, in total t could be obtained by simple multiplication of trays. t, in tters, boto consider tance t t I, unobserved by you,  to my drink!  one irely and fallen into ted once and for all! ts precluded sadly enougo a number corresponding to trays, proving also t tice!

    quot; a defeat for you!  a victory for me! It  victory, I fear I  quite out of my o ts t I considered to  rate. I t I detected in you. . .quot;

    But  continue t, from a surfeit of emotion.

    t of camp folloice during tion room underneater. o traffic ap on ting t otimes sions.

    A typical conversation of this:

    quot;tell me about your early life,quot; she said.

    quot;I ; Bloomsbury replied.

    quot;In ;

    quot;In t I married,quot; he said.

    quot;as it love?quot;

    quot;It  it emporary.quot;

    quot;It didnt go on forever?quot;

    quot;For less tter of fact.quot;

    quot;But ;

    quot;It filled me ;

    quot;Coo!quot; s;It doesnt sound very American to me.quot;

    quot;Coo,quot; ; kind of an expression is t?quot;

    quot;I  in a movie,quot; s;A Conrad Veidt movie.quot;

    quot;ell,quot; ;its distracting.quot;

    tion  by Bloomsbury to be not very satisfactory, ime, ruternative. triculate tention,  into t seemed to  is to say, in excess of a quarter- to regard t.

    It  t Bloomsbury, urning over in s in to feel, at time, disturbed. ttributable pero t, on alks, and also pero t;fan,quot; or listener, in tion room. Or possibly it irely. In any case turbance ed, beyond a doubt, in ts made by , inevitably, followed.

    One of these was:

    quot;tails of our o remember ted prickly pear in ts came. . . Os I could s I couldnt s   all. Is it remarkable, t t for a fe?

    quot;t doubt, never been anyt. t to our union , s rable silence. ell, I said, and t ed any? I asked, and ts  forebodings confirmed. Pis bloody likely, you said. And  doubt, away.

    quot;Are you h me, old bush?

    quot;Are you tuned in?

    quot;A man came, in a . In t tle feation to t and tcook o turned t are you doing in togetside. Go aive brute! you said, and Jack said, filtc til nig could ure, sucs and moans, and sigely ruso ttic to obtain our copy of Ideal Marriage, by to determine ion reated of t it . I turned to my station outside t?) s.

    quot;At lengt out. But saken your part as opposed to my part, t I , I said,  in t try to teaco c, melanc  ? , after all, so very many days? it terpolation of suc, ot to come?quot;

    After completing t and placing quot;tar-Spangled Bannerquot; on turntable, and a cup of soup on tplate, Bloomsbury observed t tion room ions  sed to speak to him.

    quot;Next to Mr. Veidt my favorite star ; s; is more, I am said to resemble s.quot;

    quot;; Bloomsbury asked erest. quot;s?quot;

    quot;It   lived a little longer, and not died from alcoop box office money-maker in tised.quot;

    quot;top box office money-maker for ;

    quot;t important,quot; s; is important is tion.quot;

    quot;I ;ies.quot;

    quot;Do I impress you?quot;

    quot;In ;

    quot;As a possible partner? Sexually I mean?quot;

    quot;I  considered it,quot; ;ofore.quot;

    quot;t; sed.

    quot;I dont doubt it,quot; ;I mean its plausible.quot;

    quot;I am yours,quot; s;if you  me.quot;

    quot;Yes,quot; ;ty, making up my mind.quot;

    quot;You ; s;to make test gesture of acquiescence, suc;

    quot;Probably I  enjoy it,quot; ;no;

    quot;Sake off my clot; sions as if to do so.

    itride, sucen seen practiced in t;at ;

    quot;Mart; ;old skin,  t y, but are no of present standards, practices, and attitudes, days t are done?quot;

    Upon to ;You looked interested at first,quot; sears).

    quot;It o try it,quot; ;tful. As a matter of fact, you  appealing. tempting, even. I  a time. You look ;

    quot;t; s;You said I  at least.quot;

    quot;And so you do.quot;

    quot;You cant forget,quot; s;about Dudley?quot;


    quot;Dudley w; she said.

    quot;Before or after Jack?quot;

    quot;Dudley ; s antly.

    quot;ell,quot; ;I suppose.quot;

    quot;tell me about t;

    quot;t; Bloomsbury said. quot;I cant deny it.quot;

    quot;as it really like you said? Somber and paradoxical?quot;

    quot;It ,quot; ly, quot;t;

    quot;t; she said.

    t of silence during fully, to quot;tar-Spangled Bannerquot; playing softly in them.

    quot;t; s;t;

    quot;None,quot; ;t I kno;

    quot;Youve found somebody you like better?quot;

    quot;Its not t,quot; ;t o do .quot;

    quot;Balls,quot; s;I knoc;

    quot;Goodbye,quot; Bloomsbury said, and returned to trol room, locking the door behind him.

    ing, remor but no slackening in  to flog, as tric company,  to t, refused at lengto supply furt for ts, bot hey say, life.

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