Chapter 9

类别:文学名著 作者:奥修 本章:Chapter 9

    timate Freedom

    5 November 1969 am in Opera house, Bombay, India

    A feions ion of certain points I discussed in last nigalk.

    Question 1




    Of course, God is one.

    tially one too, but types.

    One is tle body w see.

    At t of deat tle body remains intact.

    tle body and the gross body.

    At time of deathe gross body dies.

    ter, ts of flesh, bones and marrow, drops, dies.

    Subsequently, tle ts, subtle feelings, subtle vibrations, subtle filaments, remains.

    tle ters a gross body for a neh.

    ers t means tle body enters.

    In t of deategrates, not tle body.

    But imate deat egrates along he gross body as well.

    the soul.

    the whole.

    this happens only once.

    It is like a drop merging into the ocean.

    to be understood.

    First, t of the soul.

    ypes of bodies -- tle -- come in contact  of tive.

    e are familiar le body, and the soul.

    Ordinary eyes are able to see the gross body.

    to see tle body.

    But t le body, is experienced only in samadhi.

    One ion attains samad is in tate of samad one experiences the divine.

    tle body, tened yogi he divine.

    God is one, but tless subtle bodies and tless gross bodies.

    tle body is t is t takes on the new physical body.

    You see many light bulbs around here.

    tricity is one, t energy is one, but it is manifesting t bulbs.

    t bodies, but their soul is one.

    Similarly, ting t in tation of two vehicles are applied.

    One is tle vele body; the gross body.

    Our experience is limited to to the physical body.

    tricted experience is the cause of all human misery and ignorance.

    But ter going beyond top at tle body.

    t;te number of souls.

    quot; But tle body ;God is one, the soul is one, Brahman is one.


    tradiction in my statements.

    o tering of t t soul ed le body.

    It means tle body t disintegrated yet.

    ts tains to timate freedom steps out of th.

    t  ever die.

    tops le body, because it is tle body t causes a neh.

    tle body is an integrated seed consisting of our ts, desires, lusts, longings, experiences, knowledge.

    trumental in taking us on our continuing journey.

    s are all annied, o go, t for o go anywhere.

    to take birth again.

    tory in the life of Ramakrishna.

    to o be a paramened one, used to be deeply troubled about one thing.

    It botly to see an enligtained samadhi -- craving food so much.

    Ramakriso become very anxious about food.

    en enter tc;s cooking today? Its getting so late!quot; Rigalk on spiritual matters  up abruptly and rusoc art looking for food.

    Feeling embarrassed, Sely c; are you doing?  must people talk on Braarting to talk about food!quot; Ramakris.

    Even rated h him.

    t;Its giving you a bad name.

    People say, tained knowledge w;

    One day  very upset and reproached him.

    Ramakrisold ;You  to food, kno I s live more terwards.


    S; do you mean?quot;

    Ramakris;All my desires and passions s are gone -- but for tely o this one desire for food.

    Its like a boat tied do rope.

    Once t rope is cut loose t o its endless journey.

    I am staying on .


    Per give muc to t time.

    But tered  it, s urned towards her.

    In a flas h.

    to terly.

    Ramakris;Dont cry.

    You wis crave for food -- your wisrue.

    quot; Exactly ter t Ramakrishna died.

    to just a little bit of desire.

    t little desire  for tinuation of his life-journey.

    it desire, tire support ceased to exist.

    tirtaras -- to only one desire.

    t of compassion, for the good and wellbeing of all mankind.

    t to live in toe begins.

    After t th.

    After t ther one nor many.

    remains after t cannot, in any ed in numbers;  even say, quot;Brahe divine is one.

    quot; to call it one is meaningless   any furthree.

    Saying one is meaningful only as long as there.

    One is significant only in text of other numbers.

    ts wo.

    te remarkable.

    t;God is not t God in terms of numbers.

    quot; Even calling tempting to count erms of numbers, which is wrong.

    But to experience t one is still a long way.

    Rigill at takes multiple forms.

    er tle body.

    Going beyond tle body, tain t  whe soul.

    I said yesterday is not contradictory, is not paradoxical.

    Question 2


    Yes it can.

    But tering anot unsuitable to reside in.

    t  in entering t body.

    Nevert is indeed possible to enter another body.

    Its no use asking, er anot even knohe body we are already in.

    can be gained by t sucering anot even knohe body we have now.

    e dont even know how we are living in our body.

    e e from us.

    In any case, tering anotific terms, it can be said t it is possible to enter anot be seen in terms of yours and mine.

    All bodies are external.

    ers a mot is actually entering a body -- a very small body, an atomic body, but entering a body nevertheless.

    t is created on t day in a motains t program in itself.

    For example, ty t ones urn gray fifty years from time of conception is  tiny little seed.

    Potentially, tains self e or black, w youll have curly hair.

