John Donne Selected Poems-3

类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·多恩 本章:John Donne Selected Poems-3

    FOR every  t spare me now,

    I will allow,

    Usurious god of love, ty to thee,

    h my brown my gray hairs equal be.

    till t my body range, and let

    Me travel, sojourn, snatc, ,

    Resume my last years relict ; t yet

    ed never met.

    Let me tter mine,

    And at next nine

    Keep midnigake by the way

    tell t delay ;

    Only let me love none ; no, not t

    From country grass to confitures of court,

    Or citys quelque-c not report

    My mind transport.

    this bargains good ; if when Im old, I be

    Inflamed by thee,

    If thine own honour, or my shame and pain,

    t most, at t age t gain.

    Do t and degree

    And fruit of love, Love, I submit to thee.

    Spare me till t, though she be

    One t love me.

    FOR Gods sake ongue, and let me love ;

    Or c ;

    My five gray une flout ;

    itate, your mind s improve ;

    take you a course, get you a place,

    Observe his honour, or his Grace ;

    Or tampd face

    Contemplate ; w you will, approve,

    So you  me love.

    Alas ! alas ! whos injured by my love?

    mercs ships have my sighs drownd?

    ears have overflowd his ground?

    hen did my colds a forward spring remove?

    s which my veins fill

    Add one more to the plaguy bill?

    Soldiers find  still

    Litigious men, which quarrels move,

    though she and I do love.

    Calls w you will, we are made such by love ;

    Call her fly,

    ere tapers too, and at our o die,

    And he dove.


    By us ;  ;

    So, to one neutral t.

    e die and rise the same, and prove

    Mysterious by this love.

    e can die by it, if not live by love,

    And if unfit for tomb or hearse

    Our legend be, it  for verse ;

    And if no piece of chronicle we prove,

    ell build in sonnets pretty rooms ;

    As  urn becomes

    test asombs,

    And by these hymns, all shall approve

    Us canonized for love ;

    And t;You, whom reverend love

    Made one anotage ;

    You, to w now is rage ;

    ract, and drove

    Into the glasses of your eyes ;

    So made such mirrors, and such spies,

    t to you epitomize—

    Countries, tos beg from above

    A pattern of your love.quot;

    I am two fools, I know,

    For loving, and for saying so

    In wry ;

    But   be I,

    If s deny ?

    ths inward narrow crooked lanes

    Do purge sea ers fretful salt away,

    I t, if I could draw my pains

    tion, I shem allay.

    Grief brougo numbers cannot be so fierce,

    For ames it, t fetters it in verse.

    But when I have done so,

    Some man,  and voice to show,

    Dot and sing my pain ;

    And, by delighting many, frees again

    Grief, wrain.

    to love and grief tribute of verse belongs,

    But not of sucis read.

    Both are increasèd by such songs,

    For botriumphs so are published,

    And I, hree.

    tle  fools be.

    IF yet I  all thy love,

    Dear, I s all ;

    I cannot breato move,

    Nor can intreat one otear to fall ;

    And all my treasure, whee,

    Sigears, and oatters I  ;

    Yet no more can be due to me,

    t t.

    If t of love ial,

    t some to me, some so others fall,

    Dear, I shee all.

    Or if t me all,

    All  all, hen ;

    But if in t since there be or shall

    Need be by other men,

    ocks entire, and can in tears,

    In sigters, outbid me,

    t new fears,

    For t vohee.

    And yet it  being general ;

    t, is mine ; w ever shall

    Gro all.

    Yet I  .

    h all can have no more ;

    And since my love dot

    Ne ore ;

    t not every day give me t,

    If t give it, t it ;

    Loves riddles are, t t depart,

    It stays at  it ;

    But we will have a way more liberal,

    ts, to join them ; so we shall

    Be one, and one anothers all.

    SEEtESt love, I do not go,

    For hee,

    Nor in he world can show

    A fitter love for me ;

    But since t I

    At t must part, tis best,

    to use myself in jest

    By feigned deato die.

    Yesternig hence,

    And yet is o-day ;

    h no desire nor sense,

    Nor  a way ;

    t me,

    But believe t I shall make

    Speedier journeys, since I take

    More han he.

    O how feeble is mans power,

    t if good fortune fall,

    Cannot add another hour,

    Nor a lost hour recall ;

    But come bad chance,

    And o it our strength,

    And eac art and length,

    Itself oer us to advance.

    , t not wind,

    But sig my soul away ;

    , unkindly kind,

    My lifes blood doth decay.

    It cannot be

    t t me as t,

    If in te,

    t art t of me.

    Let not t

    Forethink me any ill ;

    Destiny may take t,

    And may thy fears fulfil.

    But t we

    Are but turnd aside to sleep.

    ther keep

    Alive, neer parted be.

    I died, and, dear, I die

    As often as from thee I go,

    t be but an hour ago

    —And lovers ernity—

    I can remember yet, t I

    Sometow ;

    t me, I might be

    Mine oor, and legacy.

    I ;tell her anon,

    t myself,quot; t is you, not I,

    quot; Did kill me,quot; and w me die,

    I bid me send my , when I was gone ;

    But I alas ! could there find none ;

    s should lie,

    It killd me again, t I rue

    In life, in my last will should cozen you.

    Yet I found somet,

    But colours it, and corners had ;

    It  good, it  bad,

    It ire to none, and few  ;

    As good as could be made by art

    It seemd, and therefore for our loss be sad.

    I meant to send t  instead of mine,

    But O ! no man could , for thine.

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