John Donne Selected Poems-4

类别:文学名著 作者:约翰·多恩 本章:John Donne Selected Poems-4

    O ! DO not die, for I se

    All women so, w gone,

    t t celebrate,


    But yet t not die, I know ;

    to leave th ;

    But w go,


    Or if, w,

    It stay, tis but then ;

    t  t,

    But corrupt  men.

    O wrangling sc searc fire


    Unto to aspire,

    t t be it?

    And yet s e by this,

    Nor long bear torturing wrong,

    For more corruption needful is,

    to fuel such a fever long.

    ts but meteors be,

    ter in t ;

    ty, and all parts, whee,

    Are unc.

    Yet thee,

    t in t perséver ;

    For I her owner be

    Of than all else ever.

    tICE or thee,

    Before I knehy face or name ;

    So in a voice, so in a shapeless flame

    Angels affect us oft, and worshippd be.

    Still wo w, I came,

    Some lovely glorious nothing did I see.

    But since my soul, whose child love is,

    takes limbs of fleshing do,

    More subtle t is

    Love must not be, but take a body too ;

    And t t, and who,

    I bid Love ask, and now

    t it assume thy body, I allow,

    And fix itself in thy lip, eye, and brow.

    to ballast love I t,

    And so more steadily to have gone,


    I saw I  ;

    to work upon

    Is mucoo mucter must be sought ;

    For, nor in nothings

    Extreme, and scattering bright, can love inhere ;

    then as an angel face and wings

    Of air, not pure as it, yet pure doth wear,

    So thy love may be my loves sphere ;

    Just sucy

    As is t airs and angels purity,

    t womens love, and mens, will ever be.

    StAY, O s, and do not rise ;

    t t shine eyes ;

    t, it is my ,

    Because t you and I must part.

    Stay, or else my joys will die,

    And perisheir infancy.

    [ANOthE SAME.]

    tIS true, tis day ;  be?

    O,  therefore rise from me?

    is light?

    Did ?

    Love, we of darkness brougher,

    Se of ligogether.

    Ligongue, but is all eye ;

    If it could speak as well as spy,

    t t it could say,

    t being ay,

    And t I loved my  and honour so

    t I  from  hem, go.

    Must business thee from hence remove?

    O ! ts t disease of love,

    the false, love can

    Admit, but not the busied man.

    h do

    Such woo.

    ALL kings, and all tes,

    All glory of ies, s,

    t self, hey pass,

    Is elder by a year no was

    one another saw.

    All oto truction draw,

    Only our love h no decay ;

    to-morrow erday ;

    Running it never runs from us away,

    But truly keeps , last, everlasting day.

    t hine and my corse ;

    If one migh were no divorce.

    Alas ! as her princes, we

    —her be—

    Must leave at last in deathese eyes and ears,

    Oft fed rue oat salt tears ;

    But souls w love

    —All ots being inmates—then shall prove

    there above,

    o their graves remove.

    And t ;

    But no.


    Can be sucs be.

    ho is so safe as we? where none can do

    treason to us, except one of us two.

    true and false fears let us refrain,

    Let us love nobly, and live, and add again

    Years and years unto years, till tain

    to e the second of our reign.


    MY name engraved herein

    Dotribute my firmness to this glass,

    ch been

    As  w was ;

    t price enougo mock

    ther rock.


    tis muc glass should be

    As all-confessing, and through-shine as I ;

    tis more t it so thee,

    And clear reflects to thine eye.

    But all such rules loves magic can undo ;

    here you see me, and I am you.


    As no one point, nor dash,

    accessories to this name,

    tempests can outwash

    So simes find me the same ;

    You tireness better may fulfill,

    tern ill.


    Or if too hard and deep

    tco teach,

    It as a given deaths head keep,

    Lovers mortality to preach ;

    Or to be

    My ruinous anatomy.


    then, as all my souls be

    Emparadised in you—in whom alone

    I understand, and grow, and see—

    ters of my body, bone,

    Being still he muscle, sinew, and vein

    ile this house, will come again.


    till my return repair

    And recompact my scatterd body so,

    As all tuous powers which are

    Fixd in tars are said to flow

    Into sucers as gravèd be

    ars have supremacy.


    So since t,

    ation had,

    No door gainst t.

    As much more loving, as more sad,

    t, till I return,

    Since I die daily, daily mourn.


    e hand

    Flings open t, rembling name,

    to look on one, w or land

    Netery to t may frame,

    t thus

    In it offendst my Genius.


    And wed maid,

    Corrupted by thy lovers gold and page,

    ter at th laid,

    Disputed it, and tamed thy rage,

    And t to towards his,

    May my name step in, and hide his.


    And if treason go

    to an overt act and t te again,

    In superscribing, this name flow

    Into the pane ;

    So, in forgetting t right,

    And unao me s e.


    But glass and lines must be

    No means our firm substantial love to keep ;

    Near deats thargy,

    And this I murmur in my sleep ;

    Inpute talk, to t I go,

    For dying men talk often so.

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