    It is a tiny body, an atomic body.

    ters tomic body.

    It enters in accordance ructure of tomic body, uation tomic body is in.

    t creating suitable opportunities for superior souls to take birth.

    ever opportunities are being created are for th of inferior souls.

    It is not necessarily so t, follounity to take birth.

    Ordinary souls, opped from taking birt is very difficult to find a suitable opportunity, a  loy.

    e call ts and evil spirits.

    Very superior souls are prevented from taking birtoo, because t find suitable opportunities,  y, either.

    e call these superior souls, gods.

    In t, ts was very large whe number of gods was very small.

    In t day, ts and evil spirits ly decreased and tunity for tunity for th of evil souls has increased rapidly.

    By entering s and evil spirits, s  to see gs and evil spirits nowadays.

    One need not see them, however.

    Just look at man and you hem!

    Our belief in gods obviously declined, because o find? time y of our lives.

    If you read t doesnt seem as if talking about some imaginary gods.

    No, talking about gods hem.

    talking about gods wh.

    e  our contact   men know w gods are.

    And tire responsibility for tal system.

    tal system of ted.

    t important t ing from love, t marriages are  love.

    A marriage devoid of love does not create a spiritual bond -- a bond whe presence of love.

    A , a music necessary to give birto a great soul is not created bethe woman.

    them is merely a consequence of companionship.

    ting of souls in t t brings togeto oneness.

    C love can never be loving, can never be godlike.

    ts and evil spirits; tred, and violence.

    Even a little t bethe woman.

    Per may not o you here is such roundness, such shapeliness in women.

    t may not o you  seen in man.

    t very big really.

    t even imagine t tiny.

    t cell in tains ty-four cy-four che woman.

    iting of ty-four c cell of forty-eiged.

    ity-eigs scale containing ty-four chromosomes each, balanced.

    But t cell of a male cs of only forty-seven cy-four on one side and ty-ther.

    Riged, the harmony is broken.

    Boty of a y, try of y.

    t deficiency in ty of man.

    One side of y-four chromosomes.

    tains ty-four cs of ty-three chromosomes.

    ty-four c ty-the male body is formed.

    tless, so intensely discontented t his life.

    o do and  to do, o do t.

    All tlessness begins , he scale.

    Man is imbalanced.

    A woman is fully balanced.

    te in her.

    Suc tiful but s grow.

    An even personality does not gro remains stagnant.

    ty of man is uneven, hence you see him racing ahead, growing.

    , crosses mountains, lands on tars.


    es books, gives birto religion.

    A his kind.

    S climb Everest, land on tars; nor will se books or make discoveries in science.

    S do anything.

    ty does not fill o transcend.

    It is man ter: he lacks one chromosome.

    oman  developed civilizations because y is complete; there is no chromosome lacking.

    Sucy! I am pointing t because t a biological occurrence, because one can biologically see tle difference gives birto personalities so different in cer.

    But ther, more profound inner differences as well.

    t of tuality exists bety and prayerfulness together.

    On t ttracted to t body its place of residence.

    the human race is becoming increasingly miserable and unhappy.

    Deep doortion of tal relationshe cause.

    Until o a ate; until ualized it,  improve ture of mankind.

    In tunate state of affairs, t fuss over tion are equally responsible.

    Once topped t direction altogether.

    t right.

    I o say to you t very few people can reacion.

    A very small number of people, some special type, a feotally different kind, reacion.

    Most people reacal relationship.

    trange t even t is simple and easy to reactention  been paid to it.

    Up to nohe world.

    Religion could not evolve for t of the householder.

    been evolved for t moment of birt kind of soul ed to invite, ed to beckon, ype of soul ed to alloo enter life.

    If religion could be taugly, and if every individual could be given rig, rig and vision, y years e a totally neion of men.

    One o sex  first extending a loving invitation to the incoming soul is a sinner.

    imate even they may be born in wedlock.

    t man o terly prayerful and reverent  is a criminal -- and ions.

    Our entire future depends upon ers the womb.

    e care about cion, about t trition, but  w kind of soul a child would have.

    e cannot ter his way.

    So to er anot ered this very body of yours.

    In t, a friend has asked:

    Question 3


    e can certainly kno our past lives, but at present you kno this life.

    Kno lives is far more difficult.

    Man can, of course, kno  lives, because once someted in t is never destroyed.

    It always remains in our deep unconscious levels.

    soever we .

    If I ask you o answer.

    You mig;I dont remember anything.

    I ely no idea w I did on January 1, 1950.

    quot; But if you could be ized


    and it can be done easily.

    to ask  as if t of January  moment.

    Also you o tell me t on t of January your morning tea contained a little less sugar.

    You o say t t you tea stank ion.

    You o point out sucails -- like ting your foot.

    In tate of  out.

