John Donne Selected Poems-2

类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·多恩 本章:John Donne Selected Poems-2

    MARK but this,

    tle t w me is ;

    It suckd me first, and nohee,

    And in two bloods mingled be.

    t t t be said

    A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead ;

    Yet t woo,

    And pamperd swo ;

    And than we would do.

    O stay, three lives in one flea spare,

    , yea, more than married are.


    Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is.

    ts grudge, and you, ,

    And cloisterd in t.

    t to kill me,

    Let not to t self-murder added be,

    And sacrilege, three.

    Cruel and sudden,  thou since

    Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence?

    y be,

    Except in t drop hee?

    Yet triump, and sayst t thou

    Findst not the weaker now.

    tis true ; then learn how false fears be ;

    Just so muc to me,

    ill e, as took life from thee.

    I ONDER by my trot thou and I

    Did, till  ill then ?

    But suckd on country pleasures, childishly ?

    Or snorted he Seven Sleepers den ?

    t this, all pleasures fancies be ;

    If ever any beauty I did see,

    , t a dream of thee.

    And noo our waking souls,

    c one anot of fear ;

    For love all love of ots controls,

    And makes one little room an everywhere.

    Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone ;

    Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown ;

    Let us possess one world ; each one, and is one.

    My face in thine in mine appears,

    And true plain s do in t ;

    ter hemispheres

    it s declining  ?

    ever dies,  mixd equally ;

    If our thou and I

    Love so alike t none can slacken, none can die.

    GO and catcar,

    Get ,

    tell me w years are,

    Or ,

    teaco hear mermaids singing,

    Or to keep off envys stinging,

    And find


    Serves to advance an  mind.

    If t born to strange sights,

    to see,

    Ride ten ts,

    till age snow we hee,

    turnst,  tell me,

    All strange  befell thee,

    And swear,

    No where

    Lives a rue and fair.

    If t one, let me know,


    Yet do not, I  go,

    t next door we mig,

    true, w her,

    And last, till you e your letter,

    Yet she

    ill be

    False, ere I come, to three.

    NO t loved me one whole day,

    to-morro thou say ?

    ilt tedate some new-made vow ?

    Or say t now

    e are not just those persons which we were ?

    Or t oatial fear

    Of Love, and h, any may forswear ?

    Or, as true deatrue marriages untie,

    So lovers contracts, images of those,

    Bind but till sleep, deathem unloose ?

    Or, your oo justify,

    For having purposed change and falsehood, you

    Can  falseo be true ?

    Vain lunatic, against these scapes I could

    Dispute, and conquer, if I would ;

    ain to do,

    For by to-morrooo.

    I hing

    thies did ;

    And yet a braver th spring,

    o keep t hid.

    It  madness noo impart


    to cut it, can find none.

    So, if I noer this,

    Others—because no more

    Sucuff to here is—

    ould love but as before.

    But hin


    For he who color loves, and skin,

    Loves but t clothes.

    If, as I have, you also do

    Virtue in woman see,

    And dare love t, and say so too,

    And forget the he and She ;

    And if though plac鑔 so,

    From profane men you hide,


    Or, if they do, deride ;


    thies did ;

    And a braver thence will spring,

    o keep t hid.

    BUSY old fool, unruly Sun,


    tains, call on us ?

    Must to tions lovers seasons run ?

    Saucy pedantic ch, go chide

    Late scices,

    Go tell court-smen t the king will ride,

    Call country ants to  offices ;

    Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,

    Nor ime.


    think ?

    I could eclipse and cloud th a wink,

    But t I  lose  so long.

    If  blinded thine,

    Look, and to-morroe tell me,

    h Indias of spice and mine

    Be  th me.

    Ask for t yesterday,

    And t ;All ;

    Sates, and all princes I ;

    Nothing else is ;

    Princes do but play us ; compared to this,

    All h alchemy.

    t half as happy as we,

    In t tracted thus ;

    ties be

    to s done in warming us.

    So us, and t everywhere ;

    ter is, thy sphere.

    I CAN love both fair and brown ;

    s, and  betrays ;

    , and her who masks and plays ;

    ry formd, and wown ;

    ries ;

    ill h spongy eyes,

    And her who is dry cork, and never cries.

    I can love her, and her, and you, and you ;

    I can love any, so s true.

    ill no otent you ?

    ill it not serve your turn to do as did your mothers ?

    Or , and no others ?

    Or dot men are true torment you ?

    O , be not you so ;

    Let me—and do you—ty know ;

    Rob me, but bind me not, and let me go.

    Must I, ravel thorough you,

    Gro, because you are true ?

    Venus his song ;

    And by loves sest part, variety, she swore,

    S till no it should be so no more.

    S, examined, and returnd ere long,

    And said, quot;Alas ! some three

    Poor ics in love there be,

    o stablisancy.

    But I old true,

    You srue to to you. quot;

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