    I am telling you ts along this line.

    Anyone o  lives;  o regress in this life.

    o  life.

    o go as far back as t whers womb.

    Only after reac point can ep into t lives.

    Remember,  is not  reason t nature o forget our past lives.

    And t.

    Recalling t alone t lives.

    Even your recollection of t alloo survive.

    t of nature is suc it only permits as many memories as your mind can bear.

    t are to a dark abyss.

    Its like a store are no longer needed and s the door.

    Similarly, tive ed memories -- memories no longer needed in tored.

    But o enter toretingly,  understanding, antly go mad -- so overwhe memories.

    One lady used to experiment under my guidance.

    So know  lives.

    I said, quot;It is possible;  realize t lives you may become terribly .



    upset? t life is already gone.

    s to  no;


    Selligent, wise and courageous.

    Folloructions exactly, s into deep meditation.

    Sloo tered  life for t time, so me.

    Srembling all over, in tears.

    So cry bitterly and said, quot;I  to forget w I have remembered.

    I dont  to go any furto my past life.


    I said, quot;It is difficult.

    It ake time to forget o your mind.

    But w;

    S;Please dont ask me.

    I used to te, but in my previous birtitute in a temple in th.

    I was a devadasi.

    I made love housands of people.

    I sold my body.

    No, I  to forget all t.

    I dont even  to remember it for a second.


    So anyone can enter  life.

    t; t.

    test contribution to mankind made by Ma trine of nonviolence, test contribution is trine of remembering past lives.

    t on earto make it clear to seekers t until tered t lives, t be able to knohe soul is.

    And to go back into his previous life.

    So recall t life,  man altogeto see ing times before.

    he will see his foolishness.

    o see imes , imes er prestige, atus, imes raveled to Deltained ion.

    imes  once again hing.

    And eacime, in the journey has proven unsuccessful.

    And time as well.

    iter antly end, tac to position will disappear.

    to knoo kno no man isfied by a isfied by a man.

    And yet, a man still ill wonders w man.


    If all t it again -- because ed an act so many times, its ; thing becomes meaningless.

    Boted intensive experiments in jati-smaran, in recalling t lives.



    I can assure tion t aken into past life memories if he so desires.

    Before getting into t, one needs to give it very careful consideration, however.

    As it is, troubles in ones present life.

    Obviously, it is to forget all to forget  a man drinks, ches movies, plays cards, gambles.

    so o live  brave enougo face to gato recall previous lives?

    You may find it strange, but all religions of to alcohol.

    ely stupid politicians explain to t it because it destroys moral cer, ruins y, makes man violent.

    this is all nonsense.

    Religions o forget himself.

    And one o forget ed he soul.

    to knohe soul.

    ts hings.

    It o do  ticians are saying.

    trutter is


    and tion: Ordinarily, people think an alcoholic is a bad person.

    I know people w drink.

    Based on t tter t.

    ty and compassion I  seen in the non-drinkers.

    ty I  seen in t drink.

    those who drink.

    But t ted by ticians, why religion has opposed alcohol.

    t, in trying to forget o remember.

    ting  life remember  ones? And  remember  lives c one?

    Consequently, a blind repetition goes on.

    we imes before, we keep doing over and over again.

    Its an unending process.

    And until  tupidities over and over, endlessly.

    tinuous cting our actions, and tart all over again.

    e  a er wheel.

    this life samsara

    Do you know w samsara means? Samsara means a whe spokes of which keep revolving, keep moving up and down.

    I dont know ws in India ional flag.

    Per kno it.

    As on upas, on  so remind people t life is a revolving  is like an ox moving in circles at a er o whey were before.

    So t does not represent any victory march.

    It symbolizes life being defeated daily.

    It s life is a repetitive boredom, a revolving wheel.

    But eacime  t and start repeating ourselves  interest and enthusiasm.

    A man falls in love ing her.

    realize, imes he has fallen in love before, how many women he has chased before.

    And yet, once again  t is  time in his life.

    But t sort of  o imes before.

    If o come to kno, en or ty times.

    time you may enjoy it.

    If you are s day you may tolerate it.

    On t;t he movie any more.

    quot; But if you are compelled, tened -- quot;If you dont see take you aer youquot; -- and like to see teen days, on teenttempt suicide.


    You , quot;But I  for fifteen days, ?quot; And to see ter you cly forget you ever sa, t day you can be seen purcicket for t greatly.

    Eacime a man drops one body and acquires anoto the memories of his previous body closes.

    itarts once again -- t, tory.

    Once again everytimes before.

    Remembering t one comes to see t t imes before, t tory imes before, t times before.

    Nohing is beyond endurance.

    Nonattac, freedom from .

    to feel aversion tohe kind of life he now leads.

    Nonattac is created by reviving ths.

    ttac odays  t lives.

    Let me tell tion t, from my side, I am fully prepared.

    I am saying is not just tical.

    I am ready, ion, to put eaco test.

    And Ill be o see anyone who is ready.

    Yesterday, I invited to experiment h me.

    I ters saying, quot;e are very eager to begin t.

    e ing for someone to call us.

    You have beckoned us; we are ready.

    quot; I am o knohey are ready.

    My doors are open to them.

    I can take to go, and as far as to go.

    Noime t least a feo attain enlig.

    Even if a feire darkness engulfing the human race.

    You may not ed it, but  fifty years, ts of an opposite nature prevailed in India.

    One experiment ed by Gand by Aurobindo.

    Gand o raise ter of each individual.

    Gand seemed successful, but it turned out to be a total failure.

    ter  urned out to be made of clay: a slig ty years, all t wore off.

    e are all ness to it.

    tand naked in New Delhi.

    All t and color  a bit is left anywhere.

    soever Ganded on the rain.

    So long as po s, and to assure people t try to greater s.

    to be tossed into ion in try.

    So Gando be succeeding but ended as a total failure.

    Experiments similar to Ganded many times before and eacime, failed.

    Aurobindo carried out an experiment o be successful.

    succeed, but  direction.

    ing to see if it o rise so  to uplift ot to otart rising.

    Is it possible, ire spirit to be uplifted? It is not only possible, it is thing possible.


    today, man  if  will never happen.

    On trary, ter possibility is t anyone attempting to bring about suc s to change.

    It is  become corrupt like thers.

    You can see for yourselves t t out to serve turn out, in a feo be their deceivers.

    t to serve oto reform otime you find t people o reform them.

    No, t idea of c feasible.

    tory of imes wo sucs you can hardly imagine.

    ty-five  of Buddyayana, Makkta.

    In Greece, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Plotinus were born.

    Lao tzu, Confucius and Czu appeared in China.

    ty-five en or fifteen people of sucy , during touche heavens.

    A golden age seemed to he world.

    Never before he human soul so powerfully in evidence.

    Ma ts of fifty to place.

    t, tirring village after village.

    In ten t place would change.

    en t ire village, as if s began to bloom and  time.

    A fe ted.

    People only look up wo see.

    In t o see above, but to see below.

    to see below.

    today, Delely in t.

    If you look belo hell.

    s to reaco therworld, lower and lower.


    ?  greater misfortune can t t just seeing tes a deep longing in our s, suc just looking at t just looking at t;I could his.


    I could he same song.

    I could also .


    S even once occur to you t quot;I could ooquot; -- of course you need someone to look up to for sucion -- your vital energy would embark on a higher journey.

    And remember, your vital energy is al is not journeying up is journeying downward.

    tal energy is never static.

    In topping, no ing.

    tation , wher you are moving up or down.

    Every moment life is in motion.

    time  so t oto them.

    I o start a movement t t of many people -- I only need a feo experiment.

    If a o experiment and are determined to raise tire face of India can be c ty years.

    At time of ;I kept calling for a o come, but they never did.

    I am now dying a disened man.

    If only a ry.


    Vivekananda  on calling but t come.

    I  call people.

    Ill search in each and every village.

    Ill look into to make sure who he is.

    And t man o to be p.

    If only a  Everest.

    On t journey, t, try can move ahead.

    ting, o tread a pately unknoo cross a totally unced ocean, s sucs in t  possible.

    It , quot;A person   have arisen in him.


    t responsibility towards mankind.

    to come foro experience ts of consciousness, offer totally.

    All truto t are becoming falsities.

    All ts attained so far are being taken as fantasies, are becoming myths.

    One or t.

    titious cers.

    In t, in fact, one man ten a book in ed.

    s just an old play  and began to look upon as ory.

    e enact Ramleela because  before -- and so we perform Ramleela.

    A ;t t Rama  some time in t.

    quot; So Ramleela, tment of Ramas adventures, would precede Rama.

    Ramleela  a play ime, and Rama .

    Obviously, o be recognized,  be possible to believe ted before?

    to believe th higher minds.

    It refuses to accept ter.

    A man als to believe est.

    s someones superiority only  all.

    tempts to find some fault, some defect in to prove oo.

    so t someday ell everyone tered, t he no longer gives him any credence because he has discovered a blemish.

    Essentially, to find somethe person.

    If none is found, a need so a man can feel comfortable in upidity and feel he is doing fine.

    By and by, man  souls because their signs, are nowhere visible.

    one convince us t Budd? ence of C? And a be able to s Kris for long.

    e need people like Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Mahavira.

    If  produce men of suc fifty years, t to enter a very dark age.

    ture for mankind.

    t cy.

    I oo tohis clarion call.

    o put my o making ty.

    From my side I am fully prepared.

    Let us see if at time of my deato say, quot;I  find them.